
Horace R.
Byers, a meteorology professor at the U of C for 25 years, died
May 22 in Santa Barbara, CA. He was 92. Byers established Chicago’s
meteorology department, where he taught from 1940 to 1965. In 1947,
he directed the federal Thunderstorm Project. Byers was later dean
of the College of Geosciences and a distinguished professor of meteorology
at Texas A & M University. Author of a standard mete- orology text
and a past president of the American Meteorology Society, he is
survived by his wife, Frances; a daughter; a brother; and three
Floyd J.
(“Jerry”) Gould, SB’58, PhD’67, professor emeritus of applied
mathematics and management science at the Graduate School of Business,
died May 12 in Rancho Santa Fe, CA. He was 62. A faculty member
in 1967–1968 and from 1972 until 1993, Gould researched nonlinear
programming, production, and inventory. His 1984 text, Introductory
Management Science, written with GSB professor Gary Eppen, changed
how management science is taught. Gould also helped found the Investment
Research Company, an equity investment advisory firm, serving as
chair until his death. He is survived by his wife, Karen; two sons;
and two stepsons, including Matteo G. Levisetti, AB’90, MD’96.
Cyril O.
Houle, PhD’40, a retired professor of education and expert on
adult education, died May 6 in Sarasota, FL. He was 85. From 1939
to 1978, Houle taught at the U of C and served as the dean of University
College. He published 14 books, 21 monographs, and more than 145
papers on education, receiving 11 honorary doctorates. Houle is
survived by his wife, Bettie Eckhardt Houle, PhD’53; his
son; and a grandson.
W. Allen
Wallis, X’35, former dean of the Graduate School of Business
and a presidential adviser, died October 12 in Rochester, NY. He
was 85. Wallis taught at Yale, Columbia, and Stanford before joining
the U of C faculty in 1946. Dean of the GSB from 1956 through 1962,
he helped develop “the Chicago Ap- proach,” which focused on teaching
the underlying theories and principles of business, rather than
presenting case studies. From 1959 to 1961, Wallis was special assistant
to President Eisenhower. Under Presidents Nixon and Ford, he chaired
the President’s Commission on Federal Statistics and the Advisory
Council on Social Security. He also chaired the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting in 1977 and 1978 and was editor of the Journal
of the American Statistical Association. Wallis was named president
and chief of the University of Rochester in 1962; he later served
as Rochester’s chancellor, retiring in 1982. He is survived by two
daughters and three grandchildren.
Allen P.
Wikgren, AB’28, AM’29, PhD’32, a Divinity School professor emeritus,
died May 7 in Conover, WI, at age 91. An ordained Baptist minister,
Wikgren was a longtime member of the Committee for a Revised Standard
Version of the Bible. He also created the religion department at
the University of Ghana. At Chicago, he led the department of New
Testament and early Christian literature from 1953 to 1972. Survivors
include a brother, Arthur; two sons; and five grandchildren.
T. Jung, PhD’25, a retired Northwestern University Medical School
professor, died July 3 in Evanston, IL. He was 100. A WWI Army veteran,
he also served in the Army Medical Corps during WWII. Jung wrote
40 papers on physiology, as well as numerous medical articles. He
taught physiology and pharmacology at Northwestern for 20 years,
later working as an editor at the Journal of the American Medical
Association, from which he retired in 1963. Among survivors are
his son, Paul, and three granddaughters.
David W.
Stotter, X’25, a retired advertising executive, died May 20
in Chicago. He was 94. Stotter helped design a campaign for Frigidaire
refrigerators. Creative director at Lord & Thomas, he was later
senior vice president at MacFarland, Aveyard & Co. and president
of Drewry’s Ltd., a South Bend, IN, brewery. A longtime subscriber
to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Stotter endowed the David W.
and Lucille G. Stotter principal second-chair violin at the Civic
Orchestra, the orchestra’s first and only endowed chair. He founded
Congregation Solelin in Highland Park. Survivors include a son,
Michael, and a sister.
Leon Werch,
PhB’32, the first mayor of the village of Woodridge, IL, died May
3. He was 86. Werch’s organizational skills helped found Woodridge
in rural DuPage County in 1959. He served two terms as Woodridge’s
mayor. Werch, who taught at Chicago City Colleges, developed training
programs for the U.S. Army and the Internal Revenue Service. Survivors
include two daughters.
Edwin B.
Main, PhB’34, AM’38, died March 1 in Decatur, IL. He was 85.
