In the ClubsFor more detailed and complete information about club events--as wellas other special services--visit the University of Chicago's alumni website, the "AlumniGateway."
ChicagoSat., Aug. 16, 10:30 a.m.: Zephyr weekend at the Illinois RailwayMuseum. Sun., Aug. 24, 2 p.m.: Rockefeller Chapel organ recital andUC2MC ice cream social. Thurs., Sept. 11, President Hugo F. Sonnenschein will speakat an alumni reception. Chicago-based alumni will receive invitations inAugust. Alumni living outside Chicago who would like to receive an invitation,please call 800/955-0065. Wed., Sept. 17, 12:15 p.m.: Downtown luncheon with politicalscience professor Stephen Walt. Thurs., Sept. 25, 5:30 p.m.: Phi Beta Kappa colloquium on thefuture of higher education. Thurs., Sept. 25, 5:30 p.m.: Cityfront Forum with historianLeora Auslander, director of the Center for Gender Studies, on "AWoman's Right to Cover her Head: Autonomy and Religious Freedom."DallasSun., Aug. 17, noon: Summer brunch at Bent Tree Country Club.For information, call Kathleen Andrulis, MBA'90, 817/963-6028 (w). HoustonTo learn about club activities, call Nancy Parra, AM'66, PhD'73, 713/528-2678(h). Los AngelesFri., Sept. 19: Film and Food Club meets. For more information,contact George Keushguerian, MBA'78, 818/246-6474 (h). Thurs., Aug. 21: Summer Night at the Museum of ContemporaryArt. Call Sylvia Hohri, 213/621-1797 (w). Sat., Sept. 13: Hollywood Bowlconcert and picnic. Contact Ted Cline, 213/222-4914 (h). Sat., Sept. 27: Visit the Charles Rennie Mackintosh Retrospectiveat LACMA. Contact Kristie Zises, 310/396-9278 (h). Thurs., Oct. 9: Lecture on "The Art of Building Businesses."Contact Paul Nibarger, 310/541-8609 (w). For information on club activitiesor volunteer opportunities, contact Harry Sondheim, AB'54, JD'57, and BrankaSondheim, X'59, 310/454-1088 (h). Wed., Nov. 5: President Sonnenschein speaks at an alumni reception.Look for an invitation this fallMinneapolis/St. PaulFor club information or to volunteer, call Mark Anema, AB'83, 612/926-3663(h). New YorkTues., Sept. 30: Humanities dean and music professor PhilipGossett lectures as part of the Distinguished Faculty Series. Third Thursdayof each month, including Aug. 21 and Sept. 18, 7 p.m.: Young alumni happy hours at St. Mark's Bar,132 First Avenue. Watch for more news to arrive in late August and earlySeptember, with updates on events through January.PortlandThird Tuesday of each month, including Aug. 19 and Sept. 16, 6 p.m.: Young alumni meet at the Bridgeport BrewingCompany. Watch for information on such upcoming events as a hike, a baseballgame, and a Scotch tasting.San DiegoTo volunteer or learn about the club, call Gary Osborne, JD'89, 619/454-6754(h). San FranciscoThe San Francisco book club meets on the second Sunday of each month.For information, contact Ann Logue, MBA'91, 415/566-8641 (h). The EastBay book club meets on the third Sunday of each month. Call Ruth Abel,AB'36, 510/849-9308 (h). To find out about upcoming events, contact MennetteLarkin, AM'83, 510/525-0445 (h). SeattleFor information or to volunteer, call Jim Thompson, AB'87, 425/348-8090(w). Washington, DCWed. Sept. 17, 6:30 p.m.: Modern drama discussion group on LillianHellman's 1934 play, "The Children's Hour," at Luna Books, 1633P St., NW. Sat., Sept. 20, 9 a.m.: Architectural tour on Capitol Hill.Fri., Sept. 26, Ivy League singles party at F. Scott Fitzgerald's.Sat., Oct. 4, 9:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.: Hillwood Museum tour.For details, contact Marilyn Melvan, U of C Alumni Association,at 312/702-2157; at 312/702-2166 (fax); or at Admissions, anyone?Anyone interested in assisting the Office of College Admissions withworldwide recruitment activities should contact Courtney Federle, assistantdirector of College Admissions, Room 186, 1116 East 59th Street, Chicago,IL 60637 (773/702-8665; E-mail:
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