
at 299,000 kilometers per second, electrons at the Advanced
Photon Source provide energy for 70 X-ray beams that
are lighting the way for unprecedented research.
In the University
of Chicago’s backyard, in what was once an empty field at Argonne
National Laboratory in DuPage County, sits one of the world’s most
powerful research instruments, the Advanced Photon Source (APS).
Six years and nearly $1 billion in the making when it opened in
1996, the Advanced Photon Source—managed by Argonne, which in turn
the University of Chicago manages for the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE)—is essentially a very intense X-ray machine.
Highly focused
and extremely bright, the X-ray beams produced at the APS are a
trillion times more brilliant than the first X-rays produced 100
years ago. They depict structures in far greater detail and much
faster than previously possible, doing in microseconds what once
would have taken days. The brilliance of the APS beams allows scientists
to examine tiny samples that could not have been seen with earlier
X-rays. Produced in short bursts lasting only 60 billionths of a
second, they also let researchers observe physical, chemical, and
biological processes that occur extremely quickly.
Because the
APS X-rays are among the most powerful and widely applicable research
tools available, scientists conducting experiments there expect
to change the face of technology in areas from medicine to manufacturing,
agriculture to the chemical industry. When the APS—by far the most
powerful photon source in the U.S.—becomes fully operational, more
than 4,000 researchers from the U.S. and abroad will be able to
harness its power through 70 separate beamlines.
are engaged in a collective and dynamic enterprise with the potential
to see and understand the structures of the most complex materials
that nature or man can produce—and that underlie virtually all our
modern technologies,” wrote David Moncton, the Argonne associate
laboratory director in charge of building the APS, in his introduction
to an APS brochure. “From this primordial soup of scientists exchanging
ideas and information come the collaborative and interdisciplinary
accomplishments that no individual alone could produce.”
One of more
than 40 photon sources in operation worldwide, the 7 GeV (7 billion
electron-volts) APS is matched only by Japan’s 8 GeV Super Photon
Ring (SPring-8) and the 6 GeV European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
(ESRF) in France. In the U. S., the DOE has three other synchrotron
radiation facilities besides the APS, and a handful of universities
have their own. Like the SPring-8 and the ESRF, the APS is called
a third-generation source because it’s designed to accommodate advanced
equipment that provides more brilliant beams.
“A decade ago,
we set out to design and construct what we hoped would be the most
powerful, versatile, and user-friendly machine that was technically
possible,” says Moncton. “I hoped that achievement would be second
only to its scientific output over the next decade, and everything
that we’ve seen in the first year or so would lead us to believe
that will be the case. The quality of the early work is extraordinary.”
A November
1997 report by the advisory committee to the DOE’s Office of Basic
Energy Sciences agreed: “[The APS] will be the premier hard X-ray
facility in the U.S. and indeed the world for the foreseeable future.”
The APS can
be applied in virtually every scientific field to solve real-world
problems as well as conduct basic research. Geologists are looking
at samples of the earth’s crust to see how it was formed. Biologists
hope to use the APS to understand the shapes of biomolecules, such
as viruses, and thus control their function. Materials scientists
can study the formation of superconducting ceramics—which could
be the equivalent of a silicon chip to the communications, space,
and auto industries—and develop “soft” materials such as lubricants,
paints, and food additives. In chemistry, manufacturing, physics,
and medicine, researchers can use the APS to try to design artificial
photosynthetic systems; mass produce micro-electromechanical devices;
create new kinds of atomic ions; and improve the speed, clarity,
and safety of medical diagnostic tools. And that’s just a sampling.
So far, much
of the APS researchers’ time during the past two years has been
devoted to perfecting beamlines and to building instruments, but
many studies are already under way. Currently, 20 of the 35 research
sectors at APS are up, with some 1,200 scientists at work, and two
more sectors beginning to construct experiment stations. Collaborative
access teams, or CATs, operate one or more sectors. Each of the
15 current CATs is made up of dozens of researchers from different
universities, national laboratories, and corporations responsible
for designing, building, funding, and operating experimental stations
at the APS. The Biophysics CAT, managed by the Illinois Institute
of Technology, is looking at insect flight muscle patterns and the
structure of metalloproteins. At the DuPont–Northwestern–Dow CAT,
scientists concentrate on the atomic structures of surfaces, interfaces,
and thin films, plus polymer science and technology. The IBM–McGill–MIT
CAT focuses on dynamic phenomena in materials science and condensed
matter physics.
