![]() | ![]() 1960sWhat's the news? We are always eager to receive yournews at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, Universityof Chicago Magazine, 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. To write us with your news directly, click here forour e-mail form: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space.As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appearimmediately. Please specify the year under which you would likeyour news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates(including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of theirundergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduatedegrees by the year of their final degree. 60George Gloeckler, SB'60, SM'61, PhD'65, a professorof physics at the University of Maryland at College Park, has been electedto the National Academy of Sciences. John E. Mueller, AB'60, a professorof political science and film studies at the University of Rochester, receivedthe Edward Peck Curtis award for excellence in undergraduate teaching inMay. Arthur H. Peterson, AB'60, writes that his wife of 32 yearsand seven months, Carolyn Hobbs Peterson, died May 17. Gene I. Rochlin,SB'60, SM'61, PhD'66, completed his 30th year at the University of California,Berkeley. Having switched from physics to social science in the mid-1970s,he is a professor in the Energy and Resources Group, where he works onthe politics and sociology of technology-managing organizations. His webpage, at http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~rochlin has more information. 62Jean E. Prebis, AM'62, PhD'70, an associate professorof psychology on the faculty of Purdue University Calumet for 28 years,retired recently with emerita status. Diana T. Slaughter-Defoe,AB'62, AM'64, PhD'68, will join the University of Pennsylvania facultyin January as the Constance E. Clayton professor of urban education, becomingthe first person to hold the endowed chair, named for Philadelphia's formerschools superintendent. Clayton is "apparently only the second African-Americanwoman in U.S. history to have an academic chair named in honor of her,"writes Slaughter-Defoe, adding, "I am especially pleased to join thisdistinguished, Ivy League, mission-oriented faculty with visions of whatquality education can be for the poor and disadvantaged." She intendsto introduce a developmental perspective into her field, while retaininga focus on sociocultural contexts. College alumni, please send your newsto your class correspondent: Mike Einisman, AB'62, MBA'63 477 Green BayRoad Highland Park, IL 60035-4935 Phone: 847/433-6101 (h), 800/438-3901(w) Fax: 847/433-5411 63The 35th class reunion will be held June 5-7, 1998. Thispast June, the Pancho Villa Restaurant and Gallery in the San FranciscoMission District displayed large-scale paintings covering 50 feet of the13-foot-high wall space-the work of artist Vicky I. Chaet, BFA'63,whose smaller paintings are on display this month at Creativity Arts Centerin Santa Monica, CA. On August 17, the exhibit will be part of a Centercollaboration with The New Short Fiction Series, called The Chaets: A CreativeFamily, which also includes a performance of original short fiction writtenby Mark Chaet and Eric Chaet. Harold B. Johnson, Jr., PhD'63, ofTucson, AZ, endowed a professorship of music at Grinnell College in honorof his aunt, Blanche Johnson, a piano teacher trained at the American Conservatoryof Music in Chicago. 64George J. Krafcisin, AB'64, recently left KemperInsurance, where he had worked since graduation, and is now director ofenrollment management at Shimer College in Waukegan, IL. "The schoolbases its curriculum on the U of C Great Books list," he writes. "Ifeel like I've come home again." Larry Lowenthal, AB'64, became aDemocratic precinct committeeman in Cooper City, FL, and communicationschair for Broward County's Democratic Executive Committee, for which hehas created a newsletter, letterhead, and Web site at (http://www.bcdec.org)."Although I have no interest in political office myself, at least when Igive politicians advice and/or criticism, they must now listen for courtesy'ssake," he comments. Son Noah studies medical illustration at the Universityof Illinois Medical Center. 65Vincent G. Harding, AM'56, PhD'65, a professorof religion and social transformation at Iliff School of Theology in Denver,CO, and former director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Center inHavana, spoke at the Naropa Institute's Spirituality in Education conference,held May 30 through June 3. Harding was the senior academic adviser tothe award-winning PBS television series Eyes on the Prize, and his numerouspublications include There is a River, Martin Luther King: The InconvenientHero, and Hope and History. Ants Leetmaa, SB'65, was named directorof the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate PredictionCenter in Camp Springs, MD. James E. Spicer, PhD'65, of RedingtonShores, FL, was elected a trustee of his alma mater Franklin College inFranklin, IN. 66Carol J. Montag, MST'66, was appointed head ofThe Harbor School in Bethesda, MD. 67James B. North, AM'67, became vice president ofacademic affairs at Cincinnati Bible College and Seminary in July. Thispast spring, College Press Publishing Company released his third book,Coming Together in Christ: Pioneering a New Testament Way to ChristianUnity, Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, and the Church of God, cowrittenwith Barry L. Callen of Anderson University. College alumni, please sendyour news to your class correspondent: Deanna Dragunas Bennett, AB'67 1622El Tair Trail Clearwater, FL 33765 Phone: 813/796-8807 (h) E-mail: vcdr72b@prodigy.com 68The 30th class reunion will be held June 5-7, 1998. BurinKantabutra, MBA'68, writes that Kasem Watanachai, CLA'74, becamepresident of Huachiew Chalerm-Prakiet University in Bangkok on January1. Previously at Chiengmai University as rector, deputy rector for studentaffairs, and deputy rector for academic affairs, Watanachai was also deputypermanent secretary and permanent secretary in the Royal Thai Government'sMinistry of University Affairs, and was appointed to the Senate in 1996.Vincent K. Pollard, AM'68, who holds an undergraduate certificatein Tagalog, is completing a doctorate in political science at the Universityof Hawaii at Manoa, where he specializes in comparative politics and internationalrelations. Recently, at the 38th annual convention of the InternationalStudies Association, Pollard presented a paper on the domestic and internationalpolitics of foreign policymaking in the Philippines under former presidentCorazon Aquino. Judith Lynn Sebesta, AB'68, was recently appointedchair of the history department at the University of South Dakota. 69Arthur Goldberg, MBA'69, was named CFO at TalkAmerica, a national direct-response marketing company. Margaret Lalor,AM'69, moved to senior housing in her former home town of Glens Falls,NY. She sends greetings to M.A. grads from 1969, writing: "Fond memoriesof Hamlin Hall and Norman McLean. And of 1968-69 upheaval, at the Conventionand within the University walls. Grad groups too far away. Any interestin a book group as a moveable feast?" Michael H. Simpson, MBA'69,a shareholder in the law firm Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, Norris &Rieselbach, was appointed by Wisconsin Governor Tommy G. Thompson to servea three-year term on the state's Small Business Environmental Council.After two years as executive producer for Perfect Video in Orange County,CA, Thomas L. Woods, AM'69, started his own company, in which heproduces "educational TV infomercials" and teaches independentproducers how to profit from making local leased-access television shows.His next project is a "low-budget spy movie." Woods lives andworks in Newport Beach, CA, and would like to hear from SSA classmates.Visit his Web page at: http://www.perfectnet.com/TWP Within Class News:
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