Save a screen, send an e-postcard
The University of Chicago Magazine has selected
some of illustrator Mark McMahon’s colorful drawings of campus
scenes—long a favorite with Magazine readers—for you
to use as a screensaver or desktop wallpaper. To download McMahon’s
images, please go to,
where you’ll find instructions for both PC and Macintosh users.
Another group of McMahon drawings (including
the Rockefeller Chapel scene below) appears on a new series of e-postcards.
To send an e-greeting to a Chicago friend, go to
And a final e-note: To be added to the
mailing list for UCHICAGO.EDU, a monthly e-bulletin produced by
the Magazine and offering links to University and alumni news and
programming, write—M.R.Y.

Illustration by Mark McMahon |
Chapel celebrates its 75th anniversary this year.