Four days after Christine Fulara’s
defective kidney was removed, the 70-year-old was taking
walks around the block. Fulara had the U of C Hospitals’
first robotic operation, performed in early December by
associate professor of surgery Arieh Shalhav with the new,
$1.2 million Da Vinci surgical system. Instead of a big
scar, she is left with only the marks on her belly from
several small incisions. Da Vinci’s cluster of arms
operated through two of the holes, and a tiny camera entered
through another to give Shalhav a 360-degree view. Sitting
a few feet away viewing the surgery through a console, Shalhav
(bottom right) controlled the arms with glove-like sensors
that picked up his hand movements. As a still-new technology,
robotic surgery can take twice as long as conventional surgery
and cost $2,000 more per operation. Savings come in post-op
because of the shorter recovery time—a benefit that
extends beyond the financial.
— Daniel Reinhard, '04

Photo by
John Easton |