George W. Platzman, SB’40, PhD’48, A Catalogue of Early
Printed Editions of the Works of Frédéric Chopin in the University
of Chicago Library (University of Chicago Library). Platzman
gives detailed bibliographical descriptions of 288 items from the
Library’s Chopin collection.
Peter H. Selz, AM’49, PhD’54, Beyond the Mainstream (Cambridge
University Press). This selection of 25 essays examines the art
and lives of 20th-century American and European artists. Selz also
looks at the relationship between mainstream and marginal art.
Judith A. Testa, AM’67, PhD’83, Rome is Love Spelled
Backward: Enjoying Art and Architecture in the Eternal City
(Northern Illinois University Press). Testa explores Rome’s famous
and forgotten treasures of art and architecture, as well as their
artists and patrons.
Dominique H. Vasseur, AM’76, The Soul Unbound: The Photographs
of Jane Reece (The Dayton Art Institute). This catalog accompanied
the Dayton Art Institute’s 1997 exhibition of work by pictorialist
photographer Jane Reece. It examines the artist’s life (1868–1961)
and work, also introducing some largely unknown works from earlier
in her career.
Richard A. Hauptmann, MBA’81, The Work of Jack Williamson:
An Annotated Bibliography and Guide (NESFA Press). Hauptmann
presents the publishing career of science fiction writer Jack Williamson,
including listings of Williamson’s fiction and nonfiction, plus
secondary sources and biographical data about the author.
Robert L. Inchausti, PhD’81, Thomas Merton’s American
Prophecy (SUNY Press). Inchausti reflects on Merton’s religious
and antimodernist perspectives on consumer society and, more broadly,
interprets Merton’s contributions to American thought.
Frank A. Sanello, AB’74, A Rocky Life: The Story of Sylvester
Stallone (Mainstream Press). Through personal interviews with
Stallone, his family and friends, Sanello offers an insider’s view
of the actor’s dramatic life story.
Richard M. Levich, AB’71, MBA’71, PhD’77, International
Financial Markets: Prices and Policies (Irwin/McGraw-Hill).
Covering trade and investment on the global scale, this book focuses
on two lines of inquiry: first, the economic determinants of prices,
price changes, and price relationships in the financial markets,
and second, the policy issues that confront private enterprises
and public policymakers.
Robert J. Shapiro, AB’70; Gary Burtless; Robert Z. Larence;
and Robert E. Litan, Globaphobia: Confronting Fears About Open
Trade (Brookings Institution Press). The authors scrutinize
current critiques of open trade and globalization, present the economic
evidence favoring open trade, and propose policy responses to the
costs of globalization.
Harriet L. Murav, AB’76, AM’77, Russia’s Legal Fictions
(University of Michigan Press). Murav examines the trials of 19th-
and 20th-century Russian writers and the problems of law, narrative,
and authority in their works.
Harry Ruja, AM’34, editor and annotator, Mortals and Others,
two volumes (Routledge). This collection of 150 short essays by
Bertrand Russell provides an introduction to the British philosopher’s
thought, discussing topics both serious and comical.
Barry M. Franklin, MAT’69, When Children Don’t Learn: Student
Failure and the Culture of Teaching (Teachers College Press). This
collection of eight essays examines the negative impacts of race,
class, and disability on students. It also reviews how teachers
maintain a sense of professional efficacy when students fail.
Joan F. Kuchner, AM’69, PhD’81, Learning Environments
for Young Children: Rethinking Library Spaces and Services (American
Library Association). This book serves as a guide to how young children
can learn in the environment offered by public libraries, both through
books and library programs.
Catherine C. Mambretti, AM’73, PhD’79, CD-ROM Technology:
A Manual for Librarians and Educators (McFarland & Company).
Mambretti offers librarians and school administrators suggestions
for designing CD-ROM systems, evaluating and choosing CD-ROM titles,
installing CD-ROMs, maintaining and upgrading CD-ROM workstations,
and doing Macintosh and Windows troubleshooting.
Molly A. McClain, AB’87, Schaum’s Quick Guide to Essay
Writing (McGraw-Hill). This book teaches students how to compose
a coherent and well-reasoned essay backed up by authoritative evidence.
It provides a detailed guide to using both deductive and inductive
logic to ask relevant questions.
Hank Rubin, AB’74, AM’75, Collaboration Skills for Educators
and Nonprofit Leaders (Lyceum Books). This book argues that
collaboration skills are essential for public, educational, and
organizational leaders, and explains the principles and skills needed
to exercise them successfully.
