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Caryn S. Berman, AM'80, see 1976, Laura A. Cuzzillo. Carol A. Waldman, AM'80, who has practiced immigration law for nine years at the Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago, married UPI radio-network journalist Jay Sapir, bought a Victorian farmhouse in Oak Park, and in July 1996, had a son, Rory Ben. "All this won me a six-month leave of absence," she writes. "It does seem that immigration law will change radically by the time I return to work--and not in the radical direction I had in mind--but life is very, very good." 81
As director for Latin America and Canada at the Japan Center for International Finance, Akihiro Katsumata, MBA'81, makes business trips to Latin America at least twice a year. This year, he plans to visit old friends in the region. Jeanne C. Koepsell, AB'81, works in El Salvador and can be reached at jeanne@crs.slv.toolnet.org. Kirsten ("Kay") Wendt LaSota, AB'81, a performer, choreographer, and arts manager, and husband Craig, a squash professional at the Union League Club in Chicago, announce the November 5 birth of their first child, Samuel Gene. "While in the womb," Kay writes, "Sam performed with mom at the Dance Center of Columbia College, Links Hall, on Channel 11's Image Union; was an extra for the film Chain Reaction; and got to see the Dalai Lama." During the summer of 1996, the LaSotas drove to Alaska and back, covering 13,000 miles in three months and traveling 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Kay also visited Morocco with Sam's godmother, Joan Sandvig, AB'82, a former Peace Corps volunteer there. Walter J. Scott, MD'81, an associate professor of cardiothoracic surgery and preventive medicine/public health at Creighton University Medical School, enjoys life in Omaha, NE, and is "very happily married" to Christine Beardmore, a psychotherapist in private practice. 
Joan Sandvig, AB'82, see 1981, Kirsten ("Kay") Wendt LaSota. 83
James G. Dix, AB'83, MBA'95, of Arlington, VA, writes, "Commuted from D.C. to get M.B.A. from U of C in 1995. Where are you, Fernando?" Jeremy D. Preddy, MBA'83, works as the head of debt capital markets for ABN AMRO Bank in Singapore. He and wife Donna have four children: Jessica, 7; David, 5; Jonathan, 2; and Isabelle, born July 17, 1996. Dale E. Wiersbe, MBA'83, president and COO of Inland Steel, was honored by the Purdue Alumni Association Calumet with its 1996 outstanding alumnus award. 84
Lorill Brown Bean, AM'84, and James W. ("Bill") Bean, AM'84, recently of Madison, WI, are relocating for two years to Zurich, Switzerland, where Bill continues his marketing-research career at Kraft Foods International and Lorill will study at the Carl Jung Institute. Their children, ages 8 and 10, will attend a British international school. Friends may contact them at Breitackerstrasse 7, CH-8702 Zollikon, Switzerland. Ralph J. Bremigan, AB'84, was promoted to associate professor of mathematics at Ball State University in Muncie, IN. Eduardo A. Kicinski Martin, AM'84, and his wife, Magda, have two children, Yasmin and Eduardo. Martin was promoted, with tenure, to associate professor at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguet, where he does research on Puerto Rico's economic future. Lisa K. Meulbroek, AB'84, an expert on financial markets, was promoted to assistant professor at Harvard Business School. Rudyard L. Robinson, AM'77, AM'77, PhD'84, pursued postdoctoral studies in financial management at the University of London, and in February 1996 founded the consulting firm Financial Markets Research Services. Jacqueline Katz Ross, AB'84, JD'89, and husband Richard are the parents of Benjamin, born December 17, 1995. Jackie continues as an assistant U.S. attorney in Chicago. Ann Margaret ("Meg") Schellenberg, AB'84, married Paul H. Richardson of Timperley, England, on November 9 in South Natick, MA. She works at Harvard University, where her E-mail address is schellen@fas.harvard.edu. Pamela Holland Seeman, AB'84, AM'85, and Corey G. Seeman, AB'86, announce the September 29, 1995, birth of their son, Christopher Matthew, adding, "He is getting along quite well with his 3-year-old brother, Jeremy." Corey is manager of technical services for the National Baseball Library and Archive at the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. 85
Veronica J. Drake, AB'85, was promoted to marketing manager and outreach coordinator for the Community Media Workshop, a Chicago nonprofit organization that trains other nonprofits in using the media more effectively and informs journalists of community stories. Drake's mother--her "biggest supporter"--died in July. Edgar Pierluissi, AB'85, and Talia Sternberg Pierluissi, AB'85, announce the birth of their second daughter, Sarah Marta. Talia works in development for Stanford University and Edgar is medical director of a county clinic in San Mateo, CA. Paul E. Smith, AB'85, and wife Debby announce the September 5, 1996, birth of their daughter, Sydney, who joins brother Andrew. Smith is at smitp@perkinscoie.com.86
George E. Grace, MBA'86, founded GE/Grace & Co. in 1996. The real-estate consulting, investment, and management company operates in midtown Manhattan and Morristown, NJ, and handles corporate relocations, lease negotiations, and property purchases and sales. Jeanne M. Gravois, AB'86, lives in Alexandria, VA, and works for the television branch of the Federal Communications Commission. John T. Landry, AB'86, is associate editor of the Harvard Business Review in Boston. Corey G. Seeman, AB'86, see 1984, Pamela Holland Seeman. 
