The University of Chicago Magazine February 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the February/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Nancy Dante Bennison, MAT'70, see 1950, Harris L. Dante. Stephen R. Cain, MBA'70, is vice president and senior credit manager at Fleet Credit Corporation. After attending his 25th reunion, Laurence L. Edwards, AB'70, spent five weeks in Israel last summer as a faculty member with the Bronfman Youth Fellowships. Barbara Curcic Freeouf, AB'70, MAT'71, is project director for Brooklyn College's Urban Systemic Initiative, funded by the NSF. Karelisa Voelker Hartigan, AM'66, PhD'70, is the University of Florida campus representative for Fulbright, Rhodes, Marshall, and other scholarships. Howard S. Marks, MBA'70, see 1978, David M. Kirchheimer. Joan Gorman Porché, AM'70, earned a Ph.D. in social work from the University of Illinois in 1983. 1995 marked her 35th year working in schools-25 of those years in the Chicago school system as a social worker. Porché also is part of a private group practice in Homewood, IL. Parker D. Quammen, AB'70, SM'74, completed a teacher-certification program at the University of Minnesota this past summer and now substitute teaches for five local school districts. Fredrick L. Silverman, MAT'70, copresented "Math Students Are Math Makers" at the 1995 annual NCTM conference. His essay on math and rollerblades appeared in the December 1994 newsletter of the International Study Group on Ethnomathematics.71
Reunion May 31-June 2, 1996
Frederic H. Cogelow, AB'71, reports that a fall from a roof-"a performance of 'Dances with Roofs,' a selection from his 'Swine Lake' ballet"-left him with an unstable fracture of the second lumbar vertebra. Neurosurgeon John C. Mullan, MD'87, orchestrated the repairs, and Cogelow anticipates a full recovery. "Virtual Rurality," a touring exhibit of 50 of Cogelow's wood sculptures, concluded its run with two months at the Putnam Museum in Davenport, IA. John H. Dante, AM'71, see 1950, Harris L. Dante. Dennis C. Friedman, MBA'71, visited the quads in October when his daughter, Juliet, joined the College class of 1999. "The search for the meaning of life continues," he notes. 72
Michael S. Krause, MBA'72, is senior vice president of global operations for Tambrands Inc. and lives in Westport, CT. Edward B. Versluis, AM'65, PhD'72, and wife Diana spent part of this past summer teaching English in Vietnam: six weeks in Hanoi and two weeks at Tan Hiep in the Mekong Delta. They also helped build a brick wall with Global Volunteers at a kindergarten in Tan Hiep.73
Joseph C. Farah, AM'73, is executive director and editor for the Sycamore Institute, a political think tank in Indianapolis. Richard O. Hansen, SM'69, PhD'73, is chief geophysicist at Pearson, de Ridder and Johnson in Lakewood, CO. 74
Carolyn L. Curtis, PhD'74, married Don Mayall on August 20 in Edgewood Park, CA. They live in Palo Alto. Marjorie Lange Schaffner, AM'70, PhD'74, left R. R. Donnelley after 20 years to become director of school services with the Chicago public schools. She's responsible for student transportation, food service, and warehousing.75
Judith E. Jones, MBA'75, started a catalog, The Healthy Trader, for health-conscious consumers. The catalog features whole grains and sugar-free and low-fat food, including gift baskets. Ronald E. Laymon, AM'66, PhD'75, entered the U of C's graduate program in philosophy in the fall of 1965. "Now 30 years to the day," he writes, "I have entered UC's Law School, after retiring from Ohio State U's philosophy department." Pabitrabhushan Sarkar, AM'75, has been vice chancellor of Rabindra Bharati University in West Bengal, India, for five years. Ralph C. Wood, Jr., AM'68, PhD'75, presented the 1995 Henry Vaughan Smith lectures-called "Flannery O'Connor on the Question of Race and Religion in the American South"-at Mercer University in Macon, GA.76
Reunion May 31-June 2, 1996
