![]() The University of Chicago Magazine October-December 1996 | ![]() 1980sWhat's the news? We are always eager to receive your news at the Magazine, care of the Class News Editor, University of Chicago Magazine, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, or by E-mail: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. To write us with your news directly, click here for our e-mail form: uchicago-magazine@uchicago.edu. No engagements, please. Items may be edited for space. As news is published in the order in which it arrives, it may not appear immediately.Please specify the year under which you would like your news to appear. Otherwise, we will list: (1) all former undergraduates (including those who later received graduate degrees) by the year of their undergraduate degree, and (2) all former students who received only graduate degrees by the year of their final degree. Sheila Lyne, MBA'80, commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health, received the 1996 distinguished public-service alumnus award from the Graduate School of Business. A member of the Religious Sisters of Mercy, Lyne was president of Mercy Hospital in Chicago before her 1991 appointment as health commissioner. Richard Steinberg, MBA'80, is a tenured lecturer in operations management in the Judge Institute of Management Studies at the University of Cambridge, England. Claire E. Toth, AB'80, JD'82, and David G. Dietze, JD'82, were married on April 5. Dietze is the founder and president of Point View Financial Services, a Summit, NJbased investment advisory firm. Toth is leaving the office of IRS chief counsel in Washington, DC, becoming of counsel to Herold & Haines in Warren, NJ. The couple lives in Summit. Clara E. Orban, AB'81, PhD'90, has been promoted, with tenure, to associate professor of Italian and French at DePaul University. Joyce Scharmer Olson Turner, AM'81, and her husband, Carrol, sailed on Trinity, their 40-foot sailboat, from Rochester, NY, to Norfolk, VA; then traveled offshore for 12 days and 1,500 miles to Tortola, British Virgin Islands. After three months in the Virgin Islands, they sailed down the Leeward and Windward island chains to Grenada and Trinidad, docking the boat there until October 1. The couple enjoyed summer in the Adirondacks and will cruise Venezuela and Trinidad this winter. Richard A. Kaye, AB'82, received his Ph.D. in English literature from Princeton this past June. He lives in New York City and teaches at the New School for Social Research. Bart A. Lazar, AB'82, a partner at Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson in Chicago, practices intellectual-property law. He and his wife, Lydia, have two daughters: Rachel, 3, and Naomi, 1. Martin M. Matzuk, AB'82, received the Richard E. Weitzman memorial award from the Endocrine Society for his research on mammalian reproduction and development. Michelle A. McFaddin, AB'82, lives in Austin, TX, with husband Paul and five cats. She provides expert-witness and environmental/regulatory affairs consulting services to trial attorneys in "complex, toxic tort litigation, a plaintiff-oriented practice that is both exhilarating and rewarding!" Christopher J. Sandrolini, AB'82, lives in Washington, DC, and works as a Foreign Service officer. He previously served in the Dominican Republic, India, and Slovakia. Julie F. Senecoff, AB'82, and her husband, Juan Navia, announce the adoption of their second child. Daughter Carmen, born March 10, joins older brother Juan. Senecoff is a research associate in genetics at the University of Georgia. Katherine G. Wilkins, AB'82, works at the Amistad Research Center, founded by Clifton H. Johnson, AM'49. The center is the largest independent black-history manuscripts library in the world. Other U of C alumni who have worked there include Andrew C. Simons, AM'93. Richard Ehrlich, AB'83, see 1984, Mikal W. Grass. Victoria L. Farmer, AB'83, has been named assistant director of the Center for the Advanced Study of India at the University of Pennsylvania. Vincent P. Ferrera, AB'83, PhD'89, writes, "After years languishing in the existential torpor of Post-doc Hell, I have been appointed assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and the Center for Neurobiology and Behavior at Columbia University." After four years in San Francisco, "not a bad place to languish, as these things go," he now lives on Manhattan's Upper West Side. Jacqueline Silverman Kieff, PhD'83, see 1971, Elliott D. Kieff. Bruce R. Kingma, AB'83, has been promoted, with tenure, to associate professor in the economics department and the School of Information