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Mary Roberts Bhuta, AB'50, was elected regent of the La Cuesta chapter (San Luis Obispo, CA) of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Kins R. Collins, AB'50, AM'62, a software engineer with Apple Computer, writes, "Silicon Valley is an exciting place, the center of the world. But my heart is still in Chicago. I'm listening to audio books on my commute (Plato's Republic) and while cooking (Thucydides)." Richard W. Gable, AM'48, PhD'50, is a professor emeritus at the University of CaliforniaDavis, where he is "working to have a history of the campus written." Gerald L. Garden, AB'50, retired in October at age 67 after 29 years of teaching English and cartooning at Blair High School in Pasadena, CA. The Parent Teacher Student Association there gave him its teacher service award "in recognition of his many years of love and dedication to the education of Blair students." Burton R. Gombiner, PhB'50, MBA'54, who taught his first class in the spring of 1963, recently taught accounting at UCLA's extension school. Richard V. Hennes, AM'50, "retired again (from the United Nations on December 31)," he writes, "and for the last time. Moved our [family] base of operations to the incomparable U.S. while retaining strong ties to Switzerland and France." Lewis P. Lipsitt, AB'50, recently learned that his College humanities professor lives in Newport, RI, a few miles away from him. He notes, "This wonderful teacher, Professor Wilma Ebbitt, is as lively, energetic, compassionate, witty, enthusiastic, and bright as she was in 194750." E. Anne Garvey Dye Phillips, AM'50, publishes college-level English textbooks, writes poetry and short prose pieces, hosts poetry and prose groups in her home each month, and says, "Love this retirement thing!" 51
John A. Jane, AB'51, MD'56, PhD'67, a professor and chair of the neurosurgery department at the University of Virginia since 1969, edits the Journal of Neurosurgery and was honored at the 1995 Congress of Neurological Surgeons. He has four children and five grandchildren. Richard J. Neudorfer, MD'51, and his wife attended his 45th class reunion in June, and, he writes, "had a great time. The University is more wonderful than ever!"
Margaret Hammond, AB'52, AM'73, divides her time "between central London and the Gitche Gumee." E. Jacquelyn Larks Kuhn, AB'52, and Paul R. Kuhn, AB'52, SB'54, MD'56, married since 1954, have four children and seven grandchildren. Paul has practiced internal medicine in Newport Beach, CA, since 1962. John J. Owens, Jr., X'52, received his bachelor's in 1950 from Clark University and his M.S. in 1966 from MIT. 53
Ross L. Federico, AM'53, a retired teacher of English and theater, reports that his daughter earned a doctorate from Eastern Carolina University. Allen T. Yarowsky, AB'53, JD'56, retired to Coronado, CA, after several years of teaching English in Portugal. He "loved living overseas," he writes, but is "happy to be back in the U.S." 54
Joan Jones Coleman, MBA'47, PhD'54, was named outstanding alumna of 1996 by Harding University's College of Arts and Sciences in Searcy, AR. Jan A. DeBruyn, PhD'54, retired in 1991 as vice rector for operations at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa and teaches plant physiology part time in the botany department. "But at the end of this year I intend to (finally and fully) retire from the university, after 40 years," he writes. "I hope to spend more time attending to long-delayed tasks around the house, and to see more--apart from my wife of 40 years--of our three children and four grandchildren." George W. Gross, AB'54, AM'64, retired at the end of 1996 after 20 years as a systems analyst for the state of Illinois. Ralph J. Massey, AM'54, retired from Chemical Bank in February 1992 after a seven-year assignment in the Bahamas and is now the editor of, and economist for, The Review of the Institute for Economic Freedom, published by the Bahamian research institute. Jean W. Scheel, AM'54, writes, "Still alive at 85." 55
Elizabeth Robinson Cohen, AB'55, AB'59, AM'63, and her husband both are retired in Colorado, where she "spends many happy hours" volunteering for the local zoo. Their daughter is a lawyer, and their son is a mathematician. Loula Papoulia Matsa, AM'55, is the proud grandmother of 3-year-old Elefthesia Ourania Zacharoula Anna Matsa.
Sisir K. Sen, SM'56, PhD'57, retired in 1989 from the Indian Institute of Technology and is an Indian National Science Academy senior scientist at Jadarpur University in Calcutta. In 1991, he "became a grandpa." Ichigan Watanabe, AM'57, a professor of international business at Tsukuba International University in Tsuchiura, Japan, is also a visiting professor at Pace University and the University of Dallas. 58
Elliot S. Airmet, Jr., MBA'58, and his wife, Norma, celebrated their 55th anniversary in November. They have four children and 14 grandchildren, including a graduate of Duke University, two Cornell University alumni, two students at the University of Utah, and a second-year student at the U of C who won the Dolin Foundation scholarship in 1995. E. Richard Singer, MD'58, retired in 1995 from general surgery practice and supervises two naval health clinics. He has three "very intelligent and beautiful" granddaughters. Marian Kleinsasser Towne, AM'58, wrote Dreaming the Impossible Dream, subtitled "The First 30 Years of the Edyrean Repertory Theatre at Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana." 59
Stanley Kalkus, AM'59, retired in 1992 as a Navy librarian and in 1993 became assistant professor of library sciences at Charles University in Prague, the Czech Republic. Captain Paul A. Wille, JD'59, retired from his U.S. Navy career and settled in central Oregon, where he, his wife, and their dogs live in a cabin in the woods. "We garden, read, haul our own firewood, ski," he writes. "I play bassoon in the local symphony and occasionally teach."
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