![]() | ![]() 1950sWhat's the news? We are always eager to receive yournews at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, Universityof Chicago Magazine, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. To write us with your news directly, click here forour e-mail form: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space.As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appearimmediately. Please specify the year under which you would likeyour news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates(including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of theirundergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduatedegrees by the year of their final degree. 51Boris Auerbach, AB'51, JD'54, see 1987, StevenG. Auerbach. In May, Michel P. Richard, AB'51, AM'55, sponsoredand cohosted a three-day, Miami-based reunion of Acrotheatre, a group foundedin 1944 by former U of C coach and physical education department dean ErwinF. ("Bud") Beyer, AB'39. Organized to honor Beyer, who leftthe U of C in 1961 to start similar groups in New York, the reunion drew21 people, including a former Olympian, Ruth Grulkowski Hatyina,AB'52. "The collective energy of these aging acrobats was greaterthan anything I can recall from my youth," writes Richard. 52Cyril H. Harvey, AB'52, see 1927, Rachel Fort Weller.Judith Weller Harvey, X'52, see 1927, Rachel Fort Weller. RuthGrulkowski Hatyina, AB'52, see 1951, Michel P. Richard. 53The 45th class reunion will be held June 5-7, 1998. OnJuly 1, after 40 years of service, Harold R. Hirsch, AB'53, retiredfrom the Chicago Transit Authority, where he was vice president of planning.Brucia Fried Witthoft, AB'53, retired at the end of May after 25years as a professor of art history at Framingham State College in Massachusetts.In her retirement, she plans to spend more time with her grandchildren,her three Labrador retrievers, and her research into American art, whichalready includes "a preliminary study of the drawing collection inthe Adirondack Museum." Her husband, William G. Witthoft, PhB'47,SB'55, SM'58, has been retired for three years and "spends most ofhis spare time playing GO." The two invite e-mail from dog loversand GO players at witthoft@world.std.com. 54Susan Mathieu Auerbach, AB'54, see 1987, StevenG. Auerbach. After many years as a litigator and negotiator for the UnitedSteelworkers of America, Carl B. Frankel, AB'54, JD'57, was namedgeneral counsel there in May. He has been a fellow of the College of Laborand Employment Lawyers since August 1996. Also in May, Purdue Universityawarded an honorary science doctorate to Bertram Kostant, SM'51,PhD'54, a professor emeritus of mathematics at M.I.T. 55Gunnar C. Beeth, MBA'55, president of the Brussels-basedexecutive-search firm IMACONSULT, wrote an article, "MulticulturalManagers Wanted," that appeared in the May issue of Management Review.For details, e-mail him at gunnar.beeth@imaconsult.beMarianCollege in Fond du Lac, WI, awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree toits former president Edward L. Henry, AM'48, MBA'48, PhD'55, whoalso delivered the May commencement address. 56Mary Elizabeth Kirtley, AB'56, director of thegraduate and professional studies office at Dickinson College, retiredrecently after 15 years of service there. 57Samuel H. Mitchell, AB'57, AM'58, is a professorof education at the University of Calgary, where he has taught since 1965. 58The 40th class reunion will be held June 5-7, 1998. DavidW. Fox, MBA'58, writes that his daughter, Sarah, will be a first-yearstudent at the U of C this fall. As part of a month-long trip to the U.S.,Hezekiah M. Openda, SM'58, who lives in Kenya, visited two almamaters: Oberlin College, where he attended a reunion of African-Americanalumni, and the U of C. During his five-day campus visit in April, ReverendOpenda stayed at Brent House. Following "a 3.6-year contract"with the U.S. Agency for International Development to assist the countryof Lesotho's primary-education efforts, John B. Urner, PhD'58, hassemi-retired in Lesotho. His career in education and development planningtook him to Bhutan, Bangladesh, Egypt, the Philippines, and Libya withthe World Bank, U.N. agencies, USAID and private consultants. He and hiswife, Carol, became grandparents in 1994. They have a son in Portland,OR; a daughter in Whittier, CA; and "a modest house" in Florida.Urner reports having found fulfillment in doing what he feels Chicago trainedhim to do: "lend a hand to third-world countries struggling to escapepoverty and allied problems." E-mail him at urners@lesoff.co.za Within Class News:
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