The University of Chicago Magazine February 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the February/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
K. Jane Morris Bruere, SB'40, "learned a great deal on a strenuous painting trip to France" in September. She also discovered that "one can hold an umbrella in one hand and paint (watercolor) with the other!" Ryland M. Jacobus, MD'40, is "comfortably retired." Jane K. Kriner, X'40, visited campus about ten years ago and found the changes amazing then. "At 83 years, I can't get around much," she reports. Emil Lucki, AM'37, PhD'40, has had Alzheimer's disease since 1989, reports his wife, Pauline. She says he is 88 years old and "doing OK." John O. Punderson, SB'40, has retired after a long career in DuPont research and international-standards work. He lives a few miles from the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport and would like to see or hear from any classmates. Natalie Clyne Reid, AB'40, moved to Tucson, AZ, from Hawaii a year ago. "I'm dancing hula with a senior group called the Merrimakers," she reports.41
Reunion May 31-June 2, 1996
Selma J. Cohen, AB'41, AM'42, PhD'46, a dance historian and critic, was honored on her 75th birthday in September with a party at the Dance Collection of the New York Public Library, hosted by the Dance Collection, Dance Perspectives Foundation, Oxford University Press, Marcel Dekker, Inc., and Dance Chronicle, which also published a festschrift for Cohen as a special issue. Norton S. Ginsburg, AB'41, AM'47, PhD'49, U of C professor emeritus, recently was designated a "distinguished Asianist" by the Asian-geography group of the Association of American Geographers. A past president of the association, Ginsburg was also academic-program dean at the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, CA, in the early 1970s, and director of the Environment and Policy Institute of the East-West Center in Honolulu in the late 1980s. John E. Wilson, SB'41, has left the editorial board of the Journal of Neurochemistry.42
Herbert A. Arnolde, SB'42, MD'45, continues to "deal with stroke and vascular problems, with occlusion of right carotid and severe impairment of left." He adds, "Thoughts of U of C brighten my days. Wish U of C had been more effective on influencing new medical approaches such as HMOs." Norma Yonover Podet, AB'42, retired from social work but is an active board member of the Waco (TX) Art Center and a consultant to Waco social agencies. Roland E. Stevens, Jr., CLA'42, has been traveling the world with his "delightful" wife for the past seven years. After retiring from a general-surgery practice in 1981, Stevens spent seven years at the University of Rochester Medical School, where he established a new department for environmental and occupational medicine.43
Lawrence B. Hobson, MD'43, see 1935, Shirley Davidson Hobson. E. Everett Lefforge, MD'43, is "in reasonably good health and enjoying retirement." Helen F. Patton, AM'43, reports, "Writing, gardening, and sorting family archives keep me busy." A former chair of the art department at Monticello College in Alton, IL, (now Lewis & Clark Community College), Patton attended a 50th reunion there in September. Beryl Brand Walther, PhB'43, toured Wales and Ireland in June. Her youngest son graduated from Northwestern's dental school in April and now lives in Bethel, AK, with his wife and 2-year-old son, working in public-health service. Walther enjoyed seeing Chicago again when she came to town for her son's graduation and adds, "Life is still precious."44
Laurence Finberg, SB'44, MD'46, is now a part-time professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, after earning emeritus status at SUNY-Brooklyn. After the death of his wife, Harriet Levinson Finberg, AB'45, AM'47, in January 1994, he married Joann Quane in March 1995. They are editing a book on general pediatrics. Monica Erlach Martin, AB'44, see 1978, Anthony F. Martin. Lois Lawrance Russell, AB'44, AM'47, who retired after more than 44 years at Knoxville College, is working "part time" at the University of Tennessee Hospital, setting up a mini-curriculum in management for nurse leaders. The membership chair for the Knoxville Museum of Art, Russell also enjoys traveling and entertaining. G. R. Schreiber, X'44, writes, "Chicago-getting better and better." Muriel Braxton Wilson, X'44, a grandmother of five, writes that son Hugh F. Wilson, Jr., AM'72, PhD'91, teaches at Texas Tech University. Son Frederic is a geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. 45
Martha Ericson Dale, PhD'45, spent 28 years as a university professor, clinical psychologist, wife, and mother, and has spent the last 22 years as a volunteer. Idabel Bowles Waddy, AM'45, writes that Aurora, CO, experienced a "phenomenal snowfall" in September "that broke branches of many beautiful trees and caused power shortages for about 75,000 families." 46
Reunion May 31-June 2, 1996
