![]() | ![]() 1990sWhat's the news? We are always eager to receive yournews at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, Universityof Chicago Magazine, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. To write us with your news directly, click here forour e-mail form: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space.As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appearimmediately. Please specify the year under which you would likeyour news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates(including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of theirundergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduatedegrees by the year of their final degree. 90Lisa N. Bleed, AB'90, married Jeffery Rogers onApril 18 in Oakland, CA. William M. Irvin, Jr., JD'90, earned hisM.D. from St. Louis University in May and plans to complete a psychiatryresidency at the University of Pittsburgh. Myra Zaharchuk Lee, AB'90,of Arlington, VA, received an M.B.A. in May from the University of Virginia'sThe Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, where she receivedthe school's faculty award for academic excellence. Paul R. Winter,SB'90, is a graduate student of chemistry at the University of Coloradoat Boulder. 91Amy M. Hollywood, AM'86, PhD'91, an assistant professorof religion at Dartmouth, was awarded the 1997 Otto Grundler prize duringthe 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, held in May at WesternMichigan University in Kalamazoo. Darby Lewes, PhD'91, receivedan honorary doctorate in literature this year from Wilson College in Chambersburg,PA. At Lycoming College in Williamsport, PA, where Lewes teaches English,she was awarded a faculty teaching prize. In her spare time, Lewes raisesBorder collies. Daniel A. Shmikler, AB'91, graduated from Northwestern'slaw school in 1996 and joined the litigation department of the Chicagolaw firm Holleb & Coff. Tracy T. Yuen, AB'91, writes: "Aftera completely stress-filled 1996, I am happy to report that my life is achievingsome semblance of order." Having lived in Washington, DC, for sixyears, she is moving to Philadelphia to attend the Wharton School of Business,where she will room with Nancy Kusumoto, AB'91, and looks forwardto seeing classmates Laura Howenstine, AB'91, and Jeffrey T.Carpenter, AB'91. 92Christopher F. Roth, AM'92, see 1996, Angela E.Sorby. Stanton Wortham, AM'88, PhD'92, an assistant professor ofeducation at Bates College, was honored with a faculty service award fordesigning several programs, including one in which Latino students fromBates tutor and mentor Latino public-school children. College alumni, pleasesend your news to your class correspondent: Lesley F. Kim, AB'92 1364 25thAvenue San Francisco, CA 94122-1525 415-242-0187 (h) e-mail: saltysoo@aol.com 93The 5th class reunion will be held June 5-7, 1998. ErinK. Greene, AB'93, a member of Alpha Delta Phi, graduated from the Universityof Illinois College of Medicine and will do his residency in general surgeryat Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. He writes news of hisclassmates and fellow fraternity brothers: David M. Weinstock, AB'93,recently graduated from the George Washington University School of Medicineand Health Sciences and will do his residency in internal medicine at CornellUniversity; Matthew T. Adams, AB'94, recently returned from a three-yearstint working in Hong Kong and will enter the GSB this fall; AndrewS. Hyman, AB'93, recently graduated from the American University WashingtonCollege of Law and will be working in Washington, DC; and Kris J. Alden,AB'91, is pursuing an M.D./Ph.D. at the University of Illinois Collegeof Medicine. John F. Hagan, Jr., AB'93, graduated from the NYU Schoolof Law in May 1996 and is now an associate in the litigation departmentof Kirkland & Ellis in Chicago. E-mail him at JHagan08@aol.com.Alexander E. Potente, AB'93, graduated cum laude from Harvard LawSchool in June and has been working as a summer associate for the law firmLatham and Watkins in Chicago. In September he will begin a two-year termas clerk for the Hon. James Zagel of the U.S. Federal Court for the NorthernDistrict of Illinois. 94Matthew T. Adams, AB'94, see 1993, Erin K. Greene.David J. Batal, MBA'94, starts medical school at Columbia Universityin New York City this month. "Although consulting was fun, medicinehas been my calling since childhood," he writes, signing his e-mailas "very psyched." Larry S. Cohen, AM'94, see 1984, KeithFleming. Shannon B. Mudd, AM'86, PhD'94, has been working for thepast 2 1/2 years as an adviser to the USAID fiscal reform project in Moscow.His daughter, Savannah Winn, was born in April 1996 in London. ElenaPoloukhine, AB'94, is studying medicine at Rush Medical College inChicago. In addition to her "limited" private practice, writesRita R. Raciak, AM'94, she is also a psychotherapist at DesPlainesValley Community Center (an affiliate of Hull House) in Summit, IL. There,she is the coordinator of Community Wraparound, a federally funded programfor families with mentally ill children at risk for hospitalization. Shealso specializes in treating adult women survivors of childhood sexualabuse, and, with donated books, has begun a lending library for agencyclients. Selva J. Raj, PhD'94, an assistant professor of religiousstudies at Albion College in Michigan, was awarded the school's James andDorothy Blanchard fellowship, which supports junior faculty members' summerresearch. Raj focuses primarily on Asian religions, with a specialty inHinduism. Peter J. Shapiro, AB'94, received a J.D. degree from theNew England School of Law in Boston and will pursue an LL.M. in taxationat Boston University this fall. Noah M. Williams, AB'94, marriedMelissa Walsh on March 23 in Massachusetts. The two met in Washington,DC, while working as research assistants for the Federal Reserve System'sboard of governors. After two years in DC, they have relocated to HydePark to attend the U of C: she, pursuing an M.B.A. at the GSB; he, pursuinga Ph.D. in the economics department. 95Elizabeth Klein Frumkin, AM'92, JD'95, see 1945,Allan Frumkin. 96Birgit Bogler, AB'96, who works as a financialanalyst at Bear Stearns, is "running after a six-month-old Rottweilerpup named Stella...and hoping for U of C doggy wear." After the 9thAnnual Research Conference of the Research & Training Center for Children'sMental Health, a 1996 mental health conference titled A System of Carefor Children's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base, AaronL. Rogaczewski, AB'96, served as copy editor on the publication ofthe proceedings. In their preface to the volume, the editors write: "Wewill soon lose Aaron to medical school; some day he will be an extraordinarilythorough and careful doctor. Thank you, Aaron, for the quality of thisbook." Angela F. Sorby, AM'89, PhD'96, and Christopher F.Roth, AM'92, of Seattle, announce the March 24 birth of their firstchild, Ivan Henry. 97Peter Frumkin, PhD'97, see 1945, Allan Frumkin. Within Class News:
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