Does the Greek letter chi
stand for Chicago?
Who’s in our X-files?
Am I the only alum in all of U of Chicago-dom who does not know
what “X” signifies in the identification by degree of
fellow alumni?
In the April/04 Magazine, under my year, two colleagues
are identified as AB’52 (like me), but a third is called X’52.
Was he an unknown quantity? Was he so wilted after those six-hour
comps that he couldn’t even sign his name? Does the Greek
letter chi stand for Chicago? Or does X mark the recondite spot
in the publication where that letter is explained but which I for
one have missed for a half century?
Please enlighten your reader(s), and please consider repeating
what that mark means from time to time.
Daniel Mann, AB’52
Bethesda, Maryland
When noting degrees (or the lack of degrees), we favor abbreviations;
X is short for ex-student, someone who attended the University but
didn’t complete all of his or her degree requirements.—Ed.
The University of Chicago Magazine
welcomes letters on its contents or on topics related to the University
of Chicago. Letters for publication must be signed and may be
edited for space and clarity. To ensure the widest possible range
of views and voices, we ask readers to limit their correspondence
to 300 words or less.
Please send letters to: Editor,
University of Chicago Magazine, 5801 S. Ellis Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60637. E-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.