Office addresses
minority issues
In one of a series of changes designed
to improve recruitment and retention of minority students
and faculty, a campus organization and a policy board have
been created to replace and broaden the activities of the
Coordinating Council for Minority Issues (CCMI).
The Office of
Minority Student Affairs (OMSA), directed by Kathryn Stell,
JD’86, deputy dean of students in the University,
is now responsible for programs focused on minority-student
life. The as-yet-unnamed board, cochaired by English professor
Kenneth Warren and dean of students in the University Stephen
Klass, will oversee all minority issues related to faculty,
staff, and students, developing policies for campus-wide
diversity initiatives. (For a more in-depth look at
black students and faculty at Chicago, see
"Minority Report".—Ed.)
“The University wants to focus
even more strongly on the needs of underrepresented minority
students, with the ultimate goal, of course, that one day
they will not be underrepresented,” says Stell, who
has chaired CCMI since 1994. “The numbers are low
enough that we believe there are outstanding potential students
whom we are just not reaching in terms of what the University
has to offer.”
The new office, headquartered in the
Administration Building, will continue CCMI’s services,
including a pre-orientation for incoming minority graduate
students; a welcoming reception for all minority students,
faculty, and staff; the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day
commemoration, cosponsored with Rockefeller Memorial Chapel;
and the Recep- tion for Minority Alumni and Graduating Students.
Like CCMI before it, OMSA will create
strategies for crisis response and intervention. For example,
the Minority Student Emergency Contingency Fund currently
provides small grants for students faced with a sudden,
unanticipated expense.
“A family financial crisis usually
has a disproportional, severe impact on minority students,
whose families often do not have any safety net when there
is a disruptive event such as a death or a divorce,”
Stell says.
In addition, OMSA will continue CCMI’s
work as a policy and advocacy group for minority students,
working with other campus offices and outside groups to
gather and analyze data on minority-student recruitment,
retention, and graduation.
An informal mentoring program begun last
year by CCMI will also continue under OMSA, matching approximately
80 minority graduate-student volunteers with minority undergraduates.
Meanwhile, the College has recently launched the Collegiate
Mentorship Program. To be housed in the Harper Mezzanine,
it will provide intensive one-on-one tutoring for minority
Under OMSA, says Stell, these programs
have new potential. “OMSA can lead a strategic vision
for our programs for minority students that can truly tap
the resources of our vibrant community.”
— Peter Schuler