1920s and 1930s
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No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Eleanor Rice Long, PhB'26, who remembers when the Prince of Wales came to the campus for a visit, writes: "How did the assembled 'coeds' greet him in Hutchinson Court? With a 'Go, Chicago, go--yea!'" Long also held the royal bouquet in a receiving line for a Swedish princess. Lester Reinwald, PhB'26, JD'27, retired at 93 after 69 years of practicing law, most recently with the firm Altheimer and Gray. 28
Vernon Fox, PhB'28, lives with wife Joell at a retirement home in Sarasota, FL, and writes, "Foxie is still on the tennis courts three times a week and enjoying his bridge games." 31
Simon H. Bauer, SB'31, PhD'35, celebrated his 85th birthday in 1996 while at the 50th "birthday" of Cornell University's School of Aerospace Engineering, where he studies problems in high-temperature chemical kinetics and supervises postdoctoral chemistry associates. Cecelia Wolf Benensohn, PhB'31, see 1996, Jeffrey S. Benensohn. George L. Hecker, PhB'31, JD'33, had intended to work until 90, but retired at age 87, following quadruple-bypass heart surgery. Lucia Downing Hewitt, PhB'31, of Eugene, OR, keeps in touch with Mary Evelyn Webb Stowe, PhB'33, of Rensselaer, NY, who has seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Charles W. Marshall, SB'31, SM'33, PhD'49, is updating his award-winning 1985 book, Vitamins and Minerals: Help or Harm? and enjoyed a 90th-birthday party hosted for him in October by his sons, Douglas and Richard. Orrin L. Thorson, MAT'31,who retired in 1971 from Sunbeam Corp., and wife Nora celebrated their 70th anniversary in June. They have three children, seven grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. 32
Jane Ensminger Clements, PhB'32, a volunteer with her local schools, hospital, and continuing education center, enjoys travel and the theater. Widowed in 1985, she remarried in 1991 and is "blessed with two daughters, six grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, and good health." 33
Robert F. Balsley, PhB'33, and his wife, Fran, celebrated their 60th anniversary in 1996, are "very well and happy at 86 years," and "love Naples, FL." Bazil Bilder, SB'33, celebrated his 60th anniversary in February with his wife, Harriet, and his 89th birthday in March. After 39 years with Mobil Corp., he retired as chief chemist in 1973 and is a chemist emeritus of the American Chemical Society. Frank Harding, PhB'33, moved last year from Florida to Maine. Mary Evelyn Webb Stowe, PhB'33, see 1931, Lucia Downing Hewitt. 34
Walter E. Keogh, X'34, and wife Carolyn celebrated their 50th anniversary with a week in Panama City, FL, visiting their son and his family. Edwin B. Main, PhB'34, AM'38, writes from the extended-care unit of St. Mary's Hospital in Decatur, IL, "Would love to hear from any who knew me on campus." Patricia Bonner Tomlinson, AB'34, took an Elderhostel trip to Antarctica in December 1995 and reports: "It was fabulous! The thermometer hovered at the freezing point--summer weather there." 35
Isabelle Kennedy Rice, PhB'35, has four grandchildren: a freshman at Syracuse University; two graduates of the University of Washington; and a student at California State University. Philip C. White, SB'35, PhD'38, and his wife continue to enjoy retirement in good health. They split each year between their Washington, DC, home and Lakeside, MI, where they see many old U of C friends. 36
Herbert A. Simon, AB'36, PhD'43, a pioneer in the fields of artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology and winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize in economics, was honored in October at a Carnegie Mellon University symposium, "Creativity and Computation." 37
John G. Morris, AB'37, has an autobiography due out from Random House this year: Get the Picture: A Personal History of Photojournalism. D. Throop Vaughan, AB'37, sends greetings from Indianapolis, IN. He and his daughter recently spent "a pleasant two weeks" reuniting with wartime friends and Air Force comrades and visiting the WWII air base near Norwich, CT. But, he adds, "I am still grieving for my wife, Betty," who died in 1995. 38
Hugh M. Davidson, AB'38, PhD'46, the emeritus Commonwealth professor of French literature at the University of Virginia, lives in Kettering, OH. Ellis B. Kohs, AM'38, who celebrated his 80th birthday in May 1996, appears in Harvard Composers (Scarecrow Press) by Howard Pollack. His musical compositions are in collections at the New York Public Library; Washington University in St. Louis; UCLA; the American Composers Alliance; and the American Music Center. On their way home to Florida last summer from their cottage on Canada's Georgian Bay, Elisabeth Barden Morrissey, SB'38, and her husband, Blair, visited Dorothy Overlock Stewart, AB'39, who works in Ann Arbor, MI, for an organization that helps house the homeless. Last fall, the Morrisseys enjoyed an Elderhostel in Guadalajara, Mexico, where he studied Spanish while she painted. 39
Burton B. Moyer, AB'39, twin brother of the late Robert R. Moyer, AB'39, endowed an annual scholarship in the College in honor of their parents, Burton Moyer, Sr., and Helen Reynolds Moyer, who didn't complete high school but "were determined to see their sons through college." Robert's widow is Caroline Grabo Moyer, AB'41. Dorothy Overlock Stewart, AB'39, see 1938, Elisabeth Barden Morrissey.
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