Chicago Journal
Lab limbo
The current administration’s preference for
competition means the University must bid on Argonne National Laboratory.
After decades of running the nation’s first
national laboratory, Argonne—chartered in 1946 as an outgrowth
of Enrico Fermi’s Manhattan Project work—the University
now must compete for the job. The 2004 energy and water appropriations
legislation, signed by President Bush in December, requires Energy
Secretary Spencer Abraham to solicit proposals for lab contracts
that haven’t been up for bid in more than 50 years.
An aerial view of Argonne National
Lab, which comprises 1,700 wooded acres 25 miles southwest of
Chicago. |
In late January the Department of Energy (DOE)
formally announced plans to open competition on Argonne and four
other labs—Ames National Laboratory, operated by Iowa State
University, and three run by the University of California: Lawrence
Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, and Los Alamos. At that time the DOE
hadn’t yet issued requests for proposals for those labs—or
for Argonne’s sister lab, Idaho’s Argonne West, which
the University has operated since its 1949 inception. Argonne West,
the department said in April 2003, would be combined with the Idaho
National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory. The resulting
institution, renamed Idaho National Laboratory, will focus on “developing
advanced nuclear energy technologies and other ways of responding
to the nation’s future energy and national security requirements,”
according to a DOE news release.
Chicago plans to compete for both contracts,
says Thomas F. Rosenbaum, vice president for Argonne, assuming the
solicitations include “a strong science component.”
Preparing the proposals, he predicts, could cost “millions
of dollars” in staff hours, paperwork, and out-of-town meetings,
but maintaining the link to the labs, which are “woven into
the intellectual fabric of the University,” warrants an aggressive
approach. “We’ll do it because of our responsibilities
to the science,” says Rosenbaum, who also oversees University
research—although, he says, pitting Chicago, a nonprofit,
against potential corporate bidders creates “an asymmetric
But competition, asymmetric or not, is the government’s
aim. As the San Francisco Chronicle declared in a December
article about the University of California’s possible three-lab
loss: “The effort to force competition for the management
of the labs is part of a larger government-wide agenda by the Bush
administration to require high-stakes competitions for many contracts
and services.” The Chronicle also noted that Los
Alamos’s recent fraud allegations, theft scandals, and management
failures compromised the lab’s security. Such missteps, Abraham
told the Associated Press in December, is one reason “we found
it appropriate to go ahead with competition.”
The “much-publicized troubles of the University
of California,” Rosenbaum admits, “have not helped”
Chicago’s situation, increasing political pressure for “competition
for the sake of competition” and “besmirching the reputations
of universities” as competent lab managers. “We’re
in a performance-based contract,” he notes, and have received
stellar yearly performance reviews from the DOE. In both the management
and the science and technology categories Chicago has earned mostly
“outstanding” ratings—the highest possible—and
a few “excellents,” garnering close to the $3 million
maximum operating fees in each of the last three years.
Of those fees, the University reinvests $370,000,
often in joint research projects involving Chicago faculty and Argonne
scientists. “Unlike a for-profit that would take the fees
for shareholder desires,” Rosenbaum explains, “our return
on investment is the intellectual capital that we create.”
Such collaboration has fostered both “scientific accomplishment
and practical applications,” he says, helping the University
to “keep, retain, and attract some of the best people in the
Chicago’s scientific goals, Rosenbaum
adds, coincide with Idaho National Lab’s expressed mission
involving energy policy. “We’re about such big problems;
we want to be a part of it.” It’s also a matter of tradition,
he says, noting that President Don Michael Randel expressed this
view in the October/03 Magazine: “Perhaps because we attended
its birth,” Randel wrote, “we have a particular responsibility
in relation to nuclear energy. Perhaps also we have a moral responsibility
to bear our values on an important and complicated set of issues.”
To compete for the Illinois and Idaho contracts
the University may follow the models that won it two grants last
September: $35 million for Argonne to become a Regional Center of
Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Research
and $17 million to build a Regional Biocontainment Laboratory there.
Having a secure, well-equipped site and strong intellectual-science
resources, Rosenbaum says, helped the University to win those bids.
This time Chicago also may seek a partner, perhaps
a company with strong management experience. Officials are already
talking with some businesses about teaming up for the Idaho contract,
but for the Chicago bid, Rosenbaum says, “we prefer to do
it ourselves.”
Although Argonne’s current contract expires
in September, the delayed appearance of the proposal requests—which
may not be published until this summer, some observers say—could
mean that the DOE won’t decide on a bidder until after the
November elections.—A.M.B.