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Anastasia Majarakis Creticos, AB'40, AM'43, was appointed a director of the Illinois Masonic Medical Center Foundation. Norma Yerger Queen, AM'40, has lived in Canton, OH, for many years and likes it very much. As an active volunteer in the 1970s, she was named Woman of the Year by the local Junior League. Of the Canton Art Museum, where she served as a docent and on the board, she recalls, "It was neverending learning." 41
In his retirement, Norman N. Greenman, AB'41, SM'48, PhD'51, judges the annual California state science fair and enjoys watching his grandchildren grow. Hunter Hardman, SM'41, celebrated both his 90th birthday and, with wife Emma, his 67th anniversary, in September. Caroline Grabo Moyer, AB'41, see 1939, Burton B. Moyer.
Webb S. Fiser, AB'42, AM'47, PhD'50, is "going down the other side of the mountain as gracefully and playfully as possible." 43
Joseph M. Czarnik, SB'43, retired after more than 33 years teaching at the American Community School in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is a consultant with the Argentine Ministry of Education. E-mail him at: jczarnik@proedu.edu.ar. He writes, "The feedback I have gotten and continue to get from former students from all over the world confirms that I was able to pass on to them some of that which the University gave me...." E. Everett Lefforge, MD'43, retired in 1983 and looks forward to moving soon to a retirement complex for military officers. Mary Colley Stierer, PhB'43, edited two booklets on Rensselaer County, NY, last year and in May 1996 was named the Carrie Chapman Catt volunteer of the year by the county's League of Women Voters. After heart surgery, Robert A. Stierer, AB'43, retired in April 1996 from the Rensselaer County ethics board and was honored by the county legislature for his service to the board. Hubert E. Wuesthoff, X'43, a former psychiatrist, flight surgeon, and hospital commander, retired from the U.S. Army with the rank of colonel. He spent 21 years in private practice in Tucson, AZ, and three years in managed care, "looking after the penniless, helpless, and often hopeless brethren." Wuesthoff has since relocated to Payson, AZ, where he seeks volunteer work. He has two daughters and four grandchildren from his first marriage; his current wife, Diane, has three children. 44
Ruth Schwartz Gruenberg, AB'44, AM'45, see 1975, Mark J. Gruenberg. In June, Betty Cantzler Rossen, SB'44, SM'45, and her husband celebrated the 50th anniversary of their Bond Chapel wedding. Although officially retired, Nancy E. Warner, SB'44, MD'49, teaches and consults at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, where the classes of 1997 and 1998 honored her with teaching awards. Recently she won a distinguished-educator award from the American Society of Clinical Pathologists; was elected to Phi Kappa Phi honorary society; became president-elect of the USC Retired Faculty Association; and gave the keynote address at the annual meeting of the National Society of Histotechnologists.
Robert McC. Adams, PhB'47, AM'52, PhD'56, an anthropologist, former U of C faculty member, and secretary emeritus of the Smithsonian Institution, was named a Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar for 1996-97. Jack L. Cross, AB'47, AM'49, PhD'57, is "happily retired." He continues to research and write on the Russian Academy of Sciences, enjoys poetry, and publishes on the Internet at URL http://www.io.com/~jakalc/. Walter Gibbs, X'47, recalls rooming across the street from the Robie House in 1943: "It was called Dean Gilkey's house." Richard D. Kornblum, SB'47, retired in 1994 as the advertising director for the American Trucking Associations newspaper, Transport Topics. He and wife Judy live in Gaithersburg, MD, where they volunteer for Shady Grove Adventist Hospital and visit with their grandchildren. Nancy ("Jean") Trowbridge Merchat, AM'47, retired in May 1996 from a part-time job with Kaiser Permanente. She writes, "By rough count I think this is my third retirement, but I do believe this is it." Merchat recently traveled to northwestern China, where she attended a Sunday market, "and had the opportunity of viewing firsthand a truly astonishing cultural diversity in action." George R. Wren, PhB'47, SB'49, SM'49, MBA'51, had his book, Iceland in World War Two, published in October. 48
David S. Halperin, AB'48, has been a member of Kibbutz Urim since 1956. He completed a musicology Ph.D. in 1986 at Tel Aviv University, where he now chairs the department. "I'm due to retire in 1998," he writes, "and looking forward to it!" Donald F. Peak, MBA'48, a retired furniture buyer for Marshall Field's, provides consulting services for fast-food restaurants and in residential real estate. 49
Nathaniel E. Reed, AB'49, since retiring in 1989, has traveled with his wife to Canada, the British Isles, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, France, Israel, and Egypt. Since retiring as professor emeritus from the University of Maryland, Elbert B. Smith, AM'47, PhD'49, has taught at Leningrad-St. Petersburg University (1991) on his fourth Fulbright grant; lectured and attended a conference (1994) in Russia; lectured in Asia, Europe, and Africa; and published several articles. Mary Aley Wilkinson, AB'49, has been director of student-support services at Chaminade University of Honolulu since 1977. Her two sons are educators in Durango, CO.
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