Table of Contents
Send a Letter
Magazine Staff
Editors's Notes
Chicago Journal
Class News
Books by Alumni
For the Record
Center Stage
Ad Infinitum
Alumni Medals
Alumni Gateway
UofC Homepage

Editor Mary Ruth Yoe
Associate Editors
Charlotte Snow
Kimberly Sweet
Art Director Allen Carroll
Student Assistant Qiana Johnson, '98
Student Interns
Pamela J. Appea, '98
Matthew D. Bean , '00
Contributing Editors
John Easton, AM'77
Jamie Kalven
Joe Levine

Editorial office: The University of Chicago Magazine, 1313 E. 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637. Telephone (773) 702-2163; fax (773) 702-2166. E-mail: The Magazine is sent to all University of Chicago alumni. The University of Chicago Alumni Association has its offices at 1313 E. 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637. Telephone (773) 702-2150; fax (773) 702-2166.

Magazine Advisory Committee: Bob Levey, AB’66, chair; Julia Angwin, AB’92; Sharon L. Delman, AB’86, MBA’92; Larry Gianinno, AM’79; Bill Goldstein, AB’82; Caroline Heck, AB’71; Bill Murphy, AM’70, PhD’81; Joyce K. Newman, PhD’55; Joshua Ramo, AB’92.

The University of Chicago Magazine (ISSN-0041-9508) is published bimonthly (October, December, February, April, June, and August) by the University of Chicago in cooperation with the Alumni Association, 1313 E. 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637. Published continuously since 1907. Second-class postage paid at Chicago and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the University of Chicago Magazine, Alumni Records, 1313 E. 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637. © 1998 University of Chicago.

The College Report (pages I-XVI in the October, February, and June issues) is published for the Office of the Dean of the College and is sent to alumni of the College, parents of College students, and other friends of the College.

Table of Contents | Send a Letter | Staff | Editor's Notes | Letters | Investigations | Journal | Class News | Books | Deaths