Kathy A. Zahler, MST’77, 50 Simple Things You Can Do
to Raise a Child Who Loves to Read and 50 Simple Things You
Can Do to Raise a Child Who Loves Math (Macmillan Reference).
These books offer parent-child activities to instill a lifelong
interest in reading and mathematics.
Arnold Klein, AB’74, 5 Satires (Browntrout Publishers).
Klein’s second book of poetry returns to the Roman roots of satire,
offering a mordant and self-mocking examination of romantic illusions,
political contradictions, and cultural collapse.
Meri-Jane Rochelson, AM’76, PhD’82, editor, Children
of the Ghetto: A Study of a Peculiar People (Wayne State University
Press). With a critical introduction, Rochelson offers a frame for
Israel Zagwill’s novel about 19th-century London’s Jewish-immigrant
Matthew K. McNeelege, AB’79, Hustlers, Escorts, and Porn
Stars: The Insider’s Guide to Male Prostitution in America (Insider’s
Guide). Using the pseudonym Matt Adams, McNeelege details the male
sex industry, focusing on issues of sexuality, homosexuality, and
masculinity. He explores why men become prostitutes and why clients
hire them.
Amy Bridges, AB’70, PhD’80, Morning Glories: Municipal
Reform in the Southwest (Princeton University Press). In this
study of eight southwestern cities since the turn of the century,
Bridges shows how reform government organized not only the political
life of small towns, but also many of the nation’s largest cities.
Howard Campbell Craig II, AM’88, Destroying the Village:
The Prospect of Thermonuclear War in American Security Policy
(Columbia University Press). Campbell describes the United States’
nuclear strategy during the Cold War in terms of evasion by Eisenhower
rather than deterrence. Craig also sheds light on the often tense
relations between Eisenhower, John Foster Dulles, and others in
the Pentagon with strong opinions on national security.
Con Chapman, AB’73, The Year of the Gerbil (Rutledge
Books). In his history of the 1978 American League Eastern Division
pennant race between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox,
Chapman highlights the series’ final game, in which a home run by
unlikely hero Bucky Dent sent the Yankees to the World Series.
Johannes Fabian, AM’65, PhD’69, Moments of Freedom: Anthropology
and Popular Culture (University Press of Virginia). Based on
the Page-Barbour lectures delivered at the University of Virginia,
these essays explore contemporary urban culture in Africa from an
anthropological perspective.
Thomas W. Hanchett, AM’86, Sorting Out the New South
City: Race, Class, and Urban Development in Charlotte, 1875–1975
(Univer- sity of North Carolina Press). Hanchett documents the
transformation of Charlotte from a rural courthouse village to the
trading and financial hub of America’s premier textile manufacturing
region. Analyzing the urbanization of Charlotte, he argues that
racial and economic segregation are not age-old givens, but products
of a decades-long process that resulted in racially segregated communities.
Anne Borders Lynch, AB’40, compiler, Two Years in Russia:
1925–1927, A Joint Venture in a Soviet Village (Pentland Press).
Detailing the experiences of an American group on the Russian reconstruction
farms in the North Caucasus, this book includes photographs, drawings,
maps, a reprinting of Village Life under the Soviets by Karl
Borders, and two memoirs by his wife and daughter.
Barbara H. Rosenwein, AB’66, AM’68, PhD’74, editor, Anger’s
Past: The Social Uses of an Emotion in the Middle Ages (Cornell
University Press). Eight studies consider the meaning and uses of
anger in the Middle Ages, and its role in representations of monks,
saints, kings, emperors, lords, and peasants in Latin Christian
society. Two more essays discuss anger in the Celtic and Muslim
worlds, while Rosenwein adds an essay on modern theories of emotion.
Friedrich E. Schuler, PhD’90, Mexico between Hitler and
Roosevelt: Mexican Foreign Relations in the Age of Lázaro Cárdenas
(University of New Mexico Press). By tracing the regime of President
Lázaro Cárdenas (1934–1940), Schuler revises the traditional understanding
of how Cárdenas asserted Mexico’s economic and political sovereignty
and consolidated one-party rule and state-directed capitalism.
Fiona E. Somerset, AB’90, Clerical Discourse and Lay
Audience in Late Medieval England (Cambridge University Press).
Somerset discovers how late medieval English writers who translated
specialized knowledge from Latin to English often anticipated new
lay audiences for their writing and worried about the potential
results of making the information they translated widely available.
