Alumni AwardsYoung Alumni Service Citations
Robert Boland, AB'83, MBA'87 Boland has been a recruiter of prospective students, an officerof the Boston alumni club, and-for the past nine years-a regional chairfor the Alumni Schools Committee. A volunteer for the GSB, Boland representsthe school at recruitment forums, interviews candidates, and recruits graduatesfor both Merrill Lynch & Company and Fidelity Investments.

Jennifer L. Magnabosco, AB'85, AM'85 Magnabosco has volunteered as a fund-raiser and student recruiterfor the past 10 years. She has led two Alumni Schools Committees and theNorthern New Jersey alumni club. Thanks in part to her efforts, more than40 percent of her class attended its 10th reunion. For the New York Cityalumni club, she has planned events and started a club newsletter.
- Heather Tobis Booth, AB'67, AM'70
- Kenneth Dunn, AM'70
- Howard Landau, PhB'24
- James McClure, AB'42, JD'49
- Eleanor P. Petersen, X'53
- Rafael Ravelo, AM'77
- Anna Zellick, AB'41
Making Top Marks: The ProfessionalAchievement Citations - Rex James Bates, SB'47, MBA'49
- Catherine Cleary, AB'37
- George Gloeckler, SB'60, SM'61, PhD'65
- John Hockenberry, X'79
- Dorothy Patton, PhD'67
- Judith E. Stein, AB'62, AM'64
- J. Ernest Wilkins, Jr., SB'40, SM'41, PhD'42
- Robert Winter, AM'72, PhD'78
School-Spirited: The Alumni ServiceCitations - Irwin Askow, AB'36, JD'38
- Joan Feitler, AM'55
- Thomas Heagy, AB'67, MBA'70
- Kenneth Kaufman, X'69, MBA'76
- Thomas J. Lee, AM'90
- Katherine Dusak Miller, AB'65, MBA'68, PhD'71
- Kathryn Stevens, AM'70
The Young Alumni Service Citations- Robert Boland, AB'83, MBA'87
- Jennifer L. Magnabosco, AB'85, AM'85
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