Main was a professor of sociology at Chicago’s American School of
Correspondence until retiring in 1977. Survivors include his sister,
Phyllis E. Scwandt.
Sidney R.
Lash, SB’37, MD’39, a gynecologist and obstetrician, died April
11 in Chicago at age 82. A WWII veteran, Lash worked for more than
50 years at Chicago’s Michael Reese Hospital, where he delivered
more than 5,000 babies. Along with an uncle, he created the Lash
surgical procedure to help prevent premature births. Survivors include
his wife, Evelyn Chertow Lash, AB’37; three sons; a daughter;
and four grandchildren.
C. Spencer, MD’43, a dermatologist, died March 19 in Port St.
Lucie, FL. He was 84. Spencer ran a private practice in Danville,
IL. He also worked as an industrial physician for the Dodge Chicago
plant, established the Illinois State Medical Society’s section
of dermatology, and was recognized by the American Academy of Dermatology
for research on depigmenting agents. Survivors include his wife,
Jane; four daughters; five sons; 11 grandchildren; and a sister,
Jean Spencer, MD’50.
Edgar W.
Trout Jr., AB’39, AM’40, a former high-school teacher, died
May 17 in Arlington Heights, IL. He was 81. A WWII veteran, Trout
taught history, sociology, geography, and economics at Fremd High
School in Palatine, IL, serving as the school’s senior chair of
social sciences. He retired in 1978. Survivors include his wife,
Jeanne; a son; and a sister.
Wilbur H.
Boutell, AB’40, a Michigan businessman, died June 5 in Palm
Beach, FL. He was 79. During WWII, Boutell commanded a minesweeper
in the South Pacific. The owner and president of F. J. Boutell Driveaway
Co. until 1982, he was active in local civic organizations and was
a past chair of the regional and state Republican finance committees.
Survivors include his wife, Anne; three daughters; two stepchildren;
and five grandchildren.
Mary E.
Grenander, AB’40, AM’41, PhD’48, a professor emerita of English
at SUNY–Albany, died May 28 in East Berne, NY. She was 79. A professor
for 41 years, Grenander gave more than $1 million to SUNY–Albany,
establishing a professorship in memory of her husband, physicist
James W. Corbett. The author of many books and articles and an expert
on writer Ambrose Bierce, Grenander was a former Fulbright fellow.
She is survived by two sisters.
Frank L.
Martin, PhD’41, a retired meteorology professor, died April
2 in Monterey, CA. He was 82. For 30 years, Martin taught at the
Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey. In 1969, he spent a sabbatical
as a NASA researcher. A member of the American Meteorological Society,
Martin coauthored a textbook on dynamical and physical meteorology.
Survivors include his wife, Catherine; three sons; a daughter; and
ten grandchildren.
Louis J.
Gordy, AM’46, a former teacher in the Chicago Public School
systems, died February 18. He was 90. Survivors include his wife,
Gertrude; two sons; and three grandchildren.
Donald M.
Hawkins, AB’46, JD’47, a longtime partner in the Toledo, OH,
law firm Fuller & Henry, died January 1 in Atherton, CA. He was
76. A WWII veteran, Hawkins was a former president of Goodwill Industries
of Northwest Ohio, Inc., and active in the local Methodist church.
He worked in corporate tax law at Fuller & Henry for more than 50
years. Among survivors are his wife, Lucille; three daughters; a
son; a brother; and ten grandchildren.
Fred V.
Gwyer, PhB’48, SB’50, MD’52, a psychiatrist, died March 17 in
New London, CT. He was 78. A WWII veteran, he had a private practice,
working with children, adolescents, and parents, and was the senior
attending staff doctor at Riveredge Hospital in Forest Park, IL,
from 1966 until his 1987 retirement. During his career, he held
a number of teaching and hospital appointments. Survivors include
his sister, Leonora B. Gwyer.
Gay Secor
Hardy, AB’48, Michigan’s first female solicitor general, died
March 6 in Ann Arbor. She was 69. Hardy spent much of her career
in the state attorney general’s office, starting by handling liquor
control violations, and rising to solicitor general in 1990. That
same year, she received the 1990 YWCA Diana Award, recognizing her
professional and volunteer accomplishments. Survivors include two
daughters, Jacqueline Hardy Grober, AB’83, and Lisa Hardy.
Thomas J.
O’Donnell, PhB’48, founder of a manufacturer’s representative
business that he managed for 30 years, died February 6. He was 76.
O’Donnell is survived by his wife, Helen De Young O’Donnell,
SB’44; two sons; three daughters; and ten grandchildren.
Helen Baer
Graham, X’49, died of lung cancer May 23 in Evanston, IL. She
was 68. Graham, an artist, a longtime member of the Palette and
Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, and an Evanston Hospital volunteer
for 20 years, was known as the “Gingerbread Lady.” Her annual holiday
cookie bake produced thousands of cookies for friends, family, and
neighbors. Survivors include her husband, Ira E. Graham,
MBA’74; a son; a daughter; a brother; and three grandchildren.
C. Reitzes, AM’41, PhD’50, a professor emeritus of sociology
at Chicago’s Roosevelt University, died May 22 in Atlanta. He was
81. A WWII veteran, Reitzes worked on a study chronicling the Army’s
record of dealing with freed felons during war. He also researched
the rehabilitation of convicts and was deputy director of the Chicago
Commission on Youth Welfare. For 17 years, he chaired the sociology
and anthropology departments at Roosevelt. Survivors include his
wife, Hilde; a son; two daughters; and seven grandchildren.
Eugene Aserinsky,
PhD’53, a pioneer in the field of sleep studies, died July 22 at
age 77. He lived in Escondido, CA. His Ph.D. thesis, “Eye Move-
ments During Sleep,” introduced his discovery of rapid eye movement,
or R.E.M. Aserinsky taught at Jefferson Medical College, Marshall
University Medical School, and West Virginia University. He is survived
by his wife, Angela; a son; two daughters; and three grandchildren.
A. Allen, PhD’55, a professor emeritus of political science
at the University of Massachusetts–Amherst, died Febuary 27. He
joined the faculty of the university in 1952 and for two decades
was a key participant in residential undergraduate education on
the campus. A scholar of international relations, he had a special
knowledge of French politics. Allen also worked for a liberal Vietnamese
political solution. He wrote on urban planning and actively participated
in politics in his adopted city, Montréal, Quebec, where he retired.
Survivors include a sister, Carlene Allen Raper, SB’46, SM’47.
Bruce R.
Colby, AB’55, MBA’60, a financial expert, died April 25 in Washington,
DC. He was 63. In 1982, Colby founded his own management firm, Marquette
Capital Management, after holding financial-analyst posts with Delaware’s
Delfi Capital Management, the Baltimore-based Mercantile Safe Deposit,
and the trust department at Detroit’s City National Bank. At Marquette,
he managed the pension funds of the Detroit police and firefighters
and workers for the city of Detroit. Colby is survived by his wife,
Lestina Larsen Colby, AB’58; two sons, including Charles
C. Colby II, JD’91; a daughter; and a grandson.
Grace L.
Alke, AM’58, a kindergarten teacher, died June 17 in Chicago
at age 77. A teacher at Volta Elementary School on the North Side
for 35 years, Alke began a tutoring program that brought parents
into the classroom. A Francophile, Alke took French classes at Truman
College for 20 years. Survivors include a brother, Fred, and a sister,
Joshua Fein,
AB’73, a social-services professional and founder of a Unitarian
Universalist Church, died June 14 of cancer. He was 46. Helping
the mentally retarded and others in need throughout his life, Fein
was director of mental retardation services for a Massachusetts
state district office, executive director of Koinonia Homes in Cleveland,
a research associate for the Institute for Disabilities at Temple
University, and executive director of People’s Place in Milford,
DE. He also helped found the first Unitarian Universalist church
in southern Delaware. Fein is survived by his wife, Sheryl; three
daughters; his mother, Edith Schneiderman Fein, PhB’47, AM’49;
two sisters, Ann B. Slater, AM’77, AM’80, and Lisa Fein
Siegel, AB’79; and a brother, Jeremy B. Fein, AB’83.
E. Mitchell, Jr., MBA’76, died April 10 in Chicago of cancer.
He was 63. A former director of equal employment opportunities for
Zenith Electronics Corp. and executive director of the Federal Talent
Assistance Program, Mitchell helped advise many minority-owned businesses.
In 1990, Mitchell joined the Chicago Transit Authority as general
manager of real estate, a post he held until his death. Survivors
include his wife, Jackie; two sons; three daughters; three grandchildren;
and a sister.
E. Flanagan, AB’83, died February 14 in Chicago at age 36. He
was a 1990 graduate of Harvard Law School. Survivors include his
son, Francis Michael; his former wife, Joanna Sears Flanagan,
AB’83; his father; and six sisters and brothers.