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Carol Emery Bastian, AB'50, is the first recipient of the Alfred P. and Katherine B. Jobson professorship in English at Centre College in Danville, KY. Charles E. Cohn, AB'50, SM'53, PhD'57, continues a weekly schedule of race-walks. He has done five marathons, including one on the original course in Greece. Wolf Kahn, AB'50, reports that a monograph about his landscape paintings and his life--Wolf Kahn by Justin Spring--is being published this fall.51
John C. Meyer, AB'51, MBA'54, reports that his son, Oliver, was admitted to the German bar, married Bettina Meisel last September, and is a junior partner in a Dusseldorf firm, specializing in international commercial and tax law. Daughter Stephanie received her master's in business administration and Chinese in June 1995 and, while working on her doctorate, is developing a training course at Germany's University of Trier for businessmen going to China. Meyer reports that his own business as a mergers-and-acquisitions consultant for American and British companies in German-speaking areas is doing well. 52

Fred A. Gitzendanner, MBA'52, retired from Amoco in Chicago and lives in Lawrence, KS. He stays active with the Kiwanis, church, and family.53
In December, Paul H. Reitan, AB'53, a geology professor at SUNYBuffalo, was elected a foreign member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters. For the second year in a row, he will spend six weeks in Eritrea with several students to help the country acquire basic geological information about itself.54
Ronald Blum, AB'54, SB'55, SM'56, attended the 30th anniversary of Sarah and Martin L. Leibowitz, AB'55, SM'56, in Tarrytown, NY, in July. Diana Chaplin Homer, AM'54, see 1947, Richard S. Homer. Carol K. Kasper, AB'54, a professor of medicine at the University of Southern California, was reelected medical director of the World Federation of Hemophilia. On her 1996 traveling sabbatical, she's been visiting hemophilia societies, blood banks, and health ministries in developing countries to encourage improved care for people needing blood products. Harold E. Simmons, X'54, has written 11 books on his theory of psychogenic disease, which holds that personality, stress, and debilitating hormonal reaction cause most cancer and other disease. 55
Martin L. Leibowitz, AB'55, SM'56, see 1954, Ronald Blum. Jan Narveson, AB'55, AB'56, has taught in the philosophy department at the University of Waterloo in Ontario since 1963. In 1988, Temple University Press published his book The Libertarian Idea. Frank E. Richards, AB'55, SB'61, SM'62, PhD'73, of Madison, WI, trained in physics and worked in software. He's strongly interested in a livable world seven generations from now, and in Latin America's developing countries, their culture, and their potential as a future winter home.56
Robert J. Clark, DB'56, AM'60, PhD'62, is retiring as a professor of philosophy at Elmhurst College and has been named a professor emeritus. Carla Linscheid Lerman, AM'56, see 1949, Paul Lerman. 57

Helen E. Davis, AM'57, taught high-school English for 30 years in Cincinnati, retiring in 1991. She reports, "I keep my hand in by subbing and by administering the Advanced Placement exams every May."58
Patricia Knapp Clark, AM'58, who is retiring as an assistant professor of English at Elmhurst College, has been named a professor emerita. Sally Kollenberg Davidson, AB'58, AM'60, was on campus this summer to see her son, N. Benjamin Davidson, AM'96, receive his master's in public policy from the Harris School. Other members of the family with U of C degrees include her late father, Alec Kollenberg, LLB'30; her sister, Kit S. Kollenberg, AB'63, AM'68; and her husband, Theodore Davidson, SM'62. Erich Klinghammer, AB'58, PhD'62, a professor emeritus at Purdue University, is the director of Wolf Park and the Institute of Ethology in Battle Ground, IN. George K. Romoser, AM'54, PhD'58, retired this summer as professor of political science at the University of New Hampshire, but will continue part time as director of the university's interdisciplinary Technology, Society, and Values program. 59
Bennie C. Auxer, SB'59, writes, "A lot of things have changed: me, having to attend classes, the neighborhood. Does anyone remember Jimmy's Tap and the convenient police raids or the invention of the bubble chamber (connected)?" James A. Hakken, AM'59, has moved to Wayland, MI, after retiring from Jackson Community College, where he taught history from 1961 through June 1996. He writes, "I have mixed feelings about retirement and resettlement, but my brother and five of his seven children live within 30 miles of me, so as I get more decrepit from progressive arthritis there will be someone to look after me."
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