
What’s the news? We are always eager to receive
your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University
of Chicago Magazine, 1313 East 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by
e-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. As news is
published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to
appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including
those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their
undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only
graduate degrees by the year of their final degree. .
College alumni—Mary Lucene Price Miller, AB’43, writes: Ruth
Mortenson Sowash, AB’42, and her husband, William B. Sowash,
AB’39, AM’41, joined U of C classmates Robert H. Harlan,
AB’40, JD’42, and Lois Whiting Harlan, AB’41, AM’42, for
a joyful reunion aboard the Delta Queen, cruising the Mississippi
and Ohio Rivers from Memphis, TN, to Cincinnati. All are retired
from the U.S. Foreign Service and have kept in touch in and out
of the country. The couples never served at the same posts abroad,
but crossed paths in Washington, and were together at the 1992 U
of C Centennial Reunion. For the Harlans, the cruise was in celebration
of their 56th wedding anniversary. The Frank Lloyd Wright Building
Conservancy honored Jeanette Shames Fields, AB’42, at its
1998 annual awards dinner at the Rookery in Chicago. She was involved
in the preservation and restoration of the Frank Lloyd Wright Home
and Studio in Oak Park, IL; Wright’s Unity Temple in Oak Park; and
the Arthur Davenport House in River Forest, IL (Fields’ own home,
which she shares with her husband). She was executive director of
the Chicago Architecture Foundation, then worked with the Glessner
House on Prairie Avenue, in which docents were trained under her
aegis and the first Chicago architectural-tour program was organized.
A founding board member of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy,
she is the author of Guidebook to the Architecture of River Forest.
Harold R. Kamp, AB’42, writes, “As a member of the Class
of ’42, I’m happy to keep breathing!”
alumni, please send your news to: Mary Lucene Price Miller,
AB’43, 1019 Glendalyn Circle, Spartanburg, SC 29302-2170. Phone:
864/583-0063 (h).
alumni news includes: Joann Mitchell Warfel, AB’42, reports
that Laurence Brundall, AB’35, and his wife, Frances, gave a rose
window to their Unitarian church in Santa Barbara, CA. The Brundalls,
Warfel, and her husband, George, live in The Samarkana, a retirement
facility. Other alumni who live there are Ruth M. Werner,
AM’48, PhD’60, and Bettyann Nelson Gray, AB’35.
College alumni—Beata Hayton, AB’43, writes: Richard C. Reed,
AB’43, JD’48, retired in 1989 as senior partner of his law firm,
Reed McClure, in Seattle. He is currently a management consultant
to Altman Weil Pensa and a director of Washington Federal, Inc.
An author of five books, he is past chair of the American Bar Association’s
law practice management section and past president of the College
of Law Practice Management. He and his wife, Darelyn, have three
children and four grandchildren. They spend four months a year at
their oceanfront condo in Maui. Richard M. Stout, AB’43,
JD’44, of Defiance, MO, still practices law “on a reduced basis.”
Twice widowed, he has three children and six grandchildren. He spends
“a fairly large amount of time” at South Padre Island, TX. H.
Elizabeth (“Betty”) Berry von Dallwitz-Wegner, AB’43,
lives in Munich, Germany, travels in Europe, and comes to the U.S.
for visits.
alumni, please send your news to: Beata Hayton, AB’43, 1020
Grove St., Evanston, IL 60201-4235. Fax: 847/475-5969.
alumni news includes: After a 35-year career in teaching
and publishing, Doris Kerns Eddins, MAT’43, has enjoyed 20
years of retirement. She remembers fondly professors Newton Edwards
and William S. Gray, PhB’13, PhD’16. Jessie C. Obert,
SM’43, retired in 1976 from the Los Angeles County Health Department,
where she was director of nutrition service for 24 years. A practicing
nutritionist for 45 years, in her retirement she has maintained
her professional interests and contacts.
College alumni—Norman L. Macht, PhB’47, writes: Shakespeare
didn’t always get it right. “The evil that men do lives after them,
The good is oft interred with their bones,” was clearly not true
of Edwin Diamond, PhB’47, AM’49.
Diamond, who
died in 1997 at age 72, was posthumously honored with the 1997 Bart
Richards Lifetime Achievement Award, sponsored by Penn State’s College
of Communications, for his career in writing and teaching media
criticism. That career included writing and editing positions at
Newsweek, New York Magazine, and the Washington
Journalism Review, and teaching positions at MIT and New York
University. In his last two years, he wrote a weekly column, “Medium
Cool,” for Politics- Now.com, a Web site devoted to coverage of
politics. He was married to Adelina Lust Diamond, AB’47.
Extensive world
traveler Leon H. Bloom, SB’47, is a retired orthodontia specialist
living in Encino, CA. Bloom’s travels began in the Army Air Corps
during WWII. He was one of the returning veterans who helped make
the Class of ’47 the largest in U of C history (and caused our playing
field adjacent to Burton-Judson to be covered with Quonset hut housing).
alumni, please send your news to: Norman L. Macht, PhB’47,
226 S. Washington St., Easton, MD 21601. Phone: 410/770-4539 (h).
College alumni, please send your news to: Marilyn Corliss
Durst, PhB’47, 17 Stonewall Way, Falmouth, ME 04105. Phone:
207/797-5987 (h). E-mail: thedursts@aol.com.
H. Baum, PhB’48, AM’53, PhD’59, would like to thank all members
of the Class of ’48 who helped to make their gift of $6,821,007
the largest class gift in the University’s history.
The Class of 1949 celebrates its 50th reunion June 4–6, 1999.
Aaron Asher,
AB’49, AM’52, worked for almost 40 years as an editor, editor in
chief, and publisher at major trade-book publishing houses with
many distinguished writers.