Alumni AwardsSchool-Spirited: The Alumni Service Citations
Irwin Askow, AB'36, JD'38 Active in the University's programs for the past 60 years, Askowis one of the U of C's longest-serving volunteers. He has given his timeto support the Oriental Institute, the President's Council, and the LawSchool. As fund-raising chair for his 60th class reunion, he played aninstrumental role in raising $6 million, the largest class gift in theUniversity's history

Joan Feitler, AM'55 Feitler has worked diligently to enhance the University's intellectualand cultural life. She sits on the U of C Women's Board steering committeeand chairs its projects committee. In addition, Feitler has served on theVisual Arts and Social Sciences Visiting Committees, supported the SmartMuseum and Court Theatre, and been active in the Milwaukee alumni club.

Thomas Heagy, AB'67, MBA'70 Long a leader in University affairs, Heagy has been a member ofthe Oriental Institute's visiting committee, a director of the RenaissanceSociety, and a member of the alumni planning committee for the U of C Centennial.He chaired his 20th reunion's planning committee, supports the UniversityHospitals, and serves on the committee for Wyler Friends Against AIDS.

Kenneth Kaufman, X'69, MBA'76 As a member of the Graduate Program in Health Administration andPolicy's Alumni Council, Kaufman has revitalized volunteer and financialsupport for the program, launching an annual fund drive that drew morethan 200 alumni contributions, many in response to his personal calls.He also lectures, mentors, supervises, and advises students.

Thomas J. Lee, AM'90 Only one year after his graduation, Lee led the creation of theHarris School National Alumni Association, which now has 700 members, andwas elected its first president. Through a series of informal receptionsand social events, he has strengthened the network between alumni and students.This fall, he joins the School's mentor program, helping students makethe transition to professional life.

Katherine Dusak Miller, AB'65, MBA'68, PhD'71 A leader in reunion planning for her class since 1975, Miller co-chairedher 25th reunion committee and her 30th reunion gift committee. She chairedthe major gift committee for Chicago alumni of her era during the recentcampaign, is a former member of the Alumni Association Board of Governors,and helped establish the Suleyman chair in Turkish studies.

Kathryn Stevens, AM'70 A volunteer for the School of Social Service Administration forover a decade, Stevens recently completed a term as its Alumni Association'spresident. As chair of the SSA alumni awards committee, she helped developthe Elizabeth Butler young alumni award. While director of Social Workat Children's Memorial Hospital, Stevens volunteered as a fieldwork supervisorand student mentor.
- Heather Tobis Booth, AB'67, AM'70
- Kenneth Dunn, AM'70
- Howard Landau, PhB'24
- James McClure, AB'42, JD'49
- Eleanor P. Petersen, X'53
- Rafael Ravelo, AM'77
- Anna Zellick, AB'41
Making Top Marks: The ProfessionalAchievement Citations - Rex James Bates, SB'47, MBA'49
- Catherine Cleary, AB'37
- George Gloeckler, SB'60, SM'61, PhD'65
- John Hockenberry, X'79
- Dorothy Patton, PhD'67
- Judith E. Stein, AB'62, AM'64
- J. Ernest Wilkins, Jr., SB'40, SM'41, PhD'42
- Robert Winter, AM'72, PhD'78
School-Spirited: The Alumni ServiceCitations - Irwin Askow, AB'36, JD'38
- Joan Feitler, AM'55
- Thomas Heagy, AB'67, MBA'70
- Kenneth Kaufman, X'69, MBA'76
- Thomas J. Lee, AM'90
- Katherine Dusak Miller, AB'65, MBA'68, PhD'71
- Kathryn Stevens, AM'70
The Young Alumni Service Citations- Robert Boland, AB'83, MBA'87
- Jennifer L. Magnabosco, AB'85, AM'85
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