Campus Photographs
"C" changes: A remodeled C-Shop opened in October with a taste of the old (Wednesday $1 Shake Days are back) and a full menu of the new, including a coffee bar and a stage for student performances. The entire Reynolds Club is being remodeled to provide more space for student activities and relaxation.

Chicago MVPs: At an October convocation celebrating the success of the Campaign for the Next Century, former President Hanna Gray (top right) was awarded an honorary degree, while two alumni--Lindy Bergman , AB'39, (top left) and Max Palevsky, PhB'48, SB'48 (below right, with President Sonnenschein)--received U of C Medals for outstanding service. Bergman--whose late husband, Edwin, was a trustee--is a life trustee of the Medical Center, a member of several U of C advisory boards, and a generous donor. The most recent of former trustee Palevksy's many gifts to Chicago was $5 million given during the Campaign to support faculty excellence.
Also in the Journal:
For the Record.
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