Victor L. Bennison, SM'75, PhD'76, see 1950, Harris L. Dante. Michael R. Cook, AB'76, is a senior vice president at WR Lazard & Co., a New York investment-banking and financial advisory firm. He had been chief of staff to the Jersey City mayor. Steven Feldman, AB'76, AM'79, has been named deputy manager of Biblical Archaeology Review, managing editor of Bible Review, and coeditor of the Primary Post,the newsletter of the Jewish Primary Day School in Washington, DC. Dean S. Valentine, AB'76, is president of Walt Disney Television and Walt Disney Television Animation, where he oversees the development and production of TV series and new and existing animated series.77
Paul J. Austgen, MBA'77, is CFO of steel-bar manufacturer Bliss & Laughlin Industries in Harvey, IL. Lois Grant Beck, AM'69, PhD'77, a professor of anthropology at Washington University, conducted research among nomadic pastoralists in Iran in the spring and summer of 1995. René A. De La Pedraja, AM'74, PhD'77, has published his fifth book, A Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Merchant Marine and Shipping Industry (Greenwood Press). Anthony P. Mayo, AB'77, MBA'78, married Kristine Denzau on May 31, 1993. Son Scott was born "exactly nine months later (not a day less)." Mayo is an executive coach, sales trainer, and organizational-change consultant. Mary-Beth Meyer, AM'77, achieved LCSW in California after relocating from Chicago. The supervisor of a residential treatment program at McKinley Children's Center in San Dimas, Meyer bought a home in Glendale with her life partner, Laurie Walters. They have two dogs: Niles, an Australian cattle dog, and Frida, a mini, wire-hair dachsund.78
Debra Aronstein Ansen, AB'78, is the first College graduate to attend the GSB's Executive M.B.A. program in Barcelona. "Although it's physically far removed from Chicago, the environment is as intense and challenging as at U of C, sometimes more so as we do the same courses that are taught during a quarter in one to two weeks," she writes. When not in Barcelona, Ansen is in Bern, Switzerland, where she has lived for the past six years. She's just been made head of Asian strategy and business development at Swiss Telecom. Between work and school, she hikes and skis in Switzerland and scuba dives in the Asian tropics. David M. Kirchheimer, MBA'78, joined Oaktree Capital Management, an L.A. investment-advising firm, when it was formed in April by Howard S. Marks, MBA'70, and four other principals. Kirchheimer is chief financial and administrative officer and a managing director. Anthony F. Martin, AB'78, AM'79, married Maria Morningstar on May 12 in Rincon, Puerto Rico, at the home of his parents, Frank Martin and Monica Erlach Martin, AB'44. A Chicago resident, he was elected to the board of partners of Coopers & Lybrand and stepped aside as president of Friends of the Parks to become chair of the Friends board. Joseph R. McKee, MBA'78, is vice president, sales and marketing, at Circle Seal Controls in Corona, CA. Frank W. Pereira, MBA'78, president of Bell Atlantic Video Services, lives with his family in Great Falls, VA. Peggy Snellings Rampersad, AM'63, PhD'78, writes that a gingko tree was planted in the science quads in front of Crerar Library in memory of her late husband, Oliver R. Rampersad, PhB'46, SM'54, PhD'61. Peggy retired from the U of C and continues to work as a consultant in higher education and fund-raising in general. Ellen B. Tabor, AB'78, announces the June 1, 1994, birth of Robert Lawrence. Eleanor Reardon Tolson, AM'68, PhD'78, see 1968, Charles D. Garvin. Eduardo R. Vidal, AB'78, JD'81, is a partner in the New York office of Morgan Lewis and Bockius, where he continues his Latin America-focused corporate finance practice.79
Neil F. Alers, AB'79, has moved his oil-paint studio and gallery, OILS Tu Dios, and his small press, INTOIT Press, to Santa Fe, NM. <\n>He sends regards to all and welcomes E-mail at <\n> P. Ann Fischer, AB'79, married Jim Walters in early 1994, moved to LaGrange, IL, and took a job as the midwest regional manger of commercial real-estate appraisal for Bank of America. Andrew R. Porter, AM'79, is manager of the Navy health-professions scholarship program at the Navy recruiting command in Arlington, VA. A. S. M. Moshahidur Rahman, AM'79, has earned his Ph.D. from the Henley Management College of Brunel University in the United Kingdon, and is now teaching in a business college in London and consulting on small projects.
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