The Consortium
for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS), the University of Chicago
CAT, was one of the first to begin work and this past October held
a grand opening ceremony with speakers, tours, and a dedication.
CARS stands out among the APS teams because of its size and interdisciplinary
nature. With biochemistry and molecular biology professor Keith
Moffat as executive director, CARS brings together more than 140
investigators from the U of C, Northern Illinois University, Southern
Illinois University, the Australian Nuclear Science & Technology
Organization, and other institutions across the U.S. to study biological
and chemical materials and to do research in geophysical science.
Moffat likens
the APS to a scientific mecca: “There’s a certain advantage to being
Mecca. We have all the experts in how to design and use the experiments.
Everyone comes to us, and it means Chicagoland is the place to go
in the United States and the world to do these kinds of experiments.”
The microexplorations
take place in a macro building that’s played cameo roles in the
recent pseudoscientific films Chain Reaction and Mercury
Rising. Seen from above, the APS structure resembles a gigantic
concrete doughnut. Just over one kilometer in circumference, the
building is large enough to encompass Wrigley Field. The researchers’
preferred form of indoor transportation is oversized tricycles.
The heart and
possibly the soul of any photon source is its central storage ring,
where the X-rays are created. First, pulsing streams of electrons
are ejected from an electron gun into a linear accelerator that
raises their energy level. The electrons are injected into a synchrotron
booster and then into the central storage ring, which isn’t a perfect
circle but rather a set of curves connected by straight sections.
Essentially a huge vacuum pipe, the storage ring is emptied as completely
as possible: As little as one atom out of every trillion present
in normal atmosphere remains. Maintaining a constant intensity X-ray
beam requires that the electrons travel without striking even something
as small as a gas molecule.
Next, 45 five-meter-long
“bending” magnets tease the electrons around the ring’s curves at
nearly the speed of light, with the particles traveling the 1,104-meter
circuit more than 271,000 times every second. It’s like automobile
tires squealing as kinetic energy gets converted to sound on a curve
taken too fast: The electromagnetic field synchronizes and accelerates
the electrons, making them “squeal” around the ring as kinetic energy
gets converted to light energy—beams in the form of high-energy
X-ray photons.
storage rings differ from their predecessors by having two additional
kinds of magnets, undulators and wigglers. Undulators maximize brilliance—a
measure of the intensity and directionality of an X-ray beam—while
wigglers increase flux—the number of photons per second passing
through a defined area. Undulator magnets produce very brilliant
radiation at a particular, tunable wavelength, while wiggler magnets
produce a highly directional beam with a wide range of wavelengths—like
the white light from a lightbulb. Undulators are useful for almost
all kinds of experiments; wigglers are used for only very specialized
experiments, such as studying the interaction of polarized light
with magnetic materials. Because they are inserted in the straight
sections of the storage ring, between the bending magnets, undulator
and wiggler magnets are called insertion devices.
The experiment
sectors, which are positioned along lines tangent to the storage
ring, each receive two X-ray beamlines, one from an insertion device
and one from one of 35 additional bending magnets that produce radiation
covering a broad, nearly continuous spectrum. Each group of researchers
uses the same basic techniques—X-ray imaging, X-ray scattering,
X-ray spectroscopy, and time-resolved X-ray studies—to explore a
diverse array of mysteries they hope soon to unravel.
at CARS are using the power of the APS’s X-ray beams to reveal the
makeup of moon rocks and to take pictures of molecules in action—possibly
helping to build a better battery and other practical products.
CARS fills three APS sectors: GeoSoilEnviroCARS, which does geophysical
sciences, plus soil and environmental research; BioCARS, devoted
to the study of biological materials; and ChemMatCARS, still in
the design phase, which will study the structure and properties
of chemicals and materials.
