our pages
In its early days the Magazine
printed only 500 copies, but as circulation grew to 2,000 the editors,
lacking a corresponding budget increase, were forced to shrink the
size of each issue. In April they earnestly pleaded their case to
readers: “Not long since an alumnus complained that the Magazine
was dull. He was right; it is dull. ... The Magazine at
present is strictly informational. A statement of what is going
on plus what James Barrie’s Maggie called ‘charrrm’
there seems no room for. What shall we do? Suggestions are invited.”

Photo by Dan Dry |
on campus (see 1994).
Writing about his career in civil engineering and public works,
Gordon R. Clapp, AM’33, drew from
his experience as chairman of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Tennessee
Valley Authority (TVA). Despite the popular bias that government
work can never match private enterprise, Clapp pointed out that
the TVA’s dam construction came in on budget and on schedule
while the competing corporations foundered with labor difficulties.
Clapp attributed TVA’s success to its workers’ patriotism.
On each TVA dam was inscribed: “Built for the People of the
United States.”
In the Spring issue Ruth Eisenberg, PhB’28,
recounted her battles against New Mexico real-estate developers
to keep a chain of dormant volcanoes west of Albuquerque free public
space. Enlisting biologists, geologists, and anthropologists to
vouch for the volcanoes’ natural and historical importance,
Eisenberg cajoled Albuquerque city planners into purchasing most
of the land and organizing a 2,100-acre Volcano Park, now associated
with Petroglyph National Monument.
A visit from novelist Kurt Vonnegut, AM’71,
drew an overflow crowd to Max Palevsky Cinema. As reported in the
April Magazine, Vonnegut discussed technological alienation,
art’s declining hope in the age of television, and contemporary
loneliness. He praised his teachers in the anthropology department
despite difficulties acquiring his degree—he left Chicago
in 1947 after his master’s thesis was rejected, but in 1971
his novel Cat’s Cradle was declared to have fulfilled
his thesis requirement.—J.N.L.