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Norton J. Come, AB'40, JD'42, deputy associate general counsel for Supreme Court litigation, was one of 62 senior executives to be honored by President Clinton with a 1995 Presidential Rank Award of Distinguished Executive. Joan Kammerer Heineck, SB'40, writes, "We had hoped to attend our 55th last year, but [my husband] Joffre [Heineck, SB'40,] died that same weekend after a 20-year battle with lung cancer." She sold their Chesapeake Bay home, then moved to a nearby retirement community with the help of her three children, their spouses, and her grandchildren. Heineck recently saw William B. Sowash, AB'39, AM'41, and Ruth Mortenson Sowash, AB'42, of Bethesda, MD, and hopes to make her 60th reunion. This June, Robert S. Miner, SB'40, received Princeton's alumni award for service. At age 35, he took a paid leave of absence from Ciba-Geigy Corporation to study chemistry at Princeton, earning his Ph.D. in 1956 after just two years. Seeking to better relations between Princeton and its graduate alumni, Miner has worked with Princeton's alumni council, graduate alumni association, alumni career network, and class affairs committee.41
Earlier this year, Thomas A. Sebeok, AB'41, spent his second spring term as a senior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study (Collegium Budapest), where he is now a distinguished senior fellow emeritus. From Hungary, he traveled to Finland to lead seminars at the University of Helsinki's International Semiotic Institute (ISI), of which he is vice-chair of the board. 42

Ira S. Glick, X'42, see 1943, Paula Schuham Brown Glick. Henry J. Shames, AB'42, and his wife, Beverly, enjoy their retirement in Santa Barbara, CA, and invite friends to visit. Ruth Mortenson Sowash, AB'42, see 1940, Joan Kammerer Heineck.43
In January, Marie E. Borroff, PhB'43, AM'46, was presented with a copy of The Endless Knot: Essays on Old and Middle English in Honor of Marie Borroff. (This corrects information printed in the August/96 issue.--Ed.) Ann Pritchett Conner, AM'43, see 1926, James A. Conner. Paula Schuham Brown Glick, AB'43, AM'48, and Ira S. Glick, X'42, have been married since 1966. (This corrects information printed in the August/96 issue.--Ed.)44
Robert W. Swords, AB'44, AM'49, has been named professor emeritus of English at Elmhurst College. 46
Judith Joseph Fiedler, PhB'46, see 1949, Fred E. Fiedler. 47

Richard S. Homer, PhB'47, SB'49, MD'53, retired from his private dermatology practice at the end of 1995, after more than 35 years. He continues to teach at the West Los Angeles VA Hospital. Homer uses the fitness center and takes classes at California State University, Northridge, where he is also on the Hillel advisory council. He attends the symphony, the theater, chamber-music performances, and enjoys the L.A. County Museum of Art and playing with his five grandchildren. Wife Diana Chaplin Homer, AM'54, a retired school psychologist, leads a social program for the mentally ill, is active in the League of Women Voters, and is a member of the Cal State Northridge Arts Council.48
Richard C. Atkinson, PhB'48, see 1939, Jerome S. Katzin. Robert L. Weiss, JD'48, published "Normandy: Recollections of the 'Lost Battalion' at the Battle of Mortain, August 1944" in the spring 1996 issue of Prologue: Quarterly of the National Archives.49
Fred E. Fiedler, AM'47, PhD'49, received the 1996 distinguished-contributions award of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. In 1993, Fiedler earned the Academy of Management's distinguished-educator award and was named professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Washington. His wife, Judith Joseph Fiedler, PhB'46, has retired as the research manager for the Center for Health Studies of the Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound. This past year, both gave a series of lectures as guests of Thailand's National Research Council, the Thai Civil Service Training College, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The couple recently celebrated their 50th anniversary. Clifton H. Johnson, AM'49, see 1982, Katherine G. Wilkins. Paul Lerman, PhB'49, retired as distinguished professor of social work and sociology at Rutgers University in 1994 and now directs New Jersey's Developmental Disabilities Planning Institute. His wife, Carla Linscheid Lerman, AM'56, executive director of Episcopal Community Development for northern New Jersey, received a Governor's Award for humanitarian service in 1995. Son Josh is executive editor of Skiing magazine and daughter Nina is an assistant professor of history at Whitman College.
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