![]() | ![]() 1940sWhat's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at theMagazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of ChicagoMagazine, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. As news ispublished in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately. Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear.Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including thosewho later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduatedegree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degreesby the year of their final degree. 40In his consulting work, Seymour K. Coburn, SB'40,has prepared presentations to transportation departments, advocating anew, water-borne, protective coating over damaged lead-based paints inthe New England states and New York City. 42F. David Martin, AB'42, PhD'49, and Lee A. Jacobushad a new edition of their book, The Humanities through the Arts, publishedby McGraw-Hill. Beatrice Gaidzik Perry, X'42, attended reunion in June,her first visit to campus since last year, when she came for the dedicationof a sculpture she was commissioned to make. The sculpture now stands inthe garden of the U of C President's House. Of the dedication, Perry remarks,"It was one of the high points of my life." Other lifetime highs,she adds, include "marrying Hart Perry, AM'39; mothering Hart Perry,Jr., and Scott Perry; spending the rest of my life being a sculptor; andliving for the last 30 years in NEW YORK CITY and on the Hudson River acrossfrom the Catskill Mountains." 43The 55th class reunion will be held June 5-7, 1998. WhenBeryl Brand Walther, PhB'43, was honored as Alaska's 1997 motherof the year, all eight of her children and their spouses attended the Marchbanquet. Walther then represented Alaska at the National Convention ofAmerican Mothers, in Scottsdale, AZ. She has traveled to Turkey, Kenya,and the Indian Ocean, and enjoys music, gardening, family, church, andAlaskan summers. Her children and 37 grandchildren all live in the state. 44William M. Cross, X'44, CLA'51, AM'51, a professorof sociology at Illinois College, was awarded the school's 1997 CharlesE. Frank faculty award and was one of five faculty members selected forprofessional-development grants. In May, the Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Foundationawarded Maurice R. Hilleman, PhD'44, its gold medal and lifetimeachievement award. 45Allan Frumkin, PhB'45, attended the March convocation,and saw his son, Peter Frumkin, PhD'97, receive a sociology doctorate.Peter's wife, Elizabeth Klein Frumkin, AM'92, JD'95, was also present.Owen Jenkins, AB'45, AM'50, retired in June as the Helen F. Lewisprofessor of English emeritus at Carleton College. Huston C. Smith,PhD'45, currently a visiting professor at the University of California,Berkeley, spoke at the Naropa Institute's Spirituality in Education conference,held May 30 through June 3. He has held teaching positions in philosophyand religion at Washington University in St. Louis and at M.I.T. He wasfeatured on Bill Moyers's Spring 1996 PBS special, "The Wisdom ofFaith with Huston Smith," and is the author of numerous articles andbooks, which include The World's Religions (formerly The Religions of Man),One Nation Under God, and The Purposes of Higher Education. 47At the 14th annual conference of the Peconic Community Council in NewYork, MaryElla Hopkins Reutershan, PhB'47, a gerontologist who foundedand owns Senior Services in East Hampton, NY, received the Mary Carnicelliaward for excellence in human services to the people of Eastern Long Island.William G. Witthoft, PhB'47, SB'55, SM'58, see 1953, Brucia FriedWitthoft. College alumni, please send your news to your class correspondent:Norman L. Macht, PhB'47 5910 Smith Avenue Baltimore, MD 21209-3614 Phone:410/664-2542 (h) Fax: 410/664-2542 48The 50th class reunion will be held June 5-7, 1998. Ernst L. Gayden,PhB'48, spent winter quarter 1997 in Morelia, Mexico, working on a bookon human ecology, but took a week in February to attend a conference inHavana on Society and the Environment. In April, Gayden was named a professoremeritus at Western Washington University. Donald E. Osterbrock,PhB'48, SB'48, SM'49, PhD'52, received an honorary doctorate in sciencein April from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where between 1958 and1973, Osterbrock moved up from assistant to full professor in the school'sastronomy department. Now a retired professor at the University of Californiaat Santa Cruz, Osterbrock lives in Santa Cruz with his wife, Irene, andwrites that the couple still have "many close friends" in Madisonand Williams Bay, WI, "home of the U of C's Yerkes Observatory."Alexander H. Pope, AB'48, JD'52, celebrated his 68th birthday onJune 4 "with a new job and a new challenge," as the new executivedirector of the California Citizens Budget Commission. 49Albert L. Weeks, AM'49, a professor emeritus at NYU and a teacherat the Ringling School of Art and Design, now also lectures at the Sarasota-Manatee(FL) Jewish Community Center, where his topics have included world affairsand "symbols and civilization." Weeks regularly contributes commentariesto the Bradenton Herald and the Sarasota Herald-Tribune in addition towriting a weekly column for the Washington Inquirer. Within Class News:
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