Welcome to the real world,
Thumbing through the February/04 issue,
I came upon this opening of a letter
to the editor: “At times, when after a martini I feel
too content with life as it is, I pick up a copy of the University
of Chicago Magazine. Its constant air of self-congratulation
provides a never-failing antidote.”
I wasn’t surprised
to see the letter was from Studs Terkel, PhB’32, JD’34.
I chuckled in agreement but laughed out loud at this item later
in the issue: “Another business school award: The University
tied for fourth place in the Financial Times 2004 ranking
of full-time MBA programs, published in its January 26 issue. Chicago
ranked fifth last year.”
Since when is a fourth-place finish an award?
Is it the award for “leading all schools with lower rankings
except the one we were tied with”? And the use of the word
another is classic. It looks as if Mr. Terkel is more correct than
he realizes. I do not begrudge the GSB its success. However, until
the GSB actually receives an award, I would suggest a headline such
as, “GSB moves up one spot in the FT rankings”
if you want to do something about “the constant air of self-congratulation.”
Hugh C. Resnick, AM’94
Greenwood, Indiana
The University of Chicago Magazine
welcomes letters on its contents or on topics related to the University
of Chicago. Letters for publication must be signed and may be
edited for space and clarity. To ensure the widest possible range
of views and voices, we ask readers to limit their correspondence
to 300 words or less.
Please send letters to: Editor,
University of Chicago Magazine, 5801 S. Ellis Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60637. E-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu.