Welcome to the real world,
Methods and martinis
In an issue headlining the “critical”
minds of Chicago alumni, I was amused to see Bruce Cumings attacked
for a talk he gave as reported by Soo Ji Min (“Letters,”
February/04). The reader of the article (“Zone
of Contention,” December/03) has paraphrase and a few
quotes but hardly a context to judge Professor Cumings. Historical
methodology requires respect for the material to be analyzed, and
as Cumings is quoted as saying, “if you don’t have that
respect…then you’re never going to be able to figure
out a place like North Korea.”
On another front, thanks to the Ifor an image
correction. I always thought Studs Terkel (“Letters,”
February/04) was a shot and a beer kind of a guy, and now I discover
he is a martini drinker.
William Raymond Smith, AB'53, AM’59, PhD’61
Dillsburg, Pennsylvania
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