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Soon after her mother's death in May 1996, Margaret P. Ammons, PhD'61, fell and broke her hip. She has been housebound since July. Charles R. Bennett, Jr., PhD'61, retired in 1993 from Merck Research Laboratories, where he researched and manufactured virus vaccines and was director of regulatory affairs for biological products. He and his wife, Libby, live near Pinehurst, NC. Linda Hurowitz Desser, AM'61, a speech and language pathologist who specializes in treating young children, has a private practice with offices in Chicago and Skokie. She has three grown children and enjoys gardening, classical music, and reading Shakespeare. She fondly remembers her U of C training, when she worked under Dr. Joseph M. Wepman in the neurology/psychiatry clinic at Billings Hospital. U of C trustee Ann Dibble Jordan, AM'61, was elected a trustee of the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC, in November. Jordan was a director of social services at the U of C Medical Center's Chicago Lying-In Hospital (197086) and a field-work associate professor at the School of Social Service Administration (197087). Rabbi David Novak, AB'61, director of Jewish studies at the University of Toronto, is also the department's first chair.
Howard S. Benensohn, AB'62, SM'66, MD'66, see 1996, Jeffrey S. Benesohn. Barbara Switalski Lesko, AB'62, AM'65, an Egyptology research assistant at Brown University, announces the third edition of her book, The Remarkable Women of Ancient Egypt (B. C. Scribe). 63
Gail Greenberg Benensohn, AB'63, see 1996, Jeffrey S. Benensohn. Dorothy Schlotthauer Krass, X'63, completed an anthro-pology Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts and is manager of public education at the Society for American Archaeology. Her husband, Allan, is a Foster fellow at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency in Washington, DC. "We are (so far) enjoying the change from bucolic western Mass. to the challenging pace of Washington," writes Krass. Alan M. Levy, AB'63, JD'65, a lawyer and teacher who is president of the U of C Alumni Association's Milwaukee club, is "soon to be a grandfather." He also will be a father-in-law for a second time. 64
Jan H. Finder, SM'64, chaired an "ex-tremely successful" science fiction convention in Albany, NY, in October and plans to attend the British National Science Fiction Convention in Liverpool, where, he speculates, "Maybe I'll meet a Beatle!" Mary ("Coco") Barchilon van Meerendonk, AB'64, heads the math department and is on the board at St. Ann's School in Brooklyn Heights, NY. She notes, "My son is working on Wall Street, paying his own rent, but comes to dinner frequently." Her work on the Alumni Association's Board of Governors "gets [her] back to campus twice a year." Van Meerendonk also arranges interviews for Brooklyn-area College candidates. Brendan J. Walsh, MBA'64, treasurer and corporate controller for Monsey Products, won a 1995-96 distinguished-service award from the Philadelphia chapter of Financial Executives Institute. 65
Kenneth A. Fenner, AB'65, left his position as manager of water-quality programs with the U.S. EPA's Great Lakes Region Five office and is serving the American Bar Association's Central and East European Law Initiative for one year as a rule-of-law liaison in Irkutsk, Russia. "We provide a wide range of consulting services to local attorneys," he writes, "and because of my expertise in management and protection of large, freshwater lakes, environmental organizations in the Lake Baikal region will receive special attention from this office." Fenner can be reached at abaceeli@irk.ru. After several years working in child welfare and adoption, Joan Wall Hirnisey, AM'65, became a medical social worker and worked with adolescents on child-abuse issues, then switched again, to hospice work. Clifford L. Johnson JD'65, retired in 1995 as general counsel and vice president at General Dynamics. He lives in Royal Oak, MI, and teaches at a local college; mediates for state and federal trial courts; has "a little laid-back private practice"; and takes non-law classes at the University of Michigan. Robert J. Potter, PhD'65, retired after 27 years of teaching sociology at three colleges, including SUNY-Brockport College, where he was a professor for 18 years. He writes, "Now I read all the history, biography, and economics I am pleased to enjoy." 66
James H. Bell, MAT'66, although officially retired after 31 years of teaching, still works as an adjunct professor in the education department at St. Mary's College in Leavenworth, KS. After 25 years of teaching at three Canadian universities, Jean-Emile Denis, MBA'66, is a professor at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. Eugene I. Lowenthal, AB'66, is a new partner in Growth Capital Partners, where he raises venture-capital for emerging high-technology companies. He and his family live on "a small ranch" in the hill country outside Austin, TX.
After leaving Chicago in 1969, Robert A. Couzin, AB'67, AM'68, and Phyllis Hymowitz Couzin, AB'67, moved to Montreal for eight years, Toronto for 16 years, and Paris for three years. Now they live in New York City. Daniel M. DeMunter, MBA'67, is an associate consultant for Ernst & Young in Caracas, Venezuela. Eric J. Gleacher, MBA'67, chair of the investment-banking firm Gleacher NatWest, was nominated to serve a second one-year term on the United States Golf Association's executive committee. David W. Rasche, AM'67, starred in a 1996 revival of David Mamet's Edmond at the Atlantic Theater Company in New York City. 68
Morrie K. Blumberg, AM'68, lives in Albuquerque, NM, where he takes tap-dance classes and volunteers to assist in disasters through the American Red Cross. In 1996, he studied tapdancing in Colorado and provided hot meals to families affected by floods in Oregon. Carol Butler Boone, AM'68, program administrator for the state of Tennessee's employee-assistance program in Nashville, wrote an article titled "The Effectiveness of EAP Supervisor Training," which appeared in a 1995 issue of Employee Assistance Quarterly. Paul Burstein, AB'68, associate chair of the sociology department at the University of Washington, has been elected to the Council of the American Sociological Association. Charles J. Gerut, MAT'68, has been a physics teacher for 29 years and has two children--a Stanford student, and a high-school student who's an "accomplished dancer." He writes, "My wife is a nurse and--dare I say it--a Northwestern grad. You know, the football factory. I root for the Nobel prizes; she roots for the NU football team." Thomas H. Kieren, MBA'68, was reelected a director of both the substance-abuse rehabilitation corporation, Straight & Narrow, and the Boy Scouts of America. Marion S. Sirefman, BFA'68, an investigator in the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation, lives in Oak Park with her husband of 20 years, Mark, and has "half-empty nest syndrome." Her son, Aaron, is at Kalamazoo College and her daughter, Mara, is a high-school sophomore.
Jamie W. German, MAT'69, teaches chemistry and the history of scientific thought at Moses Brown Friends School in Providence, RI. She also builds housing in south Providence for Habitat for Humanity. Joyce Ellen Heckman, SB'69, is on the research faculty in the microbiology and molecular genetics department at the University of Vermont. William F. Hennessey, MBA'69, was appointed the director of marketing and strategic planning for the full-service trucking company CF MotorFreight. Ronald V. Mershart, PhD'69, is celebrating 30 years at the University of Wisconsin-Superior, including three years as chair of the department of history, politics, and society. His work Pioneers of Superior, Wisconsin was published in August.
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