Stationed at
sector 13, GeoSoilEnviroCARS researches the composition, structure,
and properties of earth and planetary materials, the processes that
produce them, and the processes they control. Right now, two main
instruments are operational: an energy-dispersive diamond anvil
cell with laser heating and a microprobe capable of fluorescence
analysis, spectroscopy, and microtomography.
With the high-pressure
diamond anvil cell, researchers hope to better understand the structure
of the earth’s core. By using the diamond anvil cell to squeeze
a sample such as iron under the same intense pressures found at
the earth’s center, they intend to discover the core’s composition
and properties. “There must be some light elements in the core,”
speculates Mark Rivers, CARS associate director and senior research
associate in geophysical sciences. “But exactly how much of those
light elements there has to be and what they are—oxygen, sulfur,
or something else—isn’t known.”
The high-energy
X-rays produced by the APS penetrate the diamond anvil cell, then
scatter from the small sample of material held within the cell,
revealing the sample’s atomic structure at earth-core pressures.
The diamond anvil cell also lets scientists study the transition
from solid to liquid at the earth’s outer core. To try to calculate
the melting point of iron at these high pressures, researchers use
a special laser to heat minute samples in the diamond anvil cell,
then view the reaction with the X-ray beam.
With the microprobe,
scientists are measuring trace element compositions to study soil
contamination. The brilliance of the APS beamlines lets GSECARS
researchers focus on a spot as small as 1 micron across, about one-hundredth
the width of a human hair. In these tiny spots, concentrations of
elements as low as 10 to 100 parts per billion can be measured.
Such exquisite sensitivity should be useful, Rivers says, in figuring
out how to remedy soil contamination: Such soil can be studied,
treated, and then re-examined to see how well a particular clean-up
method works.
The microprobe
also lets researchers search for clues to cosmic history by studying
the composition of meteorites, moon rocks, and interplanetary dust
from Earth’s upper atmosphere. “The ultimate goal,” says Steve Sutton,
CARS associate director and senior research associate in geophysical
sciences, “is to find out what the conditions were during the formation
of the solar system. Were there gradients of temperature and composition?
How has the material been processed since that time?” Looking for
more clues, the NASA spacecraft Stardust, scheduled for launch in
1999, will make the first sample-return mission to a comet; GSECARS
scientists plan to analyze the cometary dust it collects when the
spacecraft returns to Earth in 2006.
Around the
bend in sector 14, the BioCARS scientists are looking inward rather
than outward. The focus here is on crystallographic studies of enzymes,
hormones, viruses, proteins, ribosomes, and other macromolecular
complexes. By understanding the structure of these complexes, scientists
will be able to comprehend—and perhaps even control—bio-logical
processes; for instance, how proteins transport oxygen in the blood
or build muscles. Groups from around the world are already heading
to the BioCARS facilities to conduct such investigations, which
could lead to medical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological breakthroughs—maybe
designing a drug to block the active sites of all common cold viruses
or improving an enzyme’s ability to clean up sites contaminated
by oil or industrial waste.
But the true
mission of BioCARS is to do groundbreaking science, while letting
other researchers use the BioCARS facilities to study more specific
problems. “It’s extremely important for BioCARS to conduct frontier
research,” says Keith Moffat, the principal investigator of BioCARS,
“to do the experiments that are very difficult, as distinct from
experiments that apply today’s techniques very effectively.”
Most of the
BioCARS work is done by X-ray crystallography, in which billions
of closely packed copies of a protein diffract X-rays, allowing
scientists to discern a macromolecule’s structure by the observed
X-ray intensity. For the technique, molecules must be crystallized.
BioCARS researchers
are pushing the frontiers of crystallography to examine dynamic
phenomena that happen very rapidly, in addition to looking at larger
macromolecular structures and tinier crystals. With the high-power,
pulsed APS beams, X-ray exposure times have dropped significantly—which
means researchers can take “stills” of the most minute changes during
a biological or chemical process.
“We can record
structures now with nanosecond time resolution, which is extremely
important, because lots of things in chemistry and biology happen
very quickly,” Moffat says. “When we began this work, we were lucky
if we got time resolution of seconds.” So far, APS researchers have
done this kind of time-resolved crystallography on myoglobin, hemoglobin,
and photoactive yellow protein.
