Alumni AwardsMaking Top Marks: The Professional Achievement Citations
Rex James Bates, SB'47, MBA'49 As financial vice president at State Farm Automobile Insurance from1972 to 1991, Bates helped make the firm a leading property and casualtycompany. A trustee of the Brookings Institution, the Nature Conservancy,and Illinois Wesleyan University, Bates sits on the administrative boardof Laboratory Ornithology at Cornell University and actively supports theGSB.

Catherine Cleary, AB'37 In Cleary's three decades at First Wisconsin Trust (now FirstarTrust), she became its first woman officer and helped make it one of thecountry's premier trust institutions. She was assistant U.S. treasurerand assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury during the Eisenhower administration,holds honorary degrees from 12 colleges and universities, and is includedin the Wisconsin Business Hall of Fame.

George Gloeckler, SB'60, SM'61, PhD'65 A professor of physics at the University of Maryland since 1967,Gloeckler has contributed to space plasma physics through pioneering discoveriesand the invention of instruments. He has received six Group AchievementAwards from NASA, and, for his work on the Voyager Mission, was awardedNASA's 1981 Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal.

John Hockenberry, X'79 A Peabody- and Emmy-award-winning broadcast journalist, foreigncorrespondent, and author, Hockenberry has also worked as a stage performerand spokesman for the disabled. Host of MSNBC's Edgewise and a correspondentfor Dateline NBC, Hockenberry was one of the first Western broadcast journaliststo report from Kurdish refugee camps in Northern Iraq during the gulf war.

Dorothy Patton, PhD'67 Currently the executive director of the Environmental ProtectionAgency's Science Policy Council, Patton has served the EPA in many capacitiesover the past 20 years. As the agency's chief hearing counsel, she wagedsuccessful legal battles against the makers and distributors of dioxin-containingherbicides. In the 1980s, she worked to help regulate toxins and establishair pollution standards.

Judith E. Stein, AB'62, AM'64 A teacher and chair of the English department at Kenwood Academyin Hyde Park for nearly three decades, Stein has been hailed nationallyfor improving the quality of public education in urban areas. She won theGolden Apple award in 1992, and, since her early retirement in 1993, hasturned to the teaching of teachers throughout the Midwest.

J. Ernest Wilkins, Jr., SB'40, SM'41, PhD'42 Wilkins earned his mathematics Ph.D. at age 19 and is now distinguishedprofessor of applied mathematics and mathematical physics at Clark AtlantaUniversity. His research positions at the U of C included work on the ManhattanProject. He continues to research nuclear energy and is an instructor,mentor, and role model for other African-American scientists.

Robert Winter, AM'72, PhD'78 A scholar, pianist, teacher, and multimedia artist, Winter usescutting-edge technologies to make musical scholarship accessible and compellingto a general audience. Currently the presidential chair of music and interactivearts at UCLA, Winter developed his popular multimedia-music courses intoCD-ROM programs that win praise from scholars and the press.
- Heather Tobis Booth, AB'67, AM'70
- Kenneth Dunn, AM'70
- Howard Landau, PhB'24
- James McClure, AB'42, JD'49
- Eleanor P. Petersen, X'53
- Rafael Ravelo, AM'77
- Anna Zellick, AB'41
Making Top Marks: The ProfessionalAchievement Citations - Rex James Bates, SB'47, MBA'49
- Catherine Cleary, AB'37
- George Gloeckler, SB'60, SM'61, PhD'65
- John Hockenberry, X'79
- Dorothy Patton, PhD'67
- Judith E. Stein, AB'62, AM'64
- J. Ernest Wilkins, Jr., SB'40, SM'41, PhD'42
- Robert Winter, AM'72, PhD'78
School-Spirited: The Alumni ServiceCitations - Irwin Askow, AB'36, JD'38
- Joan Feitler, AM'55
- Thomas Heagy, AB'67, MBA'70
- Kenneth Kaufman, X'69, MBA'76
- Thomas J. Lee, AM'90
- Katherine Dusak Miller, AB'65, MBA'68, PhD'71
- Kathryn Stevens, AM'70
The Young Alumni Service Citations- Robert Boland, AB'83, MBA'87
- Jennifer L. Magnabosco, AB'85, AM'85
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