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Derek J. Connolly, MBA'70, remarried in spring 1995, "took early retirement" from investment banking with Brown Shipley & Co. in New York City, and "settled into the French countryside some 20 miles inland from La Rochelle," a city on France's Atlantic coast. He writes, "Introduction to a reliable French plumber would be immensely appreciated." Krin E. Gabbard, AB'70, is a professor of comparative literature and chairs the comparative studies department at SUNY-Stony Brook. 71
Deborah Kaplan Evans, AB'71, AM'72, PhD'76, a professional artist, lives in Mission Viejo, CA, with her husband, Bill, and their two teenage children. James D. Peterson, AB'71, PhD'74, a team leader and design engineer for AG Communications Systems, writes: "I enjoy living in sunny Phoenix with my two teenage sons and one scruffy but very affectionate sheepdog....I use most of my nonexistent spare time in an endless quest to bicycle over every inch of paved road in the state, but occasionally I dust off my music degree and put it to work writing a blues or bossa nova tune.... Every now and then I even manage to recruit a few suitably disreputable musicians with whom to perform these tunes." 
James D. Fisher, MBA'72, is vice president of marketing for the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store. He lives in Tennessee with wife Pam and daughter Emily, 9. Dumas M. Simeus, MBA'72, and Simeus Foods International purchased the food-processing subsidiary Portion-Trol Foods, which prepares products for restaurants such as Denny's, Hardee's, and El Pollo Loco. 73
Harrison H. Donnelly, AB'73, is executive editor of STORES Magazine in Washington, DC. William A. Galston, AM'69, PhD'73, left the White House in 1985 after serving as the president's deputy assistant for domestic policy and is now at the University of Maryland, where he directs the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy and teaches in the School of Public Affairs. His wife, Miriam Steinberg Galston, PhD'73, is on sabbatical from her job teaching at the George Washington University Law School. The Galstons' son, Ezra, a seventh-grader, "is a loyal Orioles fan through thick and thin," writes Miriam. Raymond E. Janifer, Sr., AM'73, earned his Ph.D. in rhetoric and composition from Ohio State University in October. His dissertation is titled "The Nationalist Aesthetic and the Early Fiction of John Edgar Wideman." Dale A. Schempp, MBA'73, graduated in June from the St. Louis University School of Law. 74
The Philadelphia-based law firm Hangley Aronchik Segal & Pudlin has created a fellowship in the name of Mark A. Aronchick, JD'74, to provide financial support over the next three summers for University of Chicago Law School students undertaking internships in public and pro bono service. Ohio State University honored Bruce E. Bursten, SB'74, with a 1996 distinguished-teaching award. Bursten, who also won the award in 1982, has received grants from the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. Nelson L. Co, MBA'74, returned to the U.S. after two years with Citibank in Japan and now heads the bank's emerging-markets securities department in New York City. In early 1996, David A. Kalow, AB'74, JD'76, founded the New York-based law firm Kalow Springut & Bressler, where he practices intellectual-property law, focusing on computer and biological technologies. A lecturer at NYU and Seton Hill law schools, he enjoys travel, theater, and music. He and his wife, Janet, have three children: Maggie, 14; Jacob, 11; and Ben, 6. Renee Ginsburg Rabinowitz, AM'69, PhD'74, has for the past 10 years been "happily ensconced as in-house legal counsel at Colorado College" in Colorado Springs. Six years ago, she married Rabbi Stanley Wagner of Denver, CO, and, she notes, "acquired nine grandchildren in the process." 75
Mark J. Gruenberg, AB'75, bought Press Associates, Inc., a national news service for union papers and union leaders. Formerly the company's chief writer and senior editor, he is now editor and president, with sister-in-law Ruth Schwartz Gruenberg, AB'44, AM'45, as the company's vice president. Paul H. Kratoska, AM'68, PhD'75, now in his tenth year as a senior lecturer in the history department at the National University of Singapore, edits the Journal of Southeast Asian Studies and is having his book, The Japanese Occupation of Malaya: A Socio-Economic History jointly published by C. Hurst and the University of Hawaii Press. Kratoska has taught at universities in Malay-sia and the Philippines. Holly M. Leeds, AB'75, graduated from the University of Massachusetts medical school in 1980 and was board-certified in general surgery in 1986 and 1995. She took six months in 1990 to "stroll" from Georgia to Maine, which was "as great an opportunity for growth as my college education." Married in November 1994 to Joshua Lichterman and living in California, she writes, "We hope to build a straw-bale house in Grass Valley." Suzanne J. Melendez, AB'75, AM'75, married John Tymchak on April 20, 1996. Reverend Leigh A. Williams, AM'75, a 1991 Yale graduate, was an Episcopal parish priest for three years before starting doctoral work in 1994 at the General Theological Seminary in NYC. She is a 1996-97 fellow of the Episcopal Church Foundation.76
B>Laura A. Cuzzillo, AB'76, MBA'88, writes: "In middle age (gasp) I find myself becoming more and more an athlete....I became a certified scuba diver, but karate is still my first love. I remain quite active in it, both training and teaching." Her partner, Caryn S. Berman, AM'80, has made a career change, leaving social services to become a corporate-training consultant at Allstate. In January, Paul Finkelman, AM'72, PhD'76, who had been the Charlton W. Tebeau visiting professor of American history at the University of Miami, became a distinguished visiting professor in Hamline University's law school in St. Paul, MN. "Only those of us who have wintered in Chicago," he writes, "can comprehend moving from Miami to St. Paul in January!" Finkelman's most recent books are Slavery and the Founders: Race and Liberty in the Age of Jefferson (M.E. Sharpe) and Dred Scott v. Sandford: A Brief History with Documents (Bedford Books). Eric H. Hanneman, AB'76, writes that in April 1996, he "landed an 18-pound Chinook salmon on the Rogue River." Paul A. Makowski, MBA'76, is a principal at Credit and Risk Management Associates in Baltimore. Federico F. Oriana, LLM'76, a lawyer specializing in real estate, is a professor at the universities of Rome and Genoa. Linda Lorincz Shelton, AB'76, SM'78, works at the Pediatric Institute of Chicago (PIC) headquarters, where she cares for chronically ill children at St. Coletta's of Illinois and advocates for Illinois children. "Please page me," she writes, "if you want to network or hear more about PIC (708/939-8009)."
John Everson, AB'77, SM'81, PhD'86, writes, "I took a trip to the North Pole on April 6, 1996. It was -15 degrees F at the Pole, there was no wind, and there were no clouds, which made it warmer than a Chicago winter." Arthur L. Harshman, AM'68, PhD'77, a professor of art history and humanities at California State University, Dominguez Hills, also became academic coordinator of the humanities external-degree program. Jeffrey J. Nick, MBA'77, and his family returned to the U.S. from the U.K. in December when he was promoted to president and CEO of the Philadelphia-based Lincoln National Investment, which offers mutual-funds and institutional-asset management. Eugenia Stillman Scharf, PhD'77, has a new career as medical editor of the Women's Health Digest, a quarterly medical journal for the lay reader. 78
In 1996, Kevin P. Kamraczewski, AB'78, joined the law firm Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal as a partner in the litigation-practice group. As a partner with Ernst & Young in Chicago, Glenn M. Pape, AB'78, MBA'81, provides financial-planning and education services for employees in corporate-sponsored programs. He and his wife, Nancy, have two daughters, Katie and Courtney. Daniel A. Sumner, AM'77, PhD'78, announces that his third daughter, Han-ah Lee, was born in February 1996, "and is now an active kid preparing for U of C in 2014." 79
Deborah J. Baldwin, AM'72, PhD'79, was appointed dean of arts, humanities, and social sciences at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock in 1996. Frank B. Brown, PhD'79, was one of seven North Americans to receive a Henry Luce III fellowship in theology for 1996-97. His 30-minute musical composition for soprano and chamber ensemble, Canticles and Exhortations, commissioned by the Society for the Arts, Religion, and Contemporary Culture, premiered in New York last fall. Charles M. Carpati, AB'79, married Linda Dirschenbaum on October 5. Udo W. Drews, MBA'79, director of the medical-equipment production company Speidel & Keller, met in October with Germany's vice chancellor and foreign secretary, Klaus Kinkel, to celebrate the company's 75th anniversary, Drews's son, Dieter U. Drews, AB'91, reports. Sabrina A. McCarthy, AB'79, was married on June 24, 1995, in New Orleans to Ronald E. Hopson, a psychology professor at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. A family-law attorney at the Knoxville Legal Aid Society, McCarthy also teaches legal research and writing to paralegal students at a local community college. Steven M. Strickland, AB'79, writes, "Our second and last child, Alex Michael, was born on April 10, 1996. His tuition fund is under way." Robert E. Wanerman, AB'79, received a master's degree in public health in October 1995 from Columbia University and is an associate in the health-law group at Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn in Washington, DC.
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