When it comes
to viruses, BioCARS is the place to do research—it’s home to one
of only two synchrotron-based biosafety level three centers in the
world, able to handle bacterial, fungal, and viral agents such as
salmonella, all forms of hepatitis, rabies, yellow fever, or equine
encephalitis. Some of the BioCARS researchers are examining proteins
contained in the HIV virus, though nobody has been able to crystallize
the entire virus. This past fall, John E. Johnson of the Scripps
Research Institute used data collected at BioCARS to make a complete
tracing of all capsid proteins contained in the Hong Kong 97 virus
that contaminated Hong Kong’s poultry population in 1997, necessitating
that every chicken in the country be killed.
With the BioCARS
facilities at the APS, notes Wilfried Schildkamp, CARS associate
director and senior research associate in the biochemistry and molecular
biology department, scientists can now examine viruses three times
as large and 30 times as complex as those that could be studied
ten years ago. And with a technique called multiple wavelength anomalous
dispersion phasing—which involves measuring the same protein at
different wavelengths—scientists can determine a protein’s structure
much more easily.
that typically took years to solve now take less than a month,”
says Schildkamp. “With this technique—and an optimized beamline—you
can crack nearly every structure there is.”
have equally ambitious plans for the youngest CARS sector, ChemMatCARS,
in station 15, hoping to conduct their first experiments by January
1999 and to be fully operational one year later. The chemical and
materials research conducted there is expected to make major contributions
to the understanding of surfaces, polymers, thin layers, and interfaces—the
stuff of such modern in- dispensables as data storage, adhesives,
and batteries. Construction has already begun on the sector’s three
experiment stations.
The first,
the chemical crystallography station, will be devoted to a very
high-resolution study of the structure of chemical crystals. For
example, scientists will examine small-molecule crystals—like those
found in superconducting ceramics—to learn how the contours of the
electrons reflect different types of bonding and how bonding changes
as the system is perturbed by light or electric and magnetic fields.
At the surface
science station, researchers will look at the dynamics and properties
of soft surfaces and liquids. In liquid-surface scattering experiments,
researchers will focus on the structures at the interfaces between
different liquids (the boundary between oil and water, for example),
liquids and solids, and liquids and gases. Little is known about
what happens at these interfaces, although many important processes—including
electrochemistry and corrosion—occur there. A better understanding
of these processes could lead to such developments as new battery
The third station
will use small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering to study the internal
structures of materials like polymers and composites. Scientists
will reexamine both the atomic scale and mesoscale structure of
polymer-based surfaces, filaments, and strands. Able to see the
atomic and molecular building blocks of such structures in much
greater detail than ever before, scientists can learn how structures
arrange themselves to form new polymeric materials.
“The APS is
a source with a very tiny cross-section and a gazillion photons
coming through. In addition, it’s tunable to different wavelengths
and very well-defined,” says Stuart Rice, the Frank P. Hixon distinguished
service professor in the James Franck Institute, the chemistry department,
and the College, and ChemMatCARS principal investigator. “We’ll
be limited only by our imagination in the types of experiments we
can conduct.”
David Moncton
agrees with Rice, commenting that the APS pushes what’s possible
so far beyond the previous threshold that the science being done
there is “revolutionary.” Right now, he says, “there’s a prodigious
supply of data being generated, that has been generated over the
last year,” adding that “there’s a huge range of experiments now
that have demonstrated the promise of this machine in quite tangible
scientific terms.” A number of these “cameo” experiments have already
yielded publications: By the end of a decade, he predicts, the aggregate
impact of the work being done at the APS will be evident.
For Moncton,
the Advanced Photon Source represents only the latest, far from
final, step in X-ray technology. He envisions an X-ray “laser” in
which all of the X-ray photons are not only all moving in the same
direction but also have a single wavelength and pulse at speeds
a thousand times faster than the APS. Such a tool might make possible
holographic imaging of the atomic structure of single atoms, or
stop-action photography of the transfer of electrons during photosynthesis—one
of nature’s fastest processes.
notes Moncton, aren’t waiting for the APS honeymoon to end before
moving on to the next new thing: At Argonne, preliminary steps in
developing a fourth-generation light source are already under way.