![]() | ![]() 1980sWhat's the news? We are always eager to receive yournews at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, Universityof Chicago Magazine, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. To write us with your news directly, click here forour e-mail form: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space.As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appearimmediately. Please specify the year under which you would likeyour news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates(including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of theirundergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduatedegrees by the year of their final degree. 80Steve W. Berman, JD'80, a partner in the Seattlelaw firm Hagens and Berman, is private lead counsel representing sevenstates in litigation against the tobacco industry. Berman played a rolein the March 1997 settlement with The Liggett Group and is working withthe Washington state attorney general in ongoing settlement talks. JonathanBrent, AM'73, PhD'80, was appointed editorial director of Yale UniversityPress. Abbe F. Fletman, AB'80, a partner of the Philadelphia lawfirm Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg & Ellers, was selected to serveon a division and task force of the Philadelphia Bar Association. She hasaccepted a second three-year term to the investigative division of thecommission on judicial selection and retention, and has agreed to servea one-year appointment on a gender-fairness task force. On July 1, historianand sociologist Norman Gevitz, PhD'80, became a professor and chairin the new social-medicine department at the Ohio University College ofOsteopathic Medicine in Athens. In April, after five years in the U.K.,Shigeo Ichikawa, MBA'80, returned to Japan. 81Mark J. A. Hughes, AB'81, joined the Phoenix lawfirm of Morrison & Hecker as a senior attorney. Air Force Major LaurenN. Johnson-Naumann, AB'81, and her husband, Major Mark Naumann, announcethe March 4 birth of their first child, Paul Vincent. The newborn tookhis first airplane voyage "to accompany Mom" when she traveledto a June Pentagon ceremony, where the Secretary of Defense awarded herfor productivity excellence. Johnson-Naumann works in the acquisition andfiscal law division of the staff judge advocate's office at Scott Air ForceBase in Belleville, IL. Jeffrey J. Makos, AB'81, AM'82, see 1979,Elizabeth R. ("Libby") Morse. Andrew Patner, X'81, see1984, Keith Fleming. 82Richard A. Kaye AB'82, see 1984, Keith Fleming.Norbert F. Scherer, SB'82, writes that he earned his Ph.D. in chemistryin 1989 at Caltech, where he did his doctoral work on ultrafast laser spectroscopywith Professor Ahmed Zewail and met Seung-Eun Choi, a 1987 doctoral graduatein chemistry from UCLA. Scherer and Choi were married in 1990. With anNSF postdoctoral fellowship, Scherer then worked with Professor GrahamFleming at the U of C before becoming an assistant professor in 1992 atthe University of Pennsylvania, and going on to win several fellowshipsand awards. Scherer, his wife, and their three children-Matthew, 4; Amanda,14 months; and Amber, 3 months-recently relocated to Chicago, where Schereris now a U of C chemistry professor. Brian D. Scott, AB'82, MBA'83,see 1984, Terry L. Wilson. 83The 15th class reunion will be held June 5-7, 1998. JohnR. Collier, AB'83, MBA'87, and Maria Barr Collier, AB'85, MAT'86,announce the arrival of their fourth daughter, Julie Alison. She joinssisters Laura, Lisa, and Ginger. Joanna Sears Flanagan, AB'83, wasrecently promoted to senior manager in the NationsBank strategic technologygroup. She and her 7-year-old son, Francis Michael, live in Charlotte,NC. Robert C. Goodman, JD'83, and a partner have started their ownSan Francisco law firm, Goodman/Kang. Both are former trial attorneys inthe U.S. Justice Department's environmental enforcement system. The firmspecializes in litigation. Goodman continues as adjunct professor of environmental-lawat the University of San Francisco School of Law and co-chairs the environmentallaw section for the San Francisco Bar Association. Sarah M. Herndon,AB'83, AM'86, see 1984, Keith Fleming. Nir Kossovsky, MD'83, andBeth Schaner Brandegee, AB'83, recently celebrated both their 15thwedding anniversary and their twin M.B.A. degrees from the University ofSouthern California. Kossovsky, an associate professor of pathology atUCLA, is exploring opportunities in advanced technologies, and Brandegeeis looking at marketing