![]() | ![]() What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at theMagazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of ChicagoMagazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason,starting with the February/96 issue we no longer list all of the U of Calumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives orwere members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order inwhich it arrives, it may not appear immediately. Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear.Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including thosewho later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduatedegree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degreesby the year of their final degree. Class News Highlights"Even though the Babylonian Talmud is in two languages, which Iam still learning, it's easier to understand than most recent Supreme Courtdecisions." --Richard A. Flom, AB'76 Keeping in TouchThe University of Chicago Magazine is looking for a few goodmen and women to serve as correspondents for their College classmates.We're particularly interested in locating correspondents for classes withreunions in June 1997 or 1998-those class years that end in 2, 3, 7, or8. If you are an alumnus or alumna of the College, and your class yearends in a "2" or a "7," then you may already have aclass correspondent. If that's the case, you can send your class news directlyto that person for inclusion in the Magazine. The guidelines are the sameas they've always been (details above). To find out if your class doeshave a correspondent, look for contact information at the end of your class'scolumn in this issue of the "Class News." If no one is listed,that means we're still looking for a correspondent, so send your news directlyto the Magazine. If you'd like to volunteer to be your class's correspondent,please let us know by contacting Patty Coen, associate director of theU of C Alumni Association, by phone (773/702-2154), fax (773/702-2166),or e-mail p-coen@uchicago.edu Within Class News:
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