The University of Chicago Magazine December 1995
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Virtual Chicago

This fall, the Documentary (DOC) Film Group launched its "new and improved" World Wide Web page. Students hoping to catch sneak previews of Hollywood blockbusters like Casino and Get Shorty can also get up-to-the-minute schedule information. There's a suggestion box, and visitors are even invited to download a rough cut of a trailer produced by the 54-year-old student film society that bids its viewers to "share the darkness!" For alumni who cut their cinematic teeth on DOC's more esoteric offerings, the site's main appeal should be its quarterly schedule of films, built around specific directors or themes.

Sample: Tuesday nights of the past fall quarter paid tribute to a "Future Imperfect"--featuring such classic dystopian works as John Boorman's Zardoz and John-Luc Godard's Alphaville.

World Wide Web location:

Also in this department:

Photographs from campus: Monsters of the Midway are back, as football runs to 8-2 record. Reynolds Club renovations create a new student social hub.

Plus items For the Record.

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