opportunities in the fashion industry. The couplehopes to work together advancing some of Kossovsky's 15 U.S. patents. NancyK. Oyer, AM'83, and her husband, Jason Sholder, of Beverly Hills, CA,announce the January 5 birth of their daughter Katie, who joins Rachel,3. Adam M. Spiegel, AB'83, and his wife, Barbara, have seen "manystrange and wonderful things" in the past few years while visitingarchaeological sites in Mexico and throughout Central America. WilliamR. St. John, AM'77, AM'80, PhD'83, see 1970, Seth Masia. VincentE. Villinski, MBA'83, a partner in Coopers & Lybrand, was appointeda director of the Illinois CPA Society. Margaret G. Waterstreet,MBA'83, of Chicago, had her comedy Familiar Faces produced by Love CreekProductions at the Harold Clurman Theater in New York City June 30 throughJuly 2. In the play, a businesswoman seeks affirmation of her life choicesfrom her grade-school teachers. The character realizes her teachers' shortcomings,then sees that she has selected friends with similar ones. 84Keith Fleming, X'84, is working on a biographyof his uncle, the writer Edmund White, and recently sold a piece on thesubject to The New Yorker. He sends greetings to Andrew Patner,X'81; Richard A. Kaye AB'82; Sarah M. Herndon, AB'83, AM'86;John E. Schulman, X'83; Campbell J. McGrath, AB'84; and LarryS. Cohen, AM'94. Friends may e-mail him c/o Maria Tulokas at mtulokas@risd.edu.Jeffrey R. Kaiser, AB'84, who received a master's degree in thesociology of education from Johns Hopkins University in 1987 and an M.D.from the University of Maryland at Baltimore in 1989, became an assistantprofessor of neonatology at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock inJuly. After medical training in New York and Texas, Kaiser was pleasedto be moving to Little Rock with his wife, Sharon, and their sons, Michael,7, and Jordan, 4. He hopes to golf with President Clinton after his administrationends. Bruce M. Sullivan, PhD'84, was promoted to professor of religiousstudies and is coordinator of Asian studies at Northern Arizona Universityin Flagstaff, AZ. Terry L. Wilson, X'84, of Columbus, OH, writesthat she and Karen Kitchen Weber, AB'84, of Tokyo, flew to Monaco"via Wien" to join newlyweds Brian D. Scott, AB'82, MBA'83,and the former Beatrice Wood for their postnuptial resort reception. TheScotts live in Huntington Beach, CA, and Brian is principal at First FinancialResources in nearby Seal Beach. 85Alison Heller Auerbach, X'85, see 1987, StevenG. Auerbach. Maria Barr Collier, AB'85, MAT'86, see 1983, John R.Collier. Herbert W. Silverman, AB'85, is a donor consultant forLIFESouth Community Blood Centers, where he motivates people to give blood."After suffering my stroke six years ago, my job is very rewarding,"he writes, adding, "On a different note, I challenge all Hendersongentlemen (from 1984 to 1988) to call or write me." John G. Stathis,MBA'85, a managing director of J. P. Morgan, transferred from the firm'sNew York office to its San Francisco office to head the fixed-income salesgroup and serve on the management committee for the western U.S. 86Mary Jo Pittner Desch, AB'86, and Michael C.Desch, AM'84, PhD'88, announce the June 22 birth of their daughter,Sophie Anne. Jose A. Feito, AB'86, completed a Ph.D. in social psychologyat the University of California, Berkeley, with a dissertation investigatinghow young children become aware of "social rules for emotional expression,"especially gender-related ones. He came up with the proposal during histhree years as a preschool teacher at the Harold E. Jones Child Study Centerin Berkeley, and he now teaches undergraduates at St. Mary's College inMoraga, CA. "They have an excellent Great Books core curriculum therewhich dovetails perfectly with my Chicago heritage," he writes. WendyOsanka Jones, AB'86, and Kenneth F. Jones, AB'86, "haverealized a lifelong dream" of living in San Francisco, where Ken directsvisitor services at the zoo, and Wendy teaches computer technology to adults.The two often see Christopher J. Rupright, AB'86, and his wife,Pam, who are both graduates of Northwestern's law school. The Joneses'visitors have included Lawrence S. Berlin, AB'89, MBA'94, and ThomasS. Ricketts, AB'88, MBA'93, along with wife CeCe and son Quinn. Friendsmay call the Joneses at 415/864-2320. Juliet Wells Leckenby, AB'86,and husband Charlie announce the birth of their son, Oliver Charles, onApril 26. The family lives in Denver. Dorothy J. ("Dodie")Ownes, AM'86, and her husband, Mike, live in Golden, CO, with