The University of Chicago Magazine February 1996
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What's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail:
To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form:
No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the February/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Thomas C. Cronin, JD'90, MBA'90, an attorney with Winston Strawn in Chicago, is running for the Republican nomination for DuPage County state's attorney. The primary is in March. Patrick J. Davis, AB'90, is the catalog librarian and archivist at Nunez Community College in St. Bernard Parish, outside of New Orleans. Sonia Bychkov Green, AB'90, AM'90, JD'93, is a visiting assistant professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law. Steven Kornya, AB'90, was named radio play-by-play announcer and p. r. director for the Huntsville Stars, the Oakland Athletics' AA minor-league affiliate. Ricardo Padrón, AM'90, see 1993, G. Zoë Gross. Dennis E. Tamburello, PhD'90, chair of the department of religious studies at Siena College, has a book, Ordinary Mysticism, being published by Paulist Press this year. James A. Ward, MBA'90, of James A. Ward and Associates, is a member of the board of advisers and contributers to Auerbach's information-systems management journal, in which he writes a regular column on TQM in information systems.91
Reunion May 31-June 2, 1996
Amy L. Godecker, AB'91, is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin. Colby M. Green, AB'91, is an associate at the Chicago law firm of Krasnow, Sanberg & Cohen. Kathryn McCullen Howell, AB'91, earned her master's of library science from the University of Illinois in May, and is now working on a master's of education at U of I. Steven P. Locascio, MBA'91, was promoted to CFO of Eutectic Corp., a maintenance and repair welding company, and relocated the company to Charlotte, NC. Ronald H. Wagner, MBA'91, recently founded Wagner Marketing Communications, an international company that provides new-media marketing communications consulting services. He invites E-mail at or Hugh F. Wilson, Jr., AM'72, PhD'91, see 1944, Muriel Braxton Wilson.92
John M. Brendel III, AB'92, was chosen to participate in the litigation training conference of the Institute for Justice in Washington, DC. Warren B. Frankel, AB'92, is an associate with Opinion Research Corporation of Princeton, NJ. He's currently in a one-year postion as research-issues superviser of its Tucson, AZ, data-collection facility. Rachel D. Stanger, AB'92, is a first-year law student at Boston University.93
Daniel S. Gibbs, MBA'93, and wife Susan announce the September 6 birth of their first child, Hannah Margareth. Gibbs continues to work for Union Carbide in Danbury, CT, as an internal consultant. G. Zoë Gross, AB'93, and Ricardo Padrón, AM'90, were married on October 8. Gross teaches Western civilization at Mansfield High and Padrón is finishing a Ph.D. at Harvard. Dana A. Mitroff, AM'93, is educational-programs coordinator at the University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley. David J. Raduziner, MBA'93, relocated to the San Francisco Bay area and joined Sun Microsystems as director of real estate and the workplace. He's enjoying the weather. Andrew C Schneider, AB'93, successfully defended his master's thesis in history in August. In December he received his M.A. from Duke; he is continuing his research and working toward a Ph.D.94
Patrick M. Kirtland, MBA'94, is a product manager in Microsoft's marketing and strategic-planning group in Seattle. Jason D. Merker, AB'94, recently graduated from the Marine Corps Basic School. Peter M. Chin, AB'94, earned his Royal Thai Army Airborne Wings from the Thai Special Warfare Center & Command. Philip B. Riley, AB'94, and Laura A. Taalman, SB'94, live in Durham, NC, where they are pursuing Ph.D.s in mathematics at Duke University. Robert J. Williams, AB'94, has completed Naval Intelligence School and reported as squadron intelligence officer for the Sunday Punchers of VA-75..
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