Welcome to the real world,
The truth about the trophy
Whenever University publications mention
Jay Berwanger’s Heisman trophy (“Body
Building,” December/03) they imply that the U of C possesses
the original statue. However, a Chicago Tribune article
(“First to Strike the Pose” by Don Pierson, June 28,
2002) asserts, “According to his son John...his father donated
the original trophy to his high school in Dubuque. The Heisman people
made a duplicate, which he donated to the University of Chicago.”
Perhaps the codex being studied by Professor
Margaret Mitchell (“Investigations,
February/04) is not the only item on campus whose origins should
be examined.
Claire M. Dolinar, AB’79
Neither high school nor University is 100
percent sure who has the original, although everyone agrees it spent
two years as a doorstop at Berwanger’s aunt’s house.—Ed.
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