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John A. Gueguen, Jr., PhD'70, became professor emeritus of political science at Illinois State University in June, ending a 38-year teaching career. He looks forward to working on writing projects at home. Steven M. Rothman, X'70, has been teaching at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine for the past 21 years. He is also a professor of neurology and head of pediatric neurology at St. Louis Children's Hospital. He writes that he has "one wife (40), daughter (7), son (4), and dog (1)." Kate Douglas Torrey, AM'70, director of the University of North Carolina Press, has been elected president of the Association of American University Presses.
Edward L. Kaplan, MBA'71, president and CEO of Zebra Technologies, received the 1996 distinguished entrepreneurial alumnus award from the Graduate School of Business. Under Kaplan, Zebra has become a leader in bar-code labeling technology. L. Bryant Keeling, AM'63, AM'64, PhD'71, is a professor of philosophy and chair of the philosophy and religious-studies department at Western Illinois University. Elliott D. Kieff, PhD'71, the Harriet Ryan Albee professor of medicine; microbiology; and molecular genetics, virology, and immunology at Harvard, gave the 1996 Howard Taylor Ricketts award lecture in May at the U of C. Also in May, he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Son David is chief resident of the ENT service at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary; son Scott is an intellectual-property lawyer; and daughter Elizabeth is preparing for medical school. Prior to 1987, both Kieff and his wife, Jacqueline Silverman Kieff, PhD'83, taught at Chicago. 72

Marcy A. Arlin, AB'72, has written and directed two plays about immigration in the 19th century for the South Street Seaport Museum in New York City. Artistic director of Immigrants' Theatre Project, Arlin also lectures on theater and communication at the City University of New York. She lives with her companion, lighting designer Zdenek Kriz, in Brooklyn. Donald E. Carpenter, PhD'72, has retired as professor emeritus of social work from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. He is on faculty in the psychology department at the University of MinnesotaDuluth and is engaged in private practice with University Associates in Duluth. He wrote the chapter "Constructivism: A Conceptual Framework for Clinical Practice" for the fourth edition of Social Work Treatment: Interlocking Theoretical Approaches (The Free Press). James F. Fisher, AM'67, PhD'72, writes, "When I turned 55 in June '95 and was informed by a local bank that I thereby qualified for free checking, I was so annoyed that I went out and ran 3 miles in 19 minutes 10 seconds. Hrumpf, free checking indeed!" Then he went for five months to Kandy, Sri Lanka, as director of ISLE (a research and study program for American college students), followed by a month each in India, Nepal, and East Africa, where he climbed Kilimanjaro. Later, Fisher spent a month exploring western Tibet. He's now back to teaching at Carleton College, where he was recently named to an endowed chair. His book Living Martyrs is being published by Oxford University Press. Edward F. Madinger, AB'72, is a senior program officer in the Americas section of UNICEF, at its New York City headquarters. "I spent what should have been summer vacation on emergency duty in Liberia," he writes. "Could have been worse: My nationality saved me from northern Iraq." Richard G. Newhauser, AM'72, has been promoted to full professor of English at Trinity University. Musa A. Rubin, AB'72, MBA'82, is moving to Mauritius, off the east coast of Africa, to be the partner in charge of the business-consulting practice for DuChazal DeMee, an auditing and consulting firm. Son William, a sophomore at Arizona State, spent the summer working on a cruise ship.
Gary E. Hoover, AB'73; Alan Chai, AB'74, MBA'77; and Patrick J. Spain, AB'74, met in Shorey House of Pierce Hall, ran several campus businesses, and continue to work together in Hoover's Austin, TXbased companies. Chai and Spain invested in Hoover's first business, a book store called Bookstop. After selling Bookstop, Hoover founded The Reference Press, and Chai and Spain came on as members of the board of directors. In 1993, Hoover started a travel store, Travelfest, and Spain took over as president and CEO of The Reference Press, now Hoover's, Inc. Chai wrote the Hoover's release Cyberstocks and is also a contributor and editor. Terry L. Meyers, AM'68, PhD'73, is a professor of English and chair of the English department at the College of William and Mary. Ruth Ziemann Sweetser, AM'73, is president of the Illinois chapter of AAUW as well as associate director of the Rice Campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology in Wheaton. Russell A. White, AB'73, a partner in the oldest law firm in Broward County, FL, has been reelected president of the Fort Lauderdale Christian Businessmen's Committee and appointed to the code-enforcement board of the city of Plantation, FL.74
Mark R. Berman, JD'74, has left his job as president of Rockland Industries to form the law firm Mark R. Berman & Associates. His wife, Pamela Leaderman Berman, AM'76, former counsel to Rockland Industries, has also joined. Timothy G. Buchman, SB'74, SM'74, PhD'78, MD'80, see 1979, Barbara A. Zehnbeuer. Alan Chai, AB'74, MBA'77, see 1973, Gary E. Hoover. Douglas K. Charles, AB'74, chairs the anthropology department at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. John Osbon, AB'74, was appointed a principal at Morgan Stanley & Co. He writes, "My wife and son and I still like living small-town life on a small island in the Atlantic (Nantucket)." Patrick J. Spain, AB'74, see 1973, Gary E. Hoover. Francis-Noël Thomas, AM'65, PhD'74, and former faculty member Mark Turner were awarded the 1996 Prix du Rayonnement de la langue et de la littérature françaises by the Académie française for their book Clear and Simple as the Truth: Writing Classic Prose. Thomas, a humanities professor and department chair at Truman College in Chicago, is currently a fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Previously with Peterson Consulting, Bruce W. Burton, MBA'75, is now a partner and litigation specialist with Deloitte & Touche. Stephen Daniloff, AB'75, has joined WKRC-TV, Cincinnati's CBS affiliate, as sales manager. He writes, "My wife, Terry, and my son, Matthew, are very proud of me. Matt is 10 years old, a scholar, an athlete, good looking, and funnier than me." Stephen S. Infantino, AM'69, PhD'75, a professor of philosophy at the College of Lake County in Grayslake, IL, received a Near and Middle East research-training program post-doctoral fellowship from the U.S. Information Agency. He spent the spring of 1996 in residence at the American Center of Oriental Research in Amman, Jordan, followed by four weeks of travel in Israel, the West Bank, Egypt, and Turkey. Pat R. Levitt, AB'75, left his position as professor of neuroscience at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolUMDNJ in New Jersey to become a professor and chair of the neurobiology department at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He also has been named a council member for the North American Society for Neuroscience. Thomas D. Scott II, AM'75, was appointed a managed-care market analyst for MedTrans, the largest U.S. ambulance company.76
Pamela Leaderman Berman, AM'76, see 1974, Mark R. Berman. Paul Finkelman, AM'72, PhD'76, is the Charlton W. Tebeau visiting research professor of American history at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, for the fall semester. In spring he will be a visiting distinguished professor of constitutional law at Hamline Law School. Kevin Krisciunas, AM'76, moved to Seattle to pursue a Ph.D. in astronomy at the University of Washington after 14 1/2 years living in Hawaii and working with the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. In August, he will speak at an International Astronomical Union symposium in Kyoto, Japan, on a new class of pulsating stars that he helped discover. Paul A. Krumbach, AB'76, works for ISSC, a division of IBM. Jeffrey C. Laurence, MD'76, directs an AIDS research laboratory at the New York HospitalCornell Medical Center. In July, he was interviewed on Larry King Live, along with Elizabeth Taylor, about the state of AIDS knowledge. Albert Leonard, Jr., AM'70, PhD'76, a professor in classics and Near Eastern studies at the University of Arizona, has been elected to a vice-presidency of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Anna M. Lysakowski, AB'76, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, recently received a five-year NIH grant as well as the R.R. Benseley award for outstanding young cell biologist from the American Association for Anatomists. In April, she gave the Benseley Memorial Lecture in Washington, DC. Her husband, Michael K. Jinbo, AB'78, is music director of the Pierre Monteux School for Advanced Conductors and Orchestral Players in Hancock, ME. He continues as assistant conductor of the North Carolina Symphony, a professional symphony orchestra in Raleigh--a post he has held for the past four years--and is also music director of the Nittany Valley Symphony, a community orchestra in State College, PA.
Anthony J. Oaks, AB'76, MBA'83, works for Amoco and lives in Houston with his four children. Shirley Krechevshy Werthamer-Weiss, AM'47, PhD'76, attended the 1995 U.N. conference on women in Beijing, representing Palm Beach C.C. Institute of New Dimensions, Women's American ORT, and the League of Women Voters of Florida. She also attended the 1975 and 1985 U.N. conferences in Mexico City and Nairobi.

Thomas S. Henricks, AM'73, PhD'77, was named dean of social sciences at Elon College. Richard R. Jaros, MBA'77, has been elected president of Kiewit Diversified Group, Inc., while retaining his position as executive vice-president and CFO of Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. James F. O'Donnell, MBA'77, is chair and CEO of Capital For Business, Inc., in St. Louis, and also serves as secretary on the board of governors of the National Association of Small Business Investment Companies. Kathleen Thomas Rosen, AB'77, and Seth M. Rosen, AB'79, live in Cleveland Heights, OH, with their two children, ages 15 and 11. He is on the staff of the Communication Workers of America; she is a child and family therapist.78
Laura Ellin Handlin, AB'78, and her husband, Joseph, adopted daughter Emma from China in January 1996. They live in New York City. Michael C. Hoff, AB'78, is president of the San Franciscobased television production company Michael Hoff Productions, Inc. His documentary miniseries Deadly Duels and nature series Wild Guide can be seen this fall on cable-TV's Discovery channel and Discovery's Animal Planet channel, respectively. He and his wife, Mary H. Barcellos-Hoff, AB'78, live in Oakland, CA, with their sons Alex, 9, and Nicholas, 6. Barcellos-Hoff received her Ph.D. in experimental pathology from the University of California, San Francisco, in 1986 and is now a scientist at the Berkeley National Laboratory, where she studies breast cancer and ionizing radiation. Michael K. Jinbo, AB'78, see 1976, Anna M. Lysakowski. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Martin S. Simon, AB'78, has returned to Norfolk, VA, after completing a six-month deployment aboard the destroyer USS Conolly.79
Frederick J. Antczak, AM'76, PhD'79, has been promoted to full professor at the University of Iowa. Entering his fifth year as chair of the rhetoric department, he writes, "There's no better place to do rhetoric than Iowa, where all the undergrads are required to study it!" John H. Berthrong, AM'72, PhD'79, is the associate dean for academic and administrative affairs at the Boston University School of Theology. Frank B. Burch Brown, AM'72, PhD'79, was named a Henry Luce III fellow in theology for 199697--one of seven such fellows in North America appointed by the Association of Theological Schools. Also, the Society for Arts, Religion, and Contemporary Culture commissioned him to compose a half-hour work for chamber ensemble in memory of the theologian and ethicist James Luther Adams. Frederick A. Fellowes, MBA'79, announces the birth of his third child, Elisabeth Yvonne, born May 10. Donald M. Griswold, AB'79, has been elected a partner in the Boston office of KPMG Peat Marwick. E. Douglas Lewandowski, AB'79, is an associate professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School and directs the nuclear magnetic resonance center's biochemistry laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital. He also serves on the editorial boards of two journals, Circulation and the American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology. Seth M. Rosen, AB'79, see 1977, Kathleen Thomas Rosen. Peter F. Smith, AB'79, a lieutenant commander in the Navy, recently relocated from Bahrain to San Diego with his family. He is the assistant intelligence officer for the Kitty Hawk Carrier Battle Group.
Paul F. Stregevsky, AB'79, is a technical editor/writer working in Gaithersburg, MD. Married to Elina Uritsky Greenberg, he has one son and three stepdaughters. Stregevsky is preparing to co-produce a recording of a "pre-cast" album for a contemporary musical comedy that he and his orchestrator have written and composed. He'd be happy to hear from former classmates and fellow Woodward Court alumni; his e-mail address is stpaul@erols.com. Peter T. Wendel, AB'79, JD'83, coauthored the book A Possessory Estates and Future Interest Primer. Barbara A. Zehnbauer, SM'77, PhD'79, and her husband, Timothy G. Buchman, SB'74, SM'74, PhD'78, MD'80, are at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, where she is a medical geneticist and he is a trauma surgeon.
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