...why not boast about Leopold and Loeb?
I read with amusement “Behind
the Campus Buzz” (October/04). Amphetamines as study aids
were quite common on campus in the ’60s and ’70s, long
before the ADD/ADHD/AADD diagnosis and treatment were enshrined
in the DSM bible. Everyone knew of their effects on sleep (you don’t)
and concentration (like a railroad track). One friend would show
up every fall with a jar of 5,000 5-mg tabs of dexadrine, provided
by his physician father to help him study. (They did that. In addition
to intensive attention to his coursework, he nightly spent several
hours outlining in great detail a chapter of the New Testament and
typing it up by morning.) Others had group prescriptions for amphetamines
from a local druggist that were filled by different people, sometimes
several times a day. (The druggist eventually won a paid federal
vacation for his off-the-books sales.)
The most popular source for a prescription was
the Student Health Service, which, on hearing “can’t
stay awake to study,” “can’t concentrate,”
and so on, freely prescribed Ritalin, rather than dexadrine, as
a milder palliative. There is, however, a contraindication for studying:
lack of judgment. My brief experiment with amphetamines ended when
I walked into a physics quiz thinking I could derive everything
from F = Ma. I could not, in spades, and so said goodbye to the
little orange pills.
Sol Sepsenwol, SB’64, PhD’70
Stevens Point, Wisconsin
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