The University of Chicago Magazine February 1996
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No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. For that reason, starting with the February/96 issue we will no longer list all of the U of C alumni present at a wedding, but only those alumni who are relatives or were members of the wedding party. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.
Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.
Within Class News:
Norman Gevitz, PhD'80, osteopathic author and historian, received the Phillips Medal of Public Service in September at the 20th-annual convocation of the Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Mark H. Hankin, AB'80, is an assistant professor in anatomy and neurobiology at Medical College of Ohio in Toledo. His research focuses on development of the retina and its connections. Joseph T. Johnson, PhD'80, is dean of the University of Central Oklahoma's College of Business Administration. Ronald G. Stein, MBA'80, has joined Holden Corp. in Hoffman Estates as director of analytical services.81
Reunion May 31-June 2, 1996
Benjamin S. Giese, AB'81, and Rachel Bramson, AB'82, report that 1-year-old son Noah is a delight, though "he only holds still when he's asleep." Rachel is interim program director of a new family-practice residency and an assistant professor at Texas A&M College of Medicine. Ben just received funding for a study on climate change. Felix F. Loeb, AB'81, is continuing to expand the U.F.O. Museum in Portland, OR, as its curator. The founder of the New Psychological Museum, under development, Loeb is also working on an exhibit related to UFOs, Elvis, and Bigfoot for the Humbug '96 show at the Kemi Art Museum in Finland. In June, John S. C. Wei, MBA'81, joined GenCorp, a diversified industrial company, as director of strategic development. He now lives in Fairlawn, OH.82
JoAnn Becker, MBA'82, has been senior principal in wholesaling banking practice for American Management Systems in New York City since June. Before that she launched the first EDI corporate payment network, EDIBANX, as the business manager for Chicago Clearing House Association. Becker still lives in Chicago. Rachel Bramson, AB'82, see 1981, Benjamin S. Giese. Robert P. Dahlquist, JD'82, and his wife, Clare, have four children, ranging in age from 4 to 16. A partner in the San Diego law firm of Latham & Watkins, he also chairs the board of directors of the Arthritis Foundation's San Diego chapter. Patrick D. Gaffney, AM'77, PhD'82, reports that his book The Prophet's Pulpit: Islamic Preaching in Contemporary Egypt (University of California Press) was recently published. Jane M. Garza, AM'82, is in her 24th year as executive director of El Hugar del Niño Day Care and Social Service Agency. She and seven other community women founded the agency in 1972. Laurie Kalmanson, AM'82, writes, "A little freelance editing, a little teaching, and a lot of scenery make upstate New York nice." Randall G. Menna, AB'82, reports that software company Dash Technology is his third Silicon Valley startup, but the first one that he's founded. Nancy L. Segal, AM'74, PhD'82, is a professor of psychology at California State University, Fullerton. Robert T. Sitko, AB'86, MBA'90, is a portfolio manger with Trust Investments at the Frost National Bank in San Antonio. He was recently featured in the "Heard in Texas" column of the Wall Street Journal. His family and pets are doing great, with wife Therese L. Surprenant, X'83, finishing her third year of law school at the University of Texas.83
Misty Bush Bastian, AB'83, AM'85, PhD'92, and Johnson T. Svatek, X'84, were married in 1992. In 1992-94, Bastian was in the Academy Scholars program at Harvard. The following year she was a visiting assistant professor at Tufts; now she is an assistant anthropology professor at Franklin and Marshall College. Michael S. Brandt, AB'83, MBA'87, and Carol E. Nalbantian-Brandt, AB'84, announce the July 30 birth of their third child, Alexandra Tamar. Amy Christianson Goerwitz, AB'83, left the U of C Alumni Association to become associate director of alumni services at Illinois State University and manager of ISU's Chicago office. Richard L. Goerwitz III, AB'83, AM'89, PhD'93, teaches intermediate Hebrew at the University. He coaches the baseball and soccer teams of their 9-year-old son, Richard. David P. Juedemann, AM'83, lives in his native St. Louis and is quality manager at MEDCO Behavioral Systems. He and his wife, Hannele, a fund-raiser for Washington University's medical school, have a toddler, Aaron. Juedemann enjoys living, gardening, and cooking at his first home in a historic urban neighborhood. Therese L. Surprenant, X'83, see 1982, Robert T. Sitko.84
William J. Clark, AB'84, writes, "Our son, Arthur, is now walking and talking-so far, he only speaks Korean, the language of our nanny. We enjoy trying to teach him some English as we learn some Korean like 'all done' or 'play outside.'" Carolyn James Del Pero, AB'84, recently completed her M.S. in community development at the University of California, Davis. She lives in Yorba City, CA, where she is director of operations for a nonprofit, substance-abuse agency. Robert Fritz, MBA'84, and Susan B. Gutenberg, AM'84, announce the August 24 birth of daughter Sierra Jaye, who joins brother Jackson. Jae-Ha Kim, AB'84, the pop-culture reporter at the Chicago Sun-Times, was a contributing editor on Gault Millau's Guide to Chicago and has written two books. The first, Meet the New Kids on the Block, was a New York Times bestseller. Michael R. Levin, AB'84, AM'85, a senior manager with Deloitte & Touche in Chicago, announces the May 19 birth of his third child and first son, Louis David. Carol E. Nalbantian-Brandt, AB'84, see 1983, Michael S. Brandt. Johnson T. Svatek, X'84, see 1983, Misty Bush Bastian.85
