Welcome to the real world,
Cumings on Korea critics
All four letters (February/04)
are knee-jerk responses by people who combine attacks on my integrity
as an historian with routine anticommunist views that have been
around since the war started in 1950, but have no relation to what
scholars know from years of archival research in formerly secret
documents. Even the most conservative historians now know that Kim
Il Sung’s role was much greater than Stalin’s in the
invasion, and that Stalin sought first to restrain him and then
refused to give him the military support he needed to take over
the South—we know this from documents that came out after
the USSR collapsed. But I don’t see the need to point this
out to people who really have no interest in learning anything new
about the Korean War but are grinding anticommunist axes in the
wrong century.
Bruce Cumings, the Norman and Edna Freehling Professor
of History
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