Ellen Brown Evanoff, AB'87, a lieutenant commander "after only eight years of service in the U.S. Navy," is stationed with fighter squadron 101 in Virginia Beach. Britte Harris Livingston, X'87, and her husband, Aron, had a son, Elliott, born September 9, who joins big sisters Hillary, 4, and Katie, 9, in Davis, CA. Livingston has returned to part-time managing of a clinical prenatal laboratory in Sacramento. Eugene F. May, MD'87, an-nounces the February 26, 1996, birth of his daughter, Emma Shuster. Dan Sokol, MBA'87, a vice president with Citibank Real Estate, recently relocated from Los Angeles to Frankfurt, Germany, where he manages the bank's commercial real-estate investments, mostly in the former East Berlin. Timothy W. Stoebe, AB'87, and Doris Ngocdung Tran-Stoebe, SB'88, were married July 20, 1996, in Minnesota. Stoebe did postdoctoral research at the University of Minnesota after earning a Ph.D. in physics there, and Tran-Stoebe completed a family-practice residency at the University of Minnesota after earning her M.D. from Rush Medical College in Chicago. Now Tim works for Eastman Kodak in Rochester, NY, and Doris joined the Farmington Family Practice Medical Clinic. Keith M. Stolte, AB'87, a third-year student at John Marshall Law School in Chicago, is executive student-articles editor of The John Marshall Law Review. 88
James H. Bolin, AB'88, left a Washington, DC, private practice in July to join AT&T's Basking Ridge, NJ, headquarters as an attorney in the law and public-policy group. His wife, Catherine, is also an in-house attorney at AT&T. Bolin writes, "I can now confirm the rumors that there are some lovely parts of New Joisey. Basking Ridge is a quiet, New Englandlike small town about 30 miles from the Appalachian Trail and 45 miles from New York City." The couple bought a house they plan to share with a dog and two kittens. Nicholas G. Hahn, MBA'88, formerly with the financial-services group at Ernst & Young in Chicago and senior vice president and controller at First Options of Chicago, in October became senior vice president and controller of CoBank at the national office in Denver. Gretchen Miller Neuman, AB'88, see 1985, Kevin M. Neuman. Timothy L. Parrish, AM'88, is an assistant professor of English at the University of North Texas. Mary M. Pfeiffer, AB'88, see 1995, Kaori Minakuchi. Doris Ngocdung Tran-Stoebe, SB'88, see 1987, Timothy W. Stoebe. Renata J. Variakojis, AB'88, MD'92, completed her anaesthesiology residency at the U of C in July and is a fellow in the University's pain-management program. After dual Indian and American wedding ceremonies in Oakland, CA, on July 5, Rachel B. Vinkey, AB'88, and her husband, Shriram Krishnan, returned to New York City, where Vinkey is completing medical school and seeking a psychiatry residency for next year. Brad L. Wilson, AB'88, earned a mathematics Ph.D. in 1993 from UCLA and in 1995 became an associate of the Society of Actuaries. Wilson and his wife have a son, Winston Maxwell, born March 16, 1996. 89
William C. Benack, MBA'89, North American controller for Microsoft Corporation, lives with his wife, Kerin, and their twin daughters in Woodlinville, WA. Elizabeth Haefner Boesen, AB'89, see 1994, Rosemary Haefner. Robert M. Grimm, AB'89, and Jessie Wang-Grimm, AB'90, moved from Chicago to Rochester, NY, where Grimm entered the full-time M.B.A. program at the University of Rochester's Simon School of Business and Wang-Grimm works as a staff attorney for the U.S. District Court in New York's western district. Andrew M. ("Jake") Grove, AM'89, an attorney specializing in patents, copyrights, and trademarks, lives in Birmingham, MI, with his wife, Cynthia, and their daughter, Natalie. In November, Kevin L. Moffitt, MBA'89, left his job as a vice president and group manager at First Chicago NBD to become senior vice president at ABN AMRO North America, the Dutch holding company for the LaSalle Banks. In August, Frank Pont, MBA'89, joined Deutsche Morgan Grenfell in London, where he works on the telecommunications team in investment banking and has "the pleasure of sitting about 15 yards from Bruce I. A. Rigal, MBA'89, which allows us to fine-tune our football passing abilities." After two years in seminary in Aachen, Germany, Anton J. Vogelsang, AB'89, is studying in Rome at the Centro de Estudios Superiores, Legionarios de Cristo, to become ordained as a priest. <
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