Science and Policy at the State University of New York, Albany. Alice E. Michel, AB'83, is a post-doc at the University of Michigan, doing research in evolutionary biology on speciation of mollusks in rift lakes. She's worked at Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, for many years, and also at Lake Baikal, Siberia. Eric W. Nye, AM'76, PhD'83, continues teaching in the English department at the University of Wyoming. Having just finished a four-year term on the Wyoming Council for the Humanities, he has recently been appointed to the founding board of the Wyoming Center for the Book. In May, Eric C. Robinson, AB'83, earned a J.D. from Washburn University's law school. Judy Weissman, AB'83, and David R. Beaglehole, MBA'87, PhD'91, who were married on August 2, announce the May 1 birth of daughter Sarah Rhys. Leslie J. ("Joe") Woods, MBA'83, has been named vice-president and general manager of PrimeCo Personal Communications' Wisconsin operations. Joseph F. Goldberg, AB'84, and wife Amy-Louise announce the July 30 birth of son Joshua Michael. In June, Joseph completed a residency in psychiatry at the Payne Whitney ClinicNew York Hospital; he is now an instructor in psychiatry at Cornell University Medical College and has begun a private practice for general adult psychiatry in New York. Amy-Louise is an executive recruiter in human resources at Leslie Kavanagh, Inc. Mikal W. Grass, AB'84, relocated from Melbourne, FL, to Miami, where he practices adoption and immigration law and has been appointed to an adoption-legislation task force. He keeps in touch with Lawrence A. Heller, AB'84, MBA'88, and Richard Ehrlich, AB'83. Jens K. Heycke, AB'84, AM'86, see 1965, Dieter Heycke. Last spring, while teaching her regular University of Pennsylvania class "The Naturalistic Paradigm of Science and Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research," Sarah H. Kagan, AB'84, "had an experience that must fall under the category of 'you can take the girl out of Chicago but you can't take Chicago out of the girl.' Dana D. Fleischhacker, AB'89, stopped me after class. 'Did you go to Chicago?' came the question. Yes, I said. 'It shows,' Dana said. Takes one to know one, or something like that." Ann Durkin Keating, AM'79, PhD'84, was promoted to associate professor of history at North Central College. Kevin M. Neuman, AB'85, MBA'89, see 1988, Gretchen Miller Neuman. Thomas E. Phalen, AB'85, and Priscilla E. Purnick-Phalen, SB'85, announce the July 6 birth of son Paul Thomas. Priscilla is in the last year of her Ph.D. in neuroscience at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Their 4-year-old daughter, Lena, started kindergarten this fall. After two years at the University of Kentucky, Paulus W. van den Broek, PhD'85, left to become a full professor and director of the Center for Cognitive Science at the University of Minnesota. Michael R. Wing, AB'85, is an assistant geology professor at Middlebury College, where his research focuses on the water quality of Lake Champlain. Molly Daniels Ramanujan, PhD'86, was one of five editors of Father Gander Rhymes and Other Poems-2, which includes work by several U of Crelated writers. A release party was held in September at 57th Street Books. Timothy J. Storm, AB'86, has left Susman, Buehler & Watkins to form his own law practice, Storm & Associates, Ltd., concentrating on complex business and class litigation and related business counseling. Lucy Wang, MBA'86, won a 1996 award from the Berrilla Kerr Foundation "in grateful acknowledgment of her work in theatre." She also won the 199697 James Thurber Fellowship. Soo Y. Kwon, AB'87, and Jamil Jacobs-El welcomed their first child, Hannah Sunhee, on April 15. Kwon is completing her ob/gyn residency at the University of Cincinnati, and will be joining the faculty at Johns Hopkinsaffiliated Sinai Hospital of Baltimore. Catherine L. Lawson, PhD'87, is a biophysicist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Tai-Loi Ma, AM'72, PhD'87, curator of the East Asian Library of the U of C, reports that the library received a gift book, A Collection of Selected Essays on Psychology by Hu Chi-Nan from the daughter of the late Chi-Nan Hu, PhD'34. Thomas M. McKibben, AB'87, see 1990, Grace Chan McKibben. James T. Murphy, AB'87, received his master's degree from the Boston University School of Public Health in 1991 and has been working as an AIDS epidemiologist for both the Massachusetts and Chicago departments of public health. He lives in Chicago. Murphy has been published in peer-review journals and has given presentations at international and national AIDS and public-health conferences. Thomas H. Murray, AB'87, has been living in Asia for most of the past 13 years. After graduating from the American Graduate School of International Management, he became assistant general manager of The Bombay Company Asia-Pacific in Taichung, Taiwan, from 1990 to 1993. Murray then worked as general manager for Thai Leader Paints in Chonburi, Thailand, from 1993 until this winter. He and his wife, Thalia, traveled for five months to Nepal, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, visiting Taiwan (Thalia's homeland) for the presidential elections in March. They have moved to Oakland, CA, where Murray is an international business consultant. Sumner M. Saeks, MBA'87, is senior vice-president of the Alliance Capital Group, a turnaround and restructuring company based in Northbrook, IL. Virginia Orzac Secemsky, AM'75, PhD'87, was promoted to associate professor of social work at Aurora University. Sarah Christine Y. Smith, AB'87, left the federal government in July 1995, after four years with the Health Care Financing Administration, to join the Greater New York Hospital Association as assistant director for managed care. Amanda Wallace Brooks, AM'82, PhD'88, participated in Mensa Golden, the 50th-anniversary conference of Mensa, in August. James L. Cambias, AB'88, see 1990, Diane A. Kelly. Lisa Webber Campanella, MBA'88, see 1984, James J. Campanella. Robert E. Draba, MST'72, PhD'78, MBA'88, is executive director of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Amelia L. Gallitano-Mendel, AB'88, see 1989, Julia J. Wenniger. Jeffrey D. Hamilton, MBA'88, was made an associate partner of Andersen Consulting. Alison McCurdy, SB'88, is an assistant professor of chemistry at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, CA. Gretchen Miller Neuman, AB'88, reported in April that she and her husband, Kevin M. Neuman, AB'85, MBA'89, "are trying to keep up with our daughter, Celia, and prepare for her sibling who is due in August. Between Kevin's new job as a senior consultant at KPMG Peat Marwick and my graduate-school schedule at UIC (urban planning), we haven't had much time for keeping up with our friends from U of C. Hi to all!" Anthony E. Pohle, AB'88, is not a senior associate at Red Planet, but works closely with the company as part of Pohle & Associates Environmental Information Services. (This corrects information printed in the August/96 issue.--Ed.) Esta A. Spalding, AB'88, see 1989, Julia J. Wenniger. Samuel J. Tinaglia, AB'88, lives in Chicago and is a vice-president of corporate finance for Robert W. Baird & Co., an investment-banking firm. Robert M. Whitnell, PhD'88, an assistant professor of chemistry at Guilford College, spoke on "Multimedia Physical Chemistry Lectures: Development and Evaluation" at the 14th biennial conference on chemical education at Clemson University in August. Kent H. Nakagawa, SB'89, completed and defended his Ph.D. thesis in chemistry at Stanford in August. On August 30, he married Margaret L. Hazelton in Los Altos, CA. Nakagawa plans to find a research position in the San Francisco Bay area. Douglas W. Patton, AB'89, received his M.S. in secondary education from Loyola University of New Orleans in June. His wife, Robyn Kramer Patton, AB'90, received her M.D. from Tulane University in June. She is now a physician-in-residence at Spartanburg Regional Medical Center in South Carolina. Bruce I.A. Rigal, MBA'89, married Lisa Tedeschini in London on June 9. Eight U of C alumni attended. Rigal is a director of the investment-banking division of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell in London, and Tedeschini is a lawyer with Linklaters & Paines. Scott D. Rois, MBA'89, and his wife, Tracy, announce the birth of Olivia Anjuli on February 29. Rois is the environmental manager of G-P Gypsum Corp. in Atlanta. Marc J. Sardy, AB'89, left film and television production at Nickelodeon Studios Florida to begin studying for a Ph.D. in management and finance at the Judge Institute of Management at Cambridge University this fall. Taco A. Sieburgh Sjoerdsma, MBA'89, has moved from Singapore to Moscow to head Russian research for a joint venture of Paribas Capital Markets and United Financial Group. He invites any friends to contact him by e-mail, taco@ufg.ru, or by telephone. Julia J. Wen-niger, AB'89, is in her third year of Ph.D. studies in neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania. Amelia L. Gallitano-Mendel, AB'88, recently finished her Ph.D. in the same department. Wenniger is helping Esta A. Spalding, AB'88, edit her second book of poetry. Go to: |