Table of Contents
Send a Letter
Magazine Staff
Editors's Notes
Chicago Journal
Class News
Books by Alumni
For the Record
Center Stage
Ad Infinitum
Alumni Medals
Alumni Gateway
UofC Homepage

A peek at the future: Master plan calls for new construction: Coming soon to a campus dear to you: a brand-new athletic center and pool, a modern parking structure, two more undergraduate residential halls, an interdivisional research institute, and new facilities for the Graduate School of Business.

The seamy underside of Botany Pond: The Class of 1996 presented the University with one of the more original senior gifts in U of C history: Duck Island, intended to provide the ducks that swim in Botany Pond-also home to water lilies and goldfish-with a marshy resting place.

  Three new trustees at the U of C:The University's Board of Trustees recently elected new members Casey Cowell, AB'75; Karen L. Katen, AB'70, MBA'74; and Frank A. Wilczek, SB'70. Howard G. Krane, JD'57, was reelected as chair of the board for another year.
  Alumni board elects new officers, members: At its April meeting, the Alumni Association Board of Governors elected a new slate of officers and eight new board members, who began their two-year terms in July.
For the Record
Center Stage
Ad Infinitum
Table of Contents | Send a Letter | Staff | Editor's Notes | Letters | Investigations | Journal | Class News | Books | Deaths