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Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Britton B. Guerrina, AB'90, AM'90, is in her first year at the U of C Law School after studying public administration in Paris and Strasbourg at the École Nationale d'Administration. Sarah A. Koenig, AB'90, works as a "reporter, researcher, and sometimes writer" for the Moscow bureau of the New York Times. Robert J. Manning, AM'84, PhD'90, an associate professor of philosophy and theology at Quincy University in Quincy, IL, taught English last summer to the students and faculty of Kaunas Technological University in Lithuania. John D. Orr, SM'87, PhD'90, director of analytical chemistry at Eisai Merrimack Valley Laboratories in Andover, MA, established the analytical-chemistry section there in 1996. His wife, Carol, is pursuing a master's degree in occupational therapy at Tufts University. They have two cats, Rooney and The Clemster. "We like Boston pretty well," Orr writes, "and get special treatment when I am able to convince people that I am related to the famed Boston Bruins defenseman, Bobby Orr." Kristina A. Peterson, MBA'90, married Stephen Hom on campus on June 24, 1995, at the Chicago Theological Seminary. As vice president of structured-trade finance at ABN AMRO North America in Chicago, Peterson recently advised the World Bank on private-sector investment for infrastructure in Bangladesh. John V. Tolan, AM'86, PhD'90, a professor of medieval history at the University of Nantes, lives in Brittany, France, with his wife, Michelle, and their daughters Paraska, 7, and Marie, 5. Jessie Wang-Grimm, AB'90, see 1989, Robert M. Grimm. Anne L. Zasloff, AB'91, is married and lives in Wayland, MA. She recently started a master's program in speech-language pathology at Emerson College in Boston.
Clemente Berrios, Jr., MBA'91, an international logistics manager for Mars, Inc., in Latin America, writes, "I have been extremely busy humbly contributing toward the development of Latin America and its emerging markets. Latin American emerging markets today are in a similar economic boom...as the United States in the late 1800s." Dieter U. Drews, AB'91, see 1979, Udo W. Drews. After three years of study at the Catholic University of America, Thomas J. Finan IV, AM'91, a doctoral candidate writing a dissertation on nationalist ideologies in medieval Ireland, is a lecturer at Florissant Valley College in St. Louis. Mary M. Johnston, AB'91, married Patrick Strauss on October 19, in her hometown of Washington, DC. Paul E. Meyerson, AB'91, and Kimberly Pfohl Meyerson, AB'91, can be reached by E-mail at frosty@mail.idt.net. With a yearlong internship at Westchester Jewish Community Services in Hartsdale, NY, Paul "began the last stage of his quest for a Ph.D. in clinical psychology." Kimberly switched careers and is assistant director of the gallery Marc de Montebelle Fine Art in New York City.

As a second-year student at Northwestern University's J. L. Kellogg School of Management, Robert A. Carlson, AB'92, lives and studies in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Melissa A. Chadwick, AB'92, AM'92, is a student at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School. Paramasivan Halasyamani, SB'92, completed a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry at Northwestern University and in January began postdoctoral studies at Oxford University. Daniel J. Moncino II, MBA'92, a marketing director at Sclumberger Industries, lives near Atlanta with his wife, Dorothy, and their children, Christian ("Kai"), 4, and Maiya, 3, and "would love to hear from friends from the class of 1992," at 450 Red Jacket Way, Alpharetta, GA 30202. Steven L. Nutt, MBA'92, and his wife announce the September 9 birth of their third son, David Charles. Nutt is a chartered financial analyst for the Association for Investment Management and Research. Tina Klawinski Park, SB'92, MAT'93, see 1994, Heather L. Gammel. Swati Sihag, AB'92, see 1993, Rachel M. Fumia.
Marc F. Archambeau, AB'93, announces that an Illinois resident won the 1996-97 Archambeau grant. Rachel M. Fumia, AB'93, teaches seventh-grade English with the Mississippi Teacher Corps in Clarksville, where she earned her master's degree in December. In the summer of 1996, she saw Swati Sihag, AB'92; Kenneth R. Burns, AB'93; Mihir A. Pandya, AB'94; and Robin E. Hunicke, AB'95, who "came down to visit this tiny corner of the world, eat some barbecue, and listen to some good blues." Fumia invites anyone "interested in teaching and getting a master's degree in education for free" to contact her at pillow27@misnet.com. Warren S. Huang, AB'93, joined the international law firm Fulbright & Jaworski as an associate in its Houston office, where he focuses on health-law litigation. Dana A. Mitroff, AM'93, enjoys her job as coordinator of education programs at the UC-Berkeley art museum, where she "actually uses the art history she studied at the U of C!" Adam J. Park, AB'93, see 1994, Heather L. Gammel. Susan Ofshay Parrotta, AM'93, announces the December 8, 1995, birth of her son, Clayton Alexander.
J. Edward "Ted" Bourne, AB'94, is in his second year of the M.F.A. program in film at Temple University in Philadelphia, where he also works as a teaching assistant. Heather L. Gammel, AB'94, lives in Atlanta, and works as a planning analyst for Egleston Children's Hospital. She writes that Tina Klawinski Park, SB'92, MAT'93, and Adam J. Park, AB'93, also live in Atlanta, where Tina is a systems engineer for Home Depot, and Adam works for Prudential while pursuing a combined M.B.A. and master's of health administration. Steven J. Gawlik, AB'94, works for the Chicago police department and hopes to pursue graduate studies. He married Courtney Miller Karzen, a former U of C employee, on August 17, 1996, in Rockefeller Chapel. Rosemary Haefner, AB'94, was promoted to senior human-resource consultant for the Chicagoland practice of the accounting and consulting firm McGladrey & Pullen. She writes that her sister, Elizabeth Haefner Boesen, AB'89, works for the International Youth Foundation, helping to establish and publicize educational programs for children worldwide. When not traveling for work, Boesen splits her time between Baltimore and Boston, where her husband attends law school. Vassiliki K. Kakavas, AM'94, is assistant director of membership at the American College of Healthcare Executives. Joseph R. Kuzel, MBA'94, writes, "To all the classes of 1994 and 1995: Laurie and I have been posted to Embassy Madrid and open our home to all members who find themselves in the sunny clime of Espana. Welcome!" Mihir A. Pandya, AB'94, see 1993, Rachel M. Fumia
Lisa Kastigar Ashley, MBA'95, was married to James Ashley on February
3, 1996, and works in the research department at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. Since leaving her job with the U of C Women's Board, Anne
W. Caswell, AB'95, has been teaching in Brooklyn "and loving it." Ben
W. Fallaw, AM'91, PhD'95, was married to Monica Villaneva on August
1, 1995. They live in Charleston, IL, where Ben has a tenure-track position
in the history department at Eastern Illinois University. Katherine S.
Fichter, AB'95, has decided not to pursue a Ph.D. in history at Johns
Hopkins University and will remain in Washington, DC, in a position she
loves at the Department of Justice. Guy C. Gunther, MBA'95, lives
in Denver, CO, and specializes in telecommunications at Ernst & Young. Robert
I. Holst, AM'71, PhD'95, a pianist, teacher, and conductor of the Downers
Grove Choral Society, recently collaborated in a performance, at Lewis University
in Romeoville, IL, of Franz Schubert's song cycle Die Schoene Muellerin
to celebrate the composer's 200th birthday. Robin E. Hunicke, AB'95,
see 1993, Rachel M. Fumia. After joining Merrill Lynch in New York in 1995
as an associate in corporate bond sales, Michele A. Hurley, MBA'95,
married Jeffrey Jacob, vice president in corporate bond trading at Merrill
Lynch. Thomas W. Krise, PhD'95, a senior military fellow of the Institute
for National Strategic Studies, is vice director of the National Defense
University Press in Washington, DC. Kaori Minakuchi, AM'95, teaches
junior-high and high-school students at a private school in rural Japan,
where she has met "a wonderful teacher," Mary M. Pfeiffer, AB'88,
to whom she sends the message: "Thank you. May I and our students learn
much from you." Thomas M. O'Mahony, AM'95, is parish priest at St.
Martin De Porres Church in Salt Lake City, UT, and a clinical social worker
in the adult units at the University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute.
He writes, "I'm finding this to be a great combination." Elizabeth Parady
Strickland, MBA'95, was promoted to assistant treasurer at Brown-Forman
Corporation in Louisville, KY. Peter G. Thomson, MBA'95, a senior
financial analyst for Hewlett-Packard who shares a house in Palo Alto, CA,
with H. Dylan Stafford, MBA'95, writes: "We have plenty of room for
visitors!" E-mail him at Peter_Thomson @hp.com.
When Jeffrey S. Benensohn, SM'92, PhD'96, completed his Ph.D. in astrophysics in December, his aunt Laura reports, the convocation guest list included his father, Howard S. Benensohn, AB'62, SM'66, MD'66; his mother, Gail Greenberg Benensohn, AB'63; and his grandmother, Cecelia Wolf Benensohn, PhB'31. Brian J. Cefola, SB'96, is an actuary with AON Corporation in Chicago. Stephen D. Galvan, MBA'96, a systems manager for the Tribune Company, graduated in November from the Gallup Leadership Institute. Amy Courtin Sohl, JD'96, is an associate in the Chicago office of the law firm Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz.
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