The University of Chicago Magazine

October-December 1996

Class News

1920s and 1930s

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Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree.


Tom D. Paul, SB'27, MD'32, retired in 1971 and is "still up and about at age 92 and able to travel."


Estelle Rochells Greenberg, PhB'28, is still active and travels the country, especially to see theater in New York.


E. Louisa Elliman Pandolfi, PhB'30, reports that Art News published a piece about her daughter, Sylvia M. Pandolfi, AB'60, in its April 1996 issue. The article mentions Sylvia's studies in Paris and Guanajuato and details her work in contemporary art in Mexico: one year as director of the Coyoacan Cultural Center's Independence Cinema Cooperative, ten years as director of exhibitions and collections at the Pape Library and Contemporary Art Museum, and her appointment at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Carrillo Gil in Mexico City.


Dorothy Heicke Haug, PhB'31, had hoped to attend Reunion 1996 but couldn't find the registration information after an unexpected trip to the hospital in November 1995. She writes, "We find consolation in watching our three grandchildren receive an M.A. in anthropology, an L.L.B., and a B.A., respectively."


Nathaniel E. Reich, MD'32, has been listed in Who's Who in the World since 1974 as "professor of medicine, author, artist, and poet"; additions in the forthcoming edition include "explorer." A member of the Explorers Club since 1966, five of his journeys have appeared in the Explorers Club Journal, including trips to China, Sumatra, and Afghanistan as a visiting professor lecturing on cardiology.


  • Poetic Justice: Sylvia Major, PhB'34, became a poet in her 50s and started graduate school at age 69, pursuing her interest in peace, civil rights, women's rights, and ecology.


    Robert A. Hall, Jr., AM'35, a professor emeritus of linguistics and Italian at Cornell University, reports that son Philip A. Hall, PhD'80, is a professor of social work at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, TX.


    James M. Wood, AB'36, writes, "At age 86, I am in excellent health, retired in Chapel Hill, NC, and happily surrounded by a married son, three married grandsons, and three great-granddaughters." The June/96 Magazine reminded him of his days working as a guard in the Oriental Institute Museum and watching wall reliefs be repaired, and also of building his first home in the Roseland area of Chicago and seeing how the Dan Ryan expressway changed the neighborhood.


    Dena Polacheck Epstein, AB'37, reports that Alice Ginsburg Thoner, AB'37, has co-authored two books on Bombay, her area of specialization for many years: Bombay: Mosaic of Modern Culture, and, with Sujata Patel, Bombay: Metaphor for Modern India.


    Jerome S. Katzin, AB'39, JD'41, was awarded the Revelle Medal for outstanding service by the University of California, San Diego, while a courtyard on the campus was dedicated in honor of him and his wife, Miriam Manchis Katzin, AB'39. University of California president Richard C. Atkinson, PhB'48, did the honors. Erwin A. ("Bud") Salk, AB'39, AM'41, working with the Chicago Center, helped to compile a collection of writings, videos, tapes, and posters by and about African Americans. The collection--available to schools, libraries, colleges and individuals--features the works of W.E.B. DuBois. Allen D. Schwartz, AB'39, AM'40, notes that September marked the beginning of his 38th consecutive year conducting Great Books discussions at the Skokie, IL, public library. William B. Sowash, AB'39, AM'41, see 1940, Joan Kammerer Heineck.

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