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In August, at the Summer Mathfest in Seattle, Judith Victor Grabiner, SB'60, received the Carl B. Allendoerfer Award for her Mathematics Magazine article "Descartes and Problem-Solving." Betty Fackler Heycke, X'60, see 1965, Dieter Heycke. Charles E. Larsen, AB'60, AM'69, retired from full-time work in January. In October he presented four lectures on the occult and his specialty, vampires, at the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg. Sylvia M. Pandolfi, AB'60, see 1930, E. Louisa Elliman Pandolfi. Arthur H. Peterson, AB'60, was reelected to his seventh three-year term as a member of the Alaska Legal Services Corporation board of directors. The board elected him president. 61
Ben Barkow, AB'61, had his height and weight cited on the front page of the Toronto Globe & Mail, despite being "neither a prize fighter nor a criminal at large." He's an authority on subway-seat design. Morris A. Springer, AM'49, PhD'61, is taping his collection of 3,300 opera and lieder 48s and 78s and selling some to collectors. A number of his articles on growing up in Lawndale have been published in the Jewish United Fund News, and a short story of his appeared in Midstream. Springer "made a fine recovery from a triple bypass." 62
Philip G. Altbach, AB'62, AM'63, PhD'66, has been named the J. Donald Monan, SJ, professor of education at Boston College, where he directs the Center for International Higher Education. Theodore Davidson, SM'62, see 1958, Sally Kollenberg Davidson. In January, Mary Jeske Murphy, AB'62, was appointed director of the division of human-resources management for the U.N. high commissioner for refugees in Geneva, Switzerland, after a 25-year career with the Canadian Public Service. In her new job, she recently visited Africa's Great Lakes region and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her husband, Edmund M. ("Mike") Murphy, AM'63, PhD'66, retired from the Canadian Public Service in 1994 after holding senior positions in the statistics, health and welfare, and manpower and immigration departments. Until recently, he was president and CEO of Global Demographics of Ottawa, and is now at work on several research and publication projects. 63
John M. Buchanan, DB'63, see 1982, Jonathan B. Krogh. Vicky I. Chaet, BFA'63, had an exhibit of her large mountain landscapes shown at the King Galleries in San Francisco during September. Kit S. Kollenberg, AB'63, AM'68, see 1958, Sally Kollenberg Davidson. Leroy B. ("Lee") Schwarz, AB'63, MBA'67, PhD'71, is the founding editor of Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, an international journal of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences. The first issue is planned for publication in early 1998. He writes, "This is a once-in-a-career opportunity to influence the future of my field. I am pursuing it with vigor and joy."64
James L. Baillie, AB'64, JD'67, is the 78th president of the Hennepin (MN) County Bar Association. He practices bankruptcy, business litigation, and commercial law in the Minneapolis office of Fredrikson & Byron. Fred G. Steingraber, MBA'64, chair and CEO of A.T. Kearney, has been named the Graduate School of Business's distinguished alumnus for 1996. During Steinberger's tenure as CEO, Kearney has doubled its revenue every three years and greatly expanded its foreign business. Herbert J. Walberg, PhD'64, a research professor of education and psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, chairs the board of The Heartland Institute, a free-marketoriented policy research center in Palatine, IL. 65
Dieter Heycke, MBA'65, retired from John Deere Co. three years ago and now devotes more time to athletic endeavors. In 1995 he competed in the U.S. 6064 age group championships in the duathlon and the triathlon and then placed 4th and 11th in those events, respectively, at the world championships. In January, Inside Triathlon magazine named him All American. This summer he again placed 6th at the U.S. triathlon championships and went on to compete at the worlds. His wife, Betty Fackler Heycke, X'60, teaches in the history department at California State University, Chico. Their son, Jens K. Heycke, AB'84, AM'86, has interrupted his Ph.D. studies at Princeton to run his software-consulting firm, Page Mill Co., out of Crystal Bay, NV. 66
V. Valiska Gregory, AM'66, a writer-in-residence at Butler University, was profiled in February on the PBS program Across Indiana. Her newest book, Looking for Angels, was a 1996 American Booksellers Association "Pick of the Lists" selection. Her book Kate's Giants is being published in paperback this fall, and her Babysitting for Benjamin will appear in France next year. Richard A. Hudson, PhD'66, received a 1996 outstanding faculty-research award at the University of Toledo. He's currently investigating ways to slow the mutation of HIV, giving the immune system time to fight the onset of AIDS. Edmund M. ("Mike") Murphy, AM'63, PhD'66, see 1962, Mary Jeske Murphy. Calvin R. Myers, MBA'66, chair and president of Merchants Bancorp, has been elected to the board of trustees of Aurora University. Anne Studley Petersen, AB'66, SM'72, PhD'73, recently became senior vice-president for programs at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. She had been deputy director of the NSF. U of C trustee George A. Ranney, Jr., JD'66, and wife Victoria have led the development of Prairie Crossing, a conservation community in Grayslake, IL. Franklin A. Martin, MBA'67, manages the project. The planned community blends residential lots, farmlands, gardens, wetlands, and commercial space.
Harry M. Davidow, AB'67, and his wife, Lucy, live in New York. He practices law with AT&T. "Lucy and I met singing in an opera at Juilliard and continue to do much that is musical together," Davidow writes. His phone number is 212/865-7488; he would like to hear from friends and classmates. Mark A. Greenberg, AB'67, AM'70, is associate director of the Center for Cultural and Community Development in Montpelier, VT, and operates Upstreet Productions. He co-produced We've All Got Stories, released on Rounder Kids' Records and featuring children of diverse cultural backgrounds singing songs they helped to write. Greenberg also edited the text for the six-volume JVC-Smithsonian/Folkways Video Anthology of Music and Dance of the Americas and will be doing the same for upcoming video anthologies of African and European music and dance. Franklin A. Martin, MBA'67, see 1966, George A. Ranney, Jr. Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos SB'67, PhD'76, left the faculty of the University of Miami School of Medicine to be the Helen C. Ellis professor of neurology at the University of South Florida College of Medicine, where he researches the etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of Parkinson's disease. Judy Beckner Sloan, AB'67, has been appointed the 199697 Irving D. and Florence Rosenberg professor of law at Southwestern University School of Law in Los Angeles. Mary S. Van Deusen, AB'67, a video producer and Web designer, has a home page of her own that revolves around poetry. She writes, "I got caught up enough to end up writing a poem about mother (Jean Butridge Van Deusen, X'30) and father and me that centered around U of Chicago because I went there, and mother and father met there in the '30s when she was a student and he was with the ROTC." The poem is at http://www.ultranet.com/~maida/family/family.htm. Debra R. Wolin, AB'67, was appointed a court attorney in the law department of the New York County Supreme Court.
Allen Adcock, X'68, lives in Chicago with his wife, Arlene, an art teacher in the Chicago public schools, and children Arlen, 17, and Keegan, 12. He's been a financial analyst for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency since 1977 and is a deacon and elder at Mayfair Presbyterian Church. Michael K. Keefe, MBA'68, president and CEO of Keefe Real Estate, has been elected to Aurora University's board of trustees. 69
Margaret Davis Rhine, AM'69, was named to the board of Pioneer Clubs in Wheaton, IL.
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