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Two Lucky People

In October 1932, students in Jacob Viner’s graduate course in economic theory, Economics 301, found themselves seated in alphabetical order, an arrangement that put Rose Director beside Milton Friedman. Over the next six years, the two fell in love, got married, and began an intellectual partnership fueled by their interest in economics and social justice. In Two Lucky People (University of Chicago Press), Rose Director Friedman, PhB’32, and Milton Friedman, AM’33, tell their story.

The 1976 Nobel laureate in economics, Milton taught at the U of C for 31 years, leaving in 1977 to become a senior research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. Though Milton received most of the recognition, he credits Rose with helping him develop his economic and public-policy theories. Authors of countless articles and books, including the best-selling Free to Choose, the Friedmans have now written a personal account of their lives, including travel and work in France, Chile, and Japan. They also make some economic arguments, not unexpectedly calling for the deregulation of industry and private life.—P.J.A. .

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