Chick it out
The Maroon-themed Peeps dioramas are in. While the judges split hares, you can take a peep and vote for the Peeple's Choice winner. All winners will be announced Tuesday, April 14, on UChiBLOGo.
Data sets
With appointments in visual arts and the Computation Institute, Jason Salavon churns raw figures through computer programs to make distinctive art.
Balance sheet
As Chicago’s upward trajectory and the global economic crisis intersect, the University lowers budgets but not expectations.
Life under wraps
On display for nine decades, the coffin of a 2,800-year-old Egyptian mummy has never been opened. But CT imagery peeled away paint, plaster, and linen to reveal the woman inside.
Ricardo Estrada, AM’93, heads Erie Neighborhood House on Chicago’s West Side—the third School of Social Service Administration alum in a row to hold the post.Features »

Science fare
A major conference honors Darwin while grappling with the “big questions” and daunting challenges that mark this moment in history.
Found poetry
For Srikanth Reddy, writing a poem is as much an act of excavation as creation.
Printed by hand
A small press revitalizes bookmaking—as bone-folded, hand-sewn, group-produced art.