Somerset also expands on clerical corruption and the poor education
of medieval authors.
Stephen Zarlenga, AB’63, Der Mythos Vom Geld—Die Geschichte
Der Macht (The Mythology of Money—The Story of Power) (Conzett
Verlag). This book, published in German, uses historical case studies
to critique the nature of money, including the control of money
systems and ideas for monetary reform. Zarlenga also redefines the
concept of money in his analysis of the new European Monetary System.
Virginia L. Olesen, AM’56; Sheryl Burt Ruzek; and Adele
E. Clarke, Women’s Health: Complexities and Differences (Ohio
State University Press). This collection of essays argues for community-
and context-based perspectives to women’s health issues—rather than
a narrow biomedical approach—as a way to attain social justice for
women in health care.
James E. Orlikoff, AM’78, and Mary Totten, The Trustee
Handbook for Health Care Governance (American Hospital Publishing).
Written for health-care organization board members, this guide to
contemporary health-care governance covers board accountability,
the role of governance in developing mission and strategy, and the
complex relationships that make up a health-care organization.
James D. Barber, AB’50, AM’55, The Book of Democracy
(Prentice Hall). Barber uses the history of successes and failures
of democracy to investigate political freedom and equality, as well
as the methods and consequences of force, law, and reason.
Richard H. Cox, PhD’55, Four Pillars of Constitutionalism:
The Organic Laws of the United States (Prometheus Books). This
book presents the texts of the four “organic laws”—the Declaration
of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Northwest Ordinance,
and the Constitution—along with an introduction explaining how they
came to form the opening section of The United States Code.
David L. Protess, AM’70, PhD’74, and Rob Warden, A Promise
of Justice (Hyperion). In detailing the wrongful incarceration
of the “Ford Heights Four”—four Chicago-area men imprisoned for
an interracial rape and homicide in 1978, two of whom were put on
death row—this book reviews DNA tests and new evidence uncovered
by the authors that led to the 1996 release of the four men.
Arthur G. Rubinoff, AM’66, PhD’77, The Construction of
a Political Community: Integration and Identity in Goa (Sage).
Rubinoff describes the construction of a Goan political community
and the transformation of its identity after integration into India,
following 450 years of Portuguese colonial rule.
Herbert H. Werlin, AB’53, Mysteries of Development: Studies
Using Political Elasticity Theory (University Press of America).
Using international case studies, Werlin supports what he calls
“political elasticity theory,” a theory that entwines administration
and politics. His methodology draws from the fields of developmental
studies, comparative administration, and comparative politics.
Althea Greenwald Horner, SB’52, Working with the Core
Relationship Problem in Psychotherapy: A Handbook for Clinicians
(Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc.). Horner shows how to uncover, understand,
and use the “Core Relationship Problem,” which develops in early
childhood and creates an image of the self in relation to others,
to organize and work with the information that emerges during psychotherapy.
Harold H. Mosak, AB’43, PhD’50, and Michael P. Maniacci,
Tactics in Counseling and Psychotherapy (F. E. Peacock Publishers).
A guide for counselors and therapists, this book reviews strategies
for use in psychotherapy.
Barry R. Sherman, AM’79, PhD’82, Addiction and Pregnancy:
Empowering Recovery through Peer Counseling (Praeger Publishers).
This book supports the use of peer counseling to treat pregnant
women for substance abuse.
Leonard D. Bergman, AB’45, AM’50, The Ascendancy of Man
(self-published). Bergman recounts his personal spiritual experience
with God, “the father;” locates the “dwelling place of the soul
in the physical body;” discusses the “principle qua principle” that
explains the basic message of Christ; and analyzes where and when
the sermon on the Mount was given.
Stephanie A. Nelson, AM’90, PhD’92, God and the Land:
The Metaphysics of Farming in Hesiod and Vergil (Oxford University
Press). By evaluating the works of Hesiod and Vergil, Nelson argues
that a society’s vision of farming contains abstract but deep indications
about its view of the human place within nature and the relationship
of the human to the divine.
Robert L. Randall, AM’69, PhD’73, Walking Through the
Valley: Understanding and Emerging from Clergy Depression (Abingdon
Press). Randall presents new ways to assess depression in pastors,
and describes four steps he considers necessary for recovery.
John G. Stackhouse, Jr., PhD’87, Can God Be Trusted?
Faith and the Challenge of Evil (Oxford University Press). What
rationale, Stackhouse asks, do we have for believing in a benevolent
God in light of the world’s problems? After surveying alternatives
in world religions and philosophies, the author explores the responses
of classical monotheisms to the problem of evil, concluding that
Christians have good reason to trust God.
