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Sponsored students

Funded by proceeds from the U of C credit card, 12 students recently became the inaugural group of Alumni Association Scholars. Eight undergraduates, two from each College class, were chosen for scholarships, as well as two Graduate School of Business students, one Harris School of Public Policy Studies student, and one student in the Social Sciences Division.

Appealing appellations

Sander Gilman, chair of the Germanic studies department, has been named the Henry R. Luce distinguished service professor of the liberal arts in human biology. On the other side of campus, Harvey Golomb, AB’64, chair of the medicine department, has been named the Lowell T. Coggeshall professor in medical science.

Lawful knowledge

Law School professor Cass Sunstein has founded a new research center, the Center on Civil Justice, to study how law is actually practiced in the United States. A future topic might be which cases receive the highest damage awards and why.

Presidential election

Ralph Muller, president and CEO of the University of Chicago Hospitals & Health System, has been chosen chair-elect of the Association of American Medical Colleges. His term as chair will begin in November 1999. The AAMC represents 141 accredited U.S. and Canadian medical schools and 400 major teaching hospitals.

Medical Bell-wether

The National Academy of Sciences has elected Graeme Bell, a professor in the departments of biochemistry and molecular biology, medicine, and human genetics, to its Institute of Medicine.

A new, green, graduate program

Harris School professor Don Coursey and geophysical sciences professor John Frederick teamed up to found a new two-year professional program leading to a master of science degree in environmental science and policy. The program is a joint effort of the Harris School and the Physical Sciences Division.

Striking a chord

William Neil, formerly with the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C., has joined Rockefeller Chapel as the new organist. Neil has also performed with the Washington Chamber Symphony, the Choral Arts Society of Washington, and the Oratorio Society of Washington, and was the organist and choirmaster at Washington Street Methodist Church.

Growing room

This October, the Law School completed and dedicated the Arthur Kane Center for Clinical Legal Education. One month later, the Biopsychological Sciences Building was dedicated. Next up: A winter groundbreaking is scheduled for a new building for the University of Chicago Press.

Diplomatic ties

Zdenek Hruban, professor emeritus in pathology, was recently awarded the Medal of Merit of the First Degree by Vaclav Havel, president of the Czech Republic. The state decoration honors his “lifetime efforts in the promotion of Czech-American relations.”

Radiant rise

Ruth Ramsey, radiology professor and section chief of neuroradiology, has been elected vice president of the American College of Radiology. She has been one of the college’s chancellors since 1993.

A trio of fellows

The American Association for the Advancement of Science elected three U of C faculty members as fellows: Donald Rowley, professor emeritus of pathology; Janet Davison Rowley, PhB’45, SB’46, MD’48, professor of medicine and of molecular genetics and cell biology; and chemistry professor William Wulff.

In case you were wondering…

U.S. News & World Report ranked the U of C 14th in its 1998 survey of national universities. Chicago maintained its position from the year before, tying with Johns Hopkins.

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