Douglas J. Lucas, MBA'85, is co-CEO of Salomon Swapco. Rebecca L. Ford, JD'85, is senior vice president and deputy general counsel for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. William J. Larkin, X'85, the father of three, is an account executive in national sales at Liberty Mutual Group. He has a chemical-engineering degree from the University of Pittsburgh. Harry Milkman, AM'85, is electronic-publishing senior analyst at NewsBank, a Chester, VT, producer of information products for libraries and schools. Focusing on Internet publishing, he is also webmaster of NewsBank's home page, at Howard J. Worman, MD'85, has been an assistant professor of medicine and of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons for just over a year.86
Reunion May 31-June 2, 1996
Laura D. Koenig, AB'86, AM'90, married Armando Godinez, taking his last name, and moved to the south suburbs of Chicago. Ilese S. Meltzer, JD'86, is a senior attorney for Walt Disney. David J. Myers, AM'84, JD'86, became a partner in his six-person Atlanta law firm, now known as Bird & Myers. He handles business and constitutional litigation, as well as some major personal-injury litigation. Robert T. Sitko, AB'86, MBA'90, see 1982, Robert T. Sitko. Tonja Olson Torres, AB'86, and husband Steve had their first child, Brennan Alexandra, in December 1994. She's taken a leave as partner at the Pasadena, CA, law firm Torres & Torres to stay home with Brennan. Lucy Wang, MBA'86, writes that her play Junk Bonds will be performed in March and April at Capital Repertory in Albany, NY. It is the play's third production and its League of Resident Theaters premiere.87
Lisa Hoeft Albers, AB'87, completed her year as chief resident at the Boston Floating Hospital and is now director of pediatrics at a Boston-area health center and a student in the Harvard School of Public Health. Mark W. Albers, SB'87, SM'87, received an M.D. from Harvard Medical School and a Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard University in June. He is now a resident in the internal-medicine program of Massachusetts General Hospital. Paul J. Coleman, AB'87, received his Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Indiana University in 1994. In fall he began his second year as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard. Henry Idema III, PhD'87, wrote Freud, Religion, and the Roaring Twenties: A Psychoanalytic Theory of Secularization in the Novels of Anderson, Hemingway, and Fitzgerald (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers), published in 1990. John C. Mullan, MD'87, see 1971, Frederic H. Cogelow. Amir H. Wolfe, AB'87, and Michelle Pinnas Wolfe, AB'88, live in Corpus Christi, TX, and have an 18-month-old daughter, Rachel Gabriela. Amir is a flight surgeon at Training Wing Four at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi. Michelle is a general medical officer at Branch Medical Clinic, Naval Station Ingleside.88
Beth T. Greenbarg, AB'88, and Thomas F. Tipton, AB'89, were married on March 12 in Bond Chapel. The wedding party included James W. Tipton, AM'89, and Abhijit ("O.V.") Modak, AB'89. Beth (now Tipton) earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago in September, and works full time at the Kane County Diagnostic Center, doing forensic work for the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit. Heidi L. Handler, AB'88, has been accepted by early decision to Thomas Jefferson University's Jefferson Medical College after completing a post-baccalaureate premedical program in organic chemistry at Columbia University. Before attending Columbia, she graduated from Yeshiva University's Cardozo Law School in 1991 and went on to an Alexander fellowship/ clerkship in federal district court in New York and admission to the New York State bar. Michelle Pinnas Wolfe, AB'88, see 1987, Amir H. Wolfe.89
Charlean Cobbin, SB'89, announces the December birth of her second son, who joins a nearly 3-year-old brother. Cobbin works with the group Project Seed, which tries to raise the academic self-confidence of economically disadvantaged youth through higher-level mathematics. Alicia C. Graybill, AM'89, of Lincoln, NE, is an assistant librarian at the Polley Music Library and also editor of a bimonthly feminist newsletter, The Woman's Journal-Advocate. She was selected volunteer of the year for 1994 by the Capitol Humane Society, where she works as a humane educator. Patrick E. Howell, AB'89, teaches in Chicago's inner city while working on a master's degree in education. Also in the National Guard, he will be commissioned a second lieutenant in June. James D. McCambridge, AB'89, just finished his Ph.D. at Yale and has his "first real job" as a physicist with Westinghouse Science & Technology Center in Pittsburgh. Philip M. Smith, AB'89, has been a book editor for Dover Publications in New York City since 1990. His duties include work on the Dover Thrift Editions, a line of $1-$2 editions of literary classics. Thomas F. Tipton, AB'89, see 1988, Beth T. Greenbarg.
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