Sumner B. Twiss and Bruce Grelle, AM’81, PhD’93, Explorations
in Global Ethics: Com- parative Religious Ethics and Interreligious
Dialogue (Westview Press). Inspired by the 1993 Parliament of
the World’s Religions, this collection of essays investigates interreligious
dialogues regarding human rights, violence, international business,
the environment, and the search for a global code of ethics.
James W. Vice Jr., AM’54, The Reopening of the American
Mind: On Skepticism and Constitutionalism (Rodopi). This evaluation
of Cicero, David Hume, Edmund Burke, James Madison, and Felix Frankfurter
uncovers the limits of human reasoning and the deficiencies of language,
as well as judicial restraints and experimental approaches to political
Michael Andrew Williams, AM’71, An Inheritance Among
the Sanctified: A Black Man’s Meditations on the Sacred Meaning
of Human Sexuality and The Reward of the Inheritance: A Black
Man’s Meditations on the Sacred Meaning of the Crown of Life (BookCrafters,
Inc.). These two volumes of Williams’ Inheritance trilogy critique
such contemporary topics as love, family, and worship through Christian
Joseph Dumit and Gary L. Downey, AM’77, PhD’81, Cyborgs
and Citadels: Anthropological Interventions in Emerging Sciences
and Technologies (SAR Press) and The Machine in Me: An Anthropologist
Sits Among Computer Engineers (Routledge). The first book explores
ways in which anthropological research intervenes in emerging sciences
and technologies without receiving either enthusiastic support or
critical pessimism. In the second book, Downey uses interviews and
personal interaction with engineers to document technology’s influence
on society and to show the deep connections humans have to machines.
Ithiel de Sola Pool, AB’38, PhD’52, Politics in Wired
Nations (Transaction Press). This collection of Pool’s writings
reviews the social and political effects of communications systems
and telecommunications technology. The author also discusses the
effect of technology on business, government, and national identity.
Timothy B. Rowe, SM’81, The Mistaken Extinction—Dinosaur
Evolution and the Origin of Birds (W.H. Freeman). Rowe explores
the hypothesis that explains the great Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction
of 65 million years ago, and looks at the controversy and evidence
suggesting that not all dinosaurs became extinct at the end of the
Mesozoic. He also provides evidence that may indicate birds are
lineal descendants of Mesozoic dinosaurs.
Anita Beltran Chen, PhD’62, From Sunbelt to Snowbelt:
Filipinos in Canada (Canadian Ethnic Studies). The essays in
this book inspect the demographic profile of Filipino Canadians
and other Filipinos who live outside the Philippines, raising questions
about issues of culture, gender, and identity among Filipino Canadians.
Dennis B. McGilvray, AM’68, PhD’74, Symbolic Heat: Gender,
Health, and Worship among the Tamils of South India and Sri Lanka
(Mapin Publishers). Combining color photos with anthropological
fieldwork, McGilvray documents the Tamil concepts of internal body
“heat”—energy, passion, and life—in terms of diet, health, gender
relations, and popular Hindu worship of deities.
Margaret Peil, PhD’63, Social Science Research Methods:
A Handbook for Africa and Consensus, Conflict and Change:
A Sociological Introduction to African Societies (O. Oyeneye).
The first text describes methods for conducting inexpensive surveys
of African conditions, and the second introduces students to rare
and often unavailable research on African societies since 1990.
Yale Richmond and Phyllis J. Gestrin, SB’60, SM’60, Into
Africa: Intercultural Insights (Intercultural Press). A practical
guide to interacting with the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa, this
book aims to equip businesspeople, educators, and other travelers
with important intercultural insights concerning regional differences,
guidelines for business relationships, and cultural viewpoints.
Jeremy Joyner White, author, and John A. Gueguen, Jr., editor,
PhD’70, A Humean Critique of David Hume’s Theory of Knowledge
(University Press of America). This Aristotelian-Thomistic critique
of Hume’s most mature and familiar work offers new approaches to
Hume’s epistemology and his underlying metaphysical assumptions.
Douglas E. Sturm, DB’53, PhD’59, Solidarity and Suffering:
Toward a Politics of Relationality (State University of New
York Press). Sturm calls for mutual respect and creative dialogue
and develops a concept of justice as solidarity to examine a range
of social issues: human rights, affirmative action, property, corporations,
religious pluralism, social conflict, and the environment
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