Evelyn Crary Bacon, SM'46, and Franklin Bacon, Jr., AM'50, "retired in 1981 after over 35 years in academia, mainly in Virginia." They served as student recruiters until 1985 and now keep busy with health-care reform. Phyllis Harper Carson, SB'46, retired this year after many years working as a registered dietitian in hospitals. Mary Barron DeDeka, AM'46, a retired English instructor, enjoys New York City's art and opera. She winters in Orlando, FL, where she leads children on art tours at two museums. DeDeka saw the "Hidden Treasures Revealed" exhibit at the Hermitage Museum in Russia. She writes that she'd be pleased to meet classmates passing through New York or Orlando for lunch, dinner, or the theater. John F. Richardson, AM'46, won an award for a watercolor painting in the Tennessee all-state exhibition, held in Nashville in November. Mildred Vrla Srnensky, AB'46, finds it hard to believe that her 50th reunion is coming up already.47
Robert W. Bergstrom, MBA'47, has written "To Save the Illinois Courts: What Must Be Done," a 50-page treatise published by the Union League Club of Chicago, summarizing Bergstrom's research during 25 years of "the fight to bring nonpartisan, merit selection of judges to Illinois." John W. Breed, PhB'47, retired in 1993 from West Virginia Graduate College as director of computer services. Barzillai Cheskis, SB'47, SM'48, who retired in 1993, chaperoned his grandson, who was in a Broadway musical, for 20 months. Cheskis lives in New Haven, CT, and enjoys it very much. Behind the Times: Inside the New New York Times, a book by Edwin Diamond, PhB'47, AM'49, is now out in paperback. Christine E. Haycock, PhB'47, SB'48, is on the executive board of the New Jersey division of the American Cancer Society, with which she has been active for over 35 years. She has completed two years as chair of the video division of the Photographic Society of America. Robert C. Morgen, PhB'47, MBA'48, has joined Weinbauer, an importer and distributor of Austrian, German, and American wines. Martin Popelka Jr., SB'47, is looking forward to the 1997 class reunion. Marcia Rike Reardon, PhB'47, writes, "Good news: 50th high-school reunion [last fall], 35th wedding anniversary next June. College candidates I interviewed for the admissions office love the U of C and are staying on till graduation. Bad news: Shingles!" Annie Russell Ricks, PhB'47, see 1948, see David F. Ricks. Lawrence Rieser, PhB'47, AM'51, continues to teach skiing at the Jackson Hole Ski Resort and to operate a personal guide service, touring Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks. Between seasons he drives a school bus and travels. Arnold L. Tanis, PhB'47, SB'49, MD'51, was senior pediatrician and program director for the sixth annual pediatric symposium of the Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital at Memorial Regional Medical Center, held in November in Fort Lauderdale, FL.48
Virginia I. Pattison, AM'48, has always been "proud and glad" that she chose the U of C. "Twenty years of retirement have gone so fast and pleasantly in community activities," she writes. David F. Ricks, AB'48, PhD'56, has retired and lives on 11 acres in West Virginia with wife Annie Russell Ricks, PhB'47; two dogs; two donkeys; one horse; and one mule. "Life is good. Have some," he writes. Frederick E. Samson, Jr., SB'48, PhD'52, age 77, has fun in his research on the role of free radicals in brain functions and failures and is "still doing handstands, honest." Peter Small, PhB'48, SB'50, has retired as founder, president, and marketing director of the mail-order company U.S. Health Club. In pusuing a second career as a sculptor, he has already won a number of prizes. F. Charles Woodruff, PhB'48, writes, "A surprise second career emerges at age 65-I'm doing TV commercials, industrial films, and CD-ROMs (acting yet!)." George J. Worth, AB'48, AM'51, retired in May after 40 years on the English department faculty at the University of Kansas.49
Ann C. Byrne, AB'49, AM'67, has been a freelance editor for the past decade. William L. J. Dee, PhD'49, is "still alive at 81." George M. Marro, PhB'49, would like to discuss the "scientific breakthrough" of his "galactic billiard play" with other alumni. He also welcomes alumni to join him on his upcoming trip to Kaui. He can be reached at 303/480-1231 or 5350 West 52nd Avenue, #313, Denver, CO 80212. Bill F. Rothschild, SM'49, retired from Hughes Aircraft in El Segundo, CA, six years ago. As a docent with the Santa Ana Zoo, he volunteers twice a week, averaging 550-600 hours per year. Gertrude Rosenberg Rothschild, X'49, a retired librarian, is a volunteer of ten years at the University of California, Irvine, Medical Center, and a member and officer of a support group's board of directors. Frank Tachau, PhB'49, AM'52, PhD'58, a political-science professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, writes that on a 1993 sabbatical, he was a visiting professor at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey; a visiting professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem; and a research fellow at Hebrew University's Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations. While there he interviewed more than half the members of the Knesset; the results will be published in the journal Israel Affairs this spring. During fall 1992, Tachau was a visiting professor at the U of C. He plans to retire in May but continue to work part time.
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