The University of Chicago Magazine February 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the February/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Ronald G. Harvey, SM'56, PhD'60, a professor in the U of C's Ben May Institute, received a lifetime-excellence award in September from the International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Belgirate, Italy. The author of more than 370 papers, two books, and several patents, he is writing a third book in his "spare time" and remains active in research relating to the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Theodore M. Norton, AM'55, PhD'60, recently served as the faculty representative on a California State University chancellor's committee for a performance review of the president of San Francisco State University. Norton is professor emeritus of political science at San José Sate University.61
Reunion May 31-June 2, 1996
Paul C. Y. Huang, AM'61, is a senior adviser for the Taiwan Stock Exchange. He invites financial professionals interested in developments in Taiwan's financial market or in visiting Taiwan to contact him at 62
Murray P. Dry, AB'62, AM'64, PhD'70, has taught political science at Middlebury College since leaving Chicago. He and wife Cecelia have two daughters, Rachel, 13, and Judith, 8. Dry comes back to Chicago for reunions, professional meetings, and visiting and playing golf with Barry F. Preston, AB'62, MBA'63. He enjoys hearing about classmates, especially those who also attended the Lab Schools, and urges them to consider Middlebury for their children, as "there is a bit of Chicago at Middlebury." U of C professors Herman L. Sinaiko, AB'47, PhD'61, and Joseph Cropsey both have lectured there. See 1963, Shirley Doppelt Dry. Richard A. Lawrence, DB'62, is seeking a second term on the Lawrence, MA, city council. Alice Newman Mulberry, AM'62, was named Illinois Latin teacher of the year in October. A principal organizer of the Chicago Latin Olympics, which attracts 300 students yearly, Mulberry teaches elementary and high-school Latin in Chicago's public schools. She and her husband, Jay F. Mulberry, AB'63, MAT'71, live in Hyde Park.63
Shirley Doppelt Dry, AM'63, writes that with son Murray P. Dry, AB'62, AM'64, PhD'70, teaching at Middlebury College, living in Middlebury, VT is "enriching," especially when enjoying her granddaughters. Her son Paul is in Philadelphia on the Options Stock Exchange, and his wife, Constance, and their daughters, Sarah and Kate, are doing well. Daughter Bonnie is a producer for Court TVin New York City. Shirley enjoys reading news of friends. Richard N. Lebow, AB'63, is spending the winter term as the Eric Vogelin distinguished visiting professor at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institut of the University of Munich. He writes, "Alas, my middle child turned Chicago down to attend that unmentionable school in Cambridge." Jay F. Mulberry, AB'63, MAT'71, see 1962, Alice Newman Mulberry.64
Ann Resnick B'Rells, SB'64, took early retirement after 25 years as a programmer with New York Power Pool and is looking for another job. "Let's hear from other 'preemie' retirees," she writes. Jan H. Finder, SM'64, of Albany, NY, attended science-fiction conventions in Rochester, NY; Toronto; Portland, OR; and Glasgow, Scotland, during the first ten months of 1995. He has started an SF discussion group at a local bookstore and is chairing an SF convention in Albany in October 1996. Virginia Wilson Yribia, AM'64, received her Ph.D. in social work from the University of Denver in November 1994.65
Werner M. Feig, AM'65, continutes to teach Advanced Placement American history at the Nightingale-Bumford School in New York City. He also consults for the College Board and ETS. Harris B. Rubin, PhD'65, retired in August as professor in behavioral and social sciences and interim assistant dean of students at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale's School of Medicine, where he had been for 29 years. Rubin helped found the medical school and the behavior-analysis program.66
Reunion May 31-June 2, 1996
In June, Fred C. Akers, MBA'62, PhD'66, dedicated the new, 3,000-square-foot Akers Memorial Library in Eddyville, IA. He gave the building to the town in honor of his parents, Adella and Joseph. Eugene I. Lowenthal, AB'66, reports that his family has relocated on a few dozen acres in the hill country near Austin, TX. An independent consultant, he helps young high-tech companies in central Texas to raise capital.67
Donald G. Alexander, JD'67, is in his 16th year as a judge of the Maine superior court. A new edition of his Maine Jury Instruction Manual will be published this year. Sister Mary J. Schladweiler, AM'67, was a semifinalist in the 1995 North American Open Poetry contest. Her poem will be published in the 1995-96 anthology, Walk through Paradise. David R. Segal, AM'63, PhD'67, is the director of the Center for Research on Military Organization at the University of Maryland and was elected president of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society.68
Charles D. Garvin, AM'51, PhD'68; Eleanor Reardon Tolson, AM'68, PhD'78; and former U of C professor William Reid cowrote Generalist Practice: A Task-Centered Approach (Columbia University Press). Gurdon H. Hamilton, MD'68, is a geritatrician, health officer, and internist at Marshfield Clinic, a large, multispecialty clinic in Marshfield, WI. Marcia Klinger Henry, AM'66, SM'68, a database coordinator and librarian at California State University, Northridge, writes a column in Campus Wide Information Systemsand has published a book, Search Sheets for Opocs on the Internet.Lillian Dawson Hohmann, AM'68, is executive vice president of Swiss Craft Embroidery in Chicago, recently listed among the top 100 U.S. embroiderers in Stitch Magazine. Joan Tapper Siegel, AB'68, editor in chief of Islands magazine, was named journalist of the year by the Pacific/Asia Travel Association at its annual conference, held this year in New Zealand.69
Carolyn Baker Bowers, AM'69, has joined the New York firm of Gruzen Samton Architects, Planners and Interior Designers at their new Washington, DC, office. Thomas J. Emerson, X'69, X'72, received his Ph.D. in mathematics in May from New York University. Robert D. Martin, JD'69, was elected to serve as 1995-96 president of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges. Steven S. Viktora, SB'69, MAT'76, became president of the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics in October.
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