theirson, Paul, 2 1/2. Ownes writes that Mike, who is in "the snowboard/skateboardbusiness," teaches their son such expressions as "Shaka coolie,bro." Ownes recently accepted a position as West Coast sales rep forthe magazine Library Journal, noting, "I work from home, and haven'tfelt this invigorated since I was in library school." E-mail her atdownes@cahners.com. 87Steven G. Auerbach, AB'87, MBA'93, and AlisonHeller Auerbach, X'85, announce the December 30, 1996, birth of theirson, Matthew Gerald, whose grandparents include Boris Auerbach,AB'51, JD'54; Susan Mathieu Auerbach, AB'54; D. Brian Heller,AM'64, PhD'75; and Rita McClure Cunningham-Heller, AM'78. CarolFitch Baulos, AB'87, would "love" to hear from other alumniabout "Guam experiences," recollections of the PERL concentrationfrom 1983 to 1986, and commuter-club memories from 1982 to 1985. BrianP. Flood, MBA'87, was appointed senior vice president and general managerof TNT Logistics, a third-party supply-chain management firm based in Linthicum,MD. Marci A. Whitney-Schenck, AM'87, publisher and editor of Christianityand the Arts, writes that the journal received financial support fromthe Lutheran Brotherhood for an August 1997 issue to cover both the MissouriSynod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America-"and if you knowanything about Lutherans," writes Whitney-Schenck, "you knowthis is quite remarkable." Ned P. Wisnefske, PhD'87, see 1972,Robert D. Denham. College alumni, please send your news to your class correspondent:Alison L. Inafuku, AB'87 Alliance Capital Management Corporation 1345 Avenueof the Americas New York, NY 10105 Phone: 212/969-2519 (w) Fax: 212/969-6146E-mail: alison_inafuku@aol.com 88The 10th class reunion will be held June 5-7, 1998. MichaelC. Desch, AM'84, PhD'88, see 1986, Mary Jo Pittner Desch. MartinaS. Hahn, X'88, was named director of professional development and off-campusprograms at the University of Miami. James J. Howicz, AB'88, andhis wife, Jennifer, recently celebrated the first birthday of their daughter,Emily. Howicz is a senior attorney in the legal department of Mercury FinanceCompany. Neal J. Loevinger, AB'88, see 1976, Richard A. Flom. ThomasS. Ricketts, AB'88, MBA'93, see 1986, Wendy Osanka Jones. DavidJ. Wolfsohn, JD'88, a shareholder in the law firm of Hangley AronchickSegal & Pudlin, was elected vice chair of the nine-member SwarthmorePlanning Commission, which addresses zoning, town planning, and economic-developmentissues for the Philadelphia borough. 89Lawrence S. Berlin, AB'89, MBA'94, see 1986, WendyOsanka Jones. Peter O. Evans, AB'89, completed an M.A. in internationalpolicy studies this past spring at the Monterey Institute of InternationalStudies in California, where he was selected as a finalist for a two-yearinternship program with the federal government. James A. Glazier,SM'87, PhD'89, was promoted to tenured associate professor of physics atthe University of Notre Dame, where-with funding from the National ScienceFoundation-he will set up the University's first high-field research magneticresonance imaging system. Gerrie L. Jakobs, AM'89, is married toLarry Rugoff and living in the "awe-inspiring" red-rocks regionof Sedona, AZ, where she is a clinical social worker at both the CancerCenter at Sedona and Sedona Medical Center. She writes that she is "occupiedwith hiking, gardening, and babymaking." Kristine D. Novak,AB'89, received her Ph.D. in cell biology from Duke University in May andmarried fellow Duke graduate Alexander Urioste in the Sarah P. Duke Gardenson June 7. The couple live in Winston-Salem, NC, and invite e-mail at knovak@bgsm.edu.In May and June, the R. Duane Reed Gallery in St. Louis held an exhibitof paintings and works on paper by Brian D. Smith, MFA'89. In June,Thomas F. Tipton, AB'89, a nationally renowned hymn singer, performedat the 61st annual open house for Fairview Village, a not-for-profit retirementand nursing home in Downers Grove, IL. For 10 consecutive years, Tiptonhas sung the national anthem at the opening games of the Minnesota Vikings.He was also invited to sing at the White House-sponsored dinner for retiringSupreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun, and he performed at former U.S. vicepresident Hubert H. Humphrey's funeral. A 16-year member of the televisionseries, Hour of Power, Tipton has performed worldwide with the Youth forChrist ministries, traveling to Russia, India